The horizon sank down like a huge piece of lead.

In an instant, an electric light broke through the sky and sent out a huge roar. In a short time, it began to rain heavily, and the sky and the earth were white and boundless!

Outside the gate of the cloud family, the left family has been yelling and scolding for more than two hours. It's raining heavily. They are all wet. The rain falls down their hair like a water column, but they are stunned and don't care.

Since Jun Jin Yao had mediating from it, plus the indulgence and encouragement of Zuo sang Yan, Zuo family has made trouble in the future as a compulsory course everyday.

Today, they stay outside the cloud's house in the rain and yell at each other because a left family member died at the foot of the ghost beast in the process of robbing the ghost beast with the cloud's family. Instead of self-criticism, they blame the cloud's family.

That's the scene.

Since Yun Xiuyi brought yingmu back to his family and took yingmu as the center of his defense, the family of Yun is more unbreakable than before. If he rushes hard, the degree of anti injury is several times stronger than before.

At first, some people in the left family didn't believe in evil and wanted to break through. As a result, they were hurt by the border. They were always in a coma, which deepened the hatred of other people in the left family.

Unable to break in, they yelled outside the door.

What cowards, what cowards, scolding their mother and father, the ancestors of 18 generations, scolded all the difficult obedience they knew, just want to force the cloud family to take the initiative to get out of the border.

In fact, the cloud family can't bear it long after they come to the door, but they dare not act rashly when the eldest lady is away.

Until Yunxi couldn't bear it any longer, he rushed out first, and all the other talents of the cloud family poured out. Now they are no longer people with low accomplishments. They are very confident and not afraid to deal with the left family.

See cloud family come out, left family can't help but say rushed past, two people immediately fight.

Xu and his family have accumulated too much resentment. This fight is more fierce and vicious than every time before. For a time, they are full of sorrow and blood.

In the end, the two families were killed and wounded, and blood flowed outside the gate of the cloud family.

In the endless heavy rain, the fierce murderous spirit did not disperse for a long time, one by one the injured body gradually broke down, but even so, neither of the two families was willing to admit defeat.

The living left family continued to satirize, "how did you treat Yunxiu clothes before? Did you forget it yourself?"

Their bloody faces were full of disdain, "the word waste was admitted by your cloud family at the beginning, why? Now you hit yourself in the face, and you want to protect her again? "

Other people in the left family continued to say, "no wonder Yunxiu's clothes are female demons who kill people without blinking an eye. You can be forgiven for being afraid of her."

In the face of the left family's questions, the cloud family suddenly all silent, they do not deny that they used to be too much to miss, but now even if they regret it, they can not go back to the past.

For today's plan, we can only protect the cloud family well, so as to live up to the eldest lady's hard work to revive the cloud family.

Even if there is a sea of fire in front of them, they will continue.

With this kind of consciousness, all the people in the cloud family look back to death. This battle is not only for the cloud family and the eldest lady, but also for their own salvation.

Dragging the disabled body, the two sides fought each other again. At the beginning, they beat the left family with overwhelming force.

However, just when the cloud family was about to win, a strange face suddenly joined the left family.

That person's strength is not weak, after a while will cloud family all solve, in cloud left two families are guessing this person's identity, he reported to his family, "in the next Qi Yuan, I can't get used to what you cloud family do, especially for heaven."

The left family heard that this man was coming to help them, and they all said thank you. Then there was a humanitarian saying, "you are Qi Yuan, who is No.10 in the list of wind and cloud."

Seeing someone recognize him, Qi Yuan is very proud, "these are false names, not enough for Tao."

With Qi Yuan's intervention, the Yun family, who had been fighting to the death, finally fell to the ground one by one. Finally, Qi Yuan stepped on Yun Xi's back.

"Is it worth fighting so hard for a witch?"

Hows and whys of a matter of two struggles, and turn to the water and vomit on Qi Yuan. "It's not worth it. It's not you has the final say, but you, do not discriminate against the clouds, and we are not afraid of the thunder."

"When it comes to death, you have to answer back."

Being exposed by Yunxi, Qi Yuan kicks him hard twice to vent his emotions.

In fact, he was really slandering yunxiuyi, because yunxiuyi ignored him, looked down upon him, and even despised him last time in Jiufeng.Just when Qi Yuan raises his foot to kill Yun Xi, a shield with golden light protects Yun Xi, and immediately throws Qi Yuan to the ground.

"Who gave you the courage to make trouble in my cloud family?"

The cold voice was like snow mountain and ice water falling from the sky, which made Qi Yuan shiver. He quickly got up and stepped back to stand with his left family.

Cloud Xiu dress a body, originally still arrogant Qi Yuan immediately counseled.

Just now, he relied on his highest cultivation and the support of his left family to be unscrupulous. But yunxiuyi's cultivation was much higher than him. How dare he stand out in front of her.

Suddenly the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, even did not dare to cloud Xiuyi line of sight.

Cloud Xiu clothes swept the circle fell cloud family, and then looked up to Qi Yuan and left family eyes like a thousand years of ice, the whole body spirit also began to release.

Qi Yuan and left family instant more nervous, they were seriously injured, where is cloud Xiu clothes opponent.

He wanted to escape, but his legs seemed to be confined in the same place. He couldn't even lift his legs. He could only look at Yun Xiu's clothes in horror, and his heart was extremely nervous.

Yun Xiuyi strides to the left side of Qi Yuan, who is standing in front of him. He grabs his arm and twists it. With a "click", Qi Yuan screams, then hugs his arm and sits on the ground in pain.

No. 10 on the list of the wind and cloud is just like this. She doesn't need to use her spiritual power to defeat her.

Without giving the left family a chance to resist, Yun Xiuyi knocked them down one by one, and some of them could not bear the power to die.

Another electric light cut across the sky, and the rain was even heavier. In an instant, all the clothes of Yunxiu were wet. However, today's tragedy did not end, and Zuo sangyan, who had not appeared for many days, appeared.

As soon as the left family saw Zuo sangyan, they crawled towards him one by one with their disabled bodies, as if a savior had appeared.

However, as soon as they got close to Zuo sangyan, they were all killed by Zuo sangyan with a wave of his hand. Even to death, they didn't understand what happened.

Left sangyan eyes cold swept the left family's body on the ground, only light said a sentence, "left don't raise waste."

Qi Yuan, who was also planning to run to Zuo sangyan for shelter, suddenly stops. He looks at Zuo sangyan flustered and looks back at Yunxiu's clothes. His heart is full of ups and downs.

Before left sangyan, after cloud Xiuyi, finally Qiyuan simply fell on the ground pretending to die.

Zuo sangyan didn't care about such an unimportant person, but looked at the cloud Xiuyi not far away with a smile, "meet again, Miss Yunda."

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