When Mo Xi Lou returned to the spring pool, Yun Xiu's clothes had just broken through to the fifth level Lingshi, and a golden Yuanying was spinning rapidly in mid air.

This place is full of aura, and the aura released when Yunxiu's clothes broke through surprised the birds and animals in the forest.

Because Yun Xiu's clothes are still in a sitting state, she has closed her six senses and five senses. Mo Xi Lou doesn't disturb her, but the fog in the forest is deep, and the spring water is cooler than before.

He went to the edge of the pool, released a trace of spiritual power, dispelled the chill of the pool water, and then sat at the edge of the pool.

Just when Mo Xi Lou was bored, a small white flower floated down to the pool. He reached out and gently pinned it to Yun Xiu's clothes and hair.

And cloud Xiu clothes just at this time slowly opened his eyes.

Mo Xi Lou's action is stagnant, but he doesn't take back his hand. He waits until he's done well with the little flower and enjoys it with great interest. Then he pulls Yun Xiu's clothes out of the pool and hands her the monk's clothes he didn't know where to find.

This series of actions are very natural, just like a couple who have been helping each other for many years. Wait until cloud Xiu clothes will change clothes, two people this just go to Qi cloud temple.

As when they came, moxilou took yunxiuyi's hand again. Yunxiuyi didn't struggle. They were walking slowly while watching the evening scenery in the mountains.

"I really can't see any more. Mo Xi Lou, why didn't I find you so shameless before?"

When the atmosphere was very harmonious, the voice of rosefinch suddenly came over. Originally, she had been imprisoned by Yunxiu clothes. If Yunxiu clothes had not been relaxed in the spring, she would not have been able to get out.

In fact, rosefinch woke up long before Mo Xi Lou came to the spring pool, but she didn't mean to disturb Yun Xiu Yi. After all, it's not good for both of them that she's possessed.

But she waited for a long time. Instead of waiting for Yun Xiu Yi to open her eyes, she waited for Mo Xi Lou.

It's normal for ordinary people to do those things, but it's strange for Mo Xi Lou to do it. Zhu que can't help but make a sound.

Mo Xi Lou didn't feel embarrassed because of Zhu Que's words, but said faintly, "the spirit beast didn't wake up, why did you appear?"

Then he said, "if you are her spirit beast, it's not bad."

"You think so."

She is the head of the four spirits, rosefinch. How can she become someone's spirit beast? You should know that the spirit beast is equivalent to a weapon in war, not even a slave.

When it comes to the spirit beast, Yun Xiuyi can't help but have the same idea. Is it because of the existence of rosefinch that her spirit beast has never awakened? Or is the rosefinch her beast?

If so, it's not easy.

"Mo Xi Lou, you are a dying old man. How old is the girl? Do you have the heart to do harm? "

What's more, this body was her first choice!

At the thought of what Mo Xi Lou did to Yun Xiu Yi, she was very uncomfortable, OK? She doesn't want to have anything to do with this man.

Mo Xi Lou didn't get involved with Zhu que on this topic. Instead, he said, "now that you are awake, how can you help her in the decisive battle in a few days? After so many years in her body, it's not too much to give back. "

"Do you think I'm stupid? Mo Xi Lou

Rosefinch quite disdains, "is this the problem of helping her or not? Don't think I don't know. Once I appear as her spirit beast, I can't change the fact that I am her spirit beast any more. "

"It's not stupid."

Mo Xi Lou's words are more exciting to the rosefinch, she is ready to get angry, cloud Xiuyi first step asked Mo Xi Lou, "what do you mean?"

For cloud Xiuyi, Mo Xi Lou should be more patient. No matter what Zhuque can hear him, he explains for cloud Xiuyi.

"The spirit beast doesn't have to be transformed by its own spirit power. It's like the heart moon fox. As long as it can contract, it can also become a spirit beast."

Afraid of the misunderstanding of Yunxiu's clothes, Mo Xilou continued to explain, "but because Xinyue fox has a body, it's not likely to become a spirit beast. It's the one in your body."

At this point, he stopped, the rest let cloud Xiuyi himself understand.

"Mo Xi Lou, don't go too far."

If it wasn't for the rosefinch's body, he would have rushed out to compete with Mo Xi Lou, "we've known each other for a long time. Are you sure you want to be so ruthless?"

Between the two people have entered the Qiyun temple, afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, rosefinch closed his mouth, but in the heart is unhappy.

She is the head of the four spirits. Now that she has lost her body, she has to stay in a little girl's body. She has to be bullied like this. Sooner or later, she will get back.And the man who made her lose her body, she must kill him to relieve her hatred.

In the next few days, yunxiuyi stayed with moxilou in Qiyun temple, not only practicing in the spring pool, but also comprehending the righteousness between heaven and earth in the temple.

It's not that Yun Xiu's clothes are just and awe inspiring. It's just to make himself more transparent, so that he can get rid of distractions and keep his mind.

On this day, she got up as early as a few days ago. After meditation, she wandered around the temple. At last, she was attracted by the two beads on the incense table. After a closer look, she found that the two beads were actually human eyes.

Why do you offer such things so skillfully?

Cloud Xiu clothes don't understand of walk over, carefully observe these two eyes, don't know why, she unexpectedly thought of green Yao was dug out of the eyes.

But these two eyes are obviously men's, never Qing Yao's, so she took back her attention.

Just as he was about to leave, a monk came out. He was kind-hearted. He was the abbot of Qiyun temple. He was called master Xuanguang.

"Is benefactor Yun disturbed by this object?"

Seeing Yun Xiuyi shaking his head, master Xuanguang continued, "it's also fate. The female benefactor who sent this thing here on that day is somewhat similar to the one who gave it to Yun!"

Benefactor“ Does the master mean that these eyes belong to a benefactor? "

"No, the benefactor's eyes are still there. She said to the poor monk that this object was left by an old friend of hers. She has sealed it up with her whole life's spiritual power. She only hopes to find a quiet place to offer it. So she came to Qiyun temple."

"So it is."

"Thirty seven years ago, Qiyun temple was not the same as it is now. Thanks to the generous help of this benefactor, Qiyun temple has survived to this day."

With that, master Xuanguang read "Amitabha", "I've spoken a lot today. Please don't blame me, benefactor Yun."

"No, do you know the name of the benefactor?"

Master Xuanguang shook his head. "The benefactor didn't tell me her name, but the owner of the object. She left a word."

Cloud Xiu clothes along Xuanguang master's line of sight, then see behind the incense case stands a memorial tablet, above only wrote a "Palace" word.

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