"Do you have someone you like?"

There are a few words almost blurted out, to the mouth is like a sudden amnesia, Mo Xi Lou looked at a serious cloud Xiu clothes, curious way, "how to care about my personal problems?"? Do you like me? "

Hearing these words, Yun Xiuyi's eyes became indifferent from confusion. Her tone was as cold as ever, "when I didn't ask, when you didn't hear."

Don't give Mo Xi Lou the chance to continue this topic, cloud Xiu Yi will today's matter one by one tell Mo Xi Lou.

Mo Xi Lou's face was not clear after hearing this. "You are not the opponent before he calls out the spirit beast. How many chances do you think you have to win him in seven days?"

Yun Xiuyi shook his head.

There is a difference of four orders between the first-order great spirit Master and the fourth-order spirit Master. The first-order spirit Master is already different, let alone the fourth-order spirit Master?

And Zuo sangyan still has Jun Jinyao in his hand as a threat. Even if Yun Xiuyi has a chance to win over him, then he will cheat secretly.

In the past, no matter what the other party's accomplishments were, as long as Yunxiu was happy, moxilou would encourage her to have a try. Even if she had just set foot in spiritual cultivation, she would fight Luo Yan'er, but he didn't stop her.

Because at that time, he could protect her well and resolve her crisis in time.

But now he is a person who can't even take care of himself. Even if he is by the side of yunxiuyi, he can't guarantee his hand in time.

He could not take the risk, let alone let Yun Xiuyi take the risk.

But Mo Xilou knows the character of Yun Xiuyi better than anyone else. Since she has promised Zuo sangyan to fight, she will never turn back.

For today's plan can only help her improve her cultivation as much as possible in this short seven days, "if you can wake up your spirit beast, the outcome is still unknown."

"Do you have a way?"

In fact, Yun Xiuyi also thought about this problem. It's not easy for anyone to go up to the next level after cultivating to the first level spirit Master, but unlike her peers, she has no spirit beast so far.

If we can wake up the spirit beast smoothly, it is possible to double her accomplishments.

"I'll take you to a place tomorrow, and you'll have a good rest tonight." I don't know when, every time Mo Xi Lou said goodbye to Yun Xiu's clothes, the nostalgia in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

It seems that every parting is the last meeting.

After Mo Xilou left, Yun Xiuyi went directly to Yun Mo Xuan. Jun Fu and ye Xingming had been waiting for a long time in the backyard, and the fox and irrigation were also there.

As soon as he saw Yun Xiu's clothes, Guan Guan could not wait to say, "Zuo sangyan has gone mad. He has locked up Hu Hu and Jun Jinyao, and - and --"

Guanguan thinks that he has been to so many places and is well-informed, but even he can't bear to see junjinyao.

"And what? And?" "Don't waste your time," said the fox

Douguan shook her wings and continued, "Jun Jinyao's accomplishments have been absorbed by Zuo sangyan, and her eyes seem to be blind."

Hearing this, Junfu was most excited. He clenched his hands and wanted to rush to the left house to take junjinyao away. But yunxiuyi asked him to come to yunmoxuan, which must have her intention. He forced his anger down.

Seeing that everyone was still calm, he took a breath and said all the news he heard, "Li Li, tell me that Zuo Sang's language was killed by Zuo Sang's words."

At this point, it looked at the cloud Xiu clothes, "said she sorry you."

"No wonder she was strange at that time. I thought she was making trouble with Yun Xiuyi. It turned out to be..." Ye Xingming sighed, not knowing what to say.

Then he asked himself, "do you think Zuo Qiumeng and Bai Hu were also the works of Zuo sangyan? I think it's probably him. "

After a little emotional stability, Jun Fu also expressed his opinion, "the matter of white tiger is at most related to him, he has not the ability to compete with white tiger."

But white tiger doesn't kill people out of control for no reason. Who is the main messenger behind this?

There are the same doubts in everyone's mind.

When everyone was lost in thought, the fox broke the silence, "don't think about the white tiger, the most urgent thing is to deal with Zuo sangyan."

"Yes, Jun Jinyao also asked us to be on guard against Zuo sangyan. He is very terrible now."

The fox looked at the disgusted eyes, counseled into a group of irrigation, "no matter how terrible he is, he is a human being. He is the king of ten thousand demons. What are you afraid of him doing?"

"But then again --"

Fox's eyes turned. "According to the current situation, Zuo sangyan is the one who stole the promise elixir, and Zuo sangyan is the one who killed Xingyue and destroyed the seal of Jiuyin temple. Isn't he his benefactor?""Pull you down!"

Now it's Guanguan's turn to dislike fox. "He broke the seal of Jiuyin temple to let you out and disturb everyone's sight, so that he can get away safely."

People use you as a Spearman and you treat him as a benefactor.

Of course, the last sentence did not dare to say, who let the fox is the king of ten thousand demons, is its boss? It will continue to mix in the monster world!

Although there is no real evidence, all kinds of signs and clues show that the real culprit is Zuo sangyan.

He is the one who steals the limitless elixir, destroys the seal of Jiuyin temple, kills Xingyue, absorbs the cultivation of Tianji Pavilion disciples, and slaughters many families of Dongyue empire.

The thought that he had been in contact with such a terrible person made him shiver for several times, "what are we going to do now?"

"What can we do? Kill him

"No way." Jun Fu was silent for a long time. He interrupted the fox. "This matter is not only personal enmity, but also related to Dongyue."

Fox wants to get rid of Zuo sangyan, but Junfu wants to get rid of Dongyue.

Although Zuo sangyan has done a lot of evil things, all he wants is fame and wealth. But what he is doing now is undoubtedly pushing himself into a desperate situation. He is making enemies with the whole Dongyue empire.

"No matter what decision you make, I just want to be safe." Ye Xingming finally expressed his attitude.

Until the end of the discussion, it reminds me that Yun Xiuyi hasn't said a word until now, and immediately looks at her who is always silent.

Jun Fu asked, "Xiuyi, what are you going to do?"

Yun Xiuyi looked up at him, and thought, "seven days later, I will fight with Zuo sangyan in Zhuque street. You and ye Xingming will go to Zuo's house to save people."

As long as Zuo sangyan is away, it's not difficult to deal with other people in the left family with Jun Fu's cultivation. Without Jun Jinyao's worries, she can deal with Zuo sangyan wholeheartedly, which is also the main purpose of her seeking Jun Fu tonight.

"But Zuo sangyan is not what he used to be. I'm afraid you are not his opponent." Although he wanted to rescue junjinyao immediately, Junfu didn't forget the safety of yunxiuyi.

"You humans are trouble." The fox scratched his ear and complained, "this can't do it, that can't do it either. How can she have an accident with Ben Zun by her side?"

The fox's identity is no longer a secret among these people. Junfu certainly knows its power. Although he still has worries, he doesn't say much.

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