Princess crescent was frightened by Yunluo's murderous spirit. She didn't dare to speak for a long time. Seeing how angry he was just now, she thought he was a soft persimmon, but she didn't think he dared to threaten her.

"I'm the New Moon Princess sent by Yueyue to make peace with her. What would you do to me? My father and the emperor will not let you go. "

"Oh! Is that right? "

Yunluo looked down at the woman sitting on the ground, then turned away without looking back.

The crescent princess in the palace thought that her words could frighten Yunluo, but he dared to ignore the order of the new emperor Dongyue and leave her behind.

"Are you going to die? It's the emperor's order that you send the princess to Jimo's home. If there's something wrong with the princess, it's absolutely too much for you. " However, no matter how Princess crescent shouts, Yunluo always turns a deaf ear.

After returning to Yun's home, Yun Luo immediately went to the small yard to ask for credit from Yun Xiuyi, "sister, you must make the decision for me! As soon as you leave, they all bully me. "

Who can bully Yunluo? Cloud Xiu clothes a listen but pass, didn't put on the heart.

Yunluo is reluctant, "then what princess can say, to live in Jimo uncle's house with brother-in-law to cultivate feelings, her charming appearance, you so assured brother-in-law?"

Hearing this, Mo Xilou, who was sitting on one side, suddenly raised her head and looked at Yun Xiuyi with great interest. He was very curious about how Yun Xiuyi would answer this question. Then he heard her say three words without hesitation.

"Don't worry."

Mo Xi Lou frowns slightly. He is always clean. No matter how charming a woman is, she can't make waves when she comes to him. However, on second thought, it's not him who worries about Yun Xiu's clothes.

Then he heard Yun Xiuyi say, "if Princess crescent is really killed in Dongyue, she will be held responsible for going abroad." It's another trouble.

It turned out that she was worried about it.

Mo Xi Lou instantly understood the meaning of Yun Xiu's words, but Yun Luo heard, "killed?" His eyes moved between Mo Xi Lou and Yun Xiu Yi.

"Brother in law, you never show your true face to others. How did you take off your hat in front of so many people this time? And

Yunluo Tuo chin tilt head, extremely serious thinking, "at that time brother-in-law's aura seems to suddenly change, very strange."

Hearing this, Mo Xi Lou was not flustered to be exposed. Instead, he followed Yun Luo's words and said, "if the princess has a crush on you, maybe you will be more strange than me."

It's the same! Yunluo agreed with Mo Xilou's explanation, but did not go on.

On the contrary, he sympathized with Mo Xi Lou, "brother-in-law, you don't go out much during this period of time, or you stay with my sister. The princess is not easy to deal with."

"Well! Not tonight. "


That's not what he meant! Even if they love their concubines, it's not good to be married! Shame on his sister's reputation!

But at the thought that they ignored so many people and behaved so intimately at the banquet today, Yunluo thought that maybe he was meddling. Then helplessly shook his head, female big not stay! He will have a son later.

Early the next morning, before the sun rose, the New Moon Princess was carried to the front door of the cloud house by the guards, asking to see Yunluo and Yunxiu clothes.

As a result, Yunluo remembers that yesterday's Qiu forced people to hang out for a whole morning. He didn't reluctantly let the New Moon Princess in until Jun Fulian gave three imperial edicts.

The reason why Princess crescent appeared outside the cloud's house was that she thought about it all night and finally figured it out.

She came to Dongyue Empire this time to make peace with her relatives, aiming to go abroad and make friends with Dongyue empire. Before she left, her father urged her to keep her temper.

She also repeatedly assured herself that she would finish what her father told her, and that she would not let him and all her children go abroad disappointed.

But even if she takes the initiative to show her kindness, she comes to the cloud family early in the morning to apologize and beg for peace with her injured body, but the other party doesn't appreciate her at all. What's more, she has been waiting outside the door for such a long time.

After finally entering the cloud home, the crescent Princess endured a bellyful of anger and repeatedly reminded herself not to forget the purpose of this visit.

Unfortunately, Yunluo didn't give her the chance to get angry, and she still didn't see anyone. She just sent a cloud family to play around with her in the front hall.

Yunxiu clothes in the small yard, irrigation with sugar beans immediately not angry with Yunxiu clothes, anyway, she did not pull their own many feathers.

The fox sleeps lazily beside Yunxiu's clothes. Some time ago, he was guarding Qingyao and junjinyao day and night in zhulanglou. He has never had a good rest. Now he has to make up for all the sleep he lacks anyway.Besides Guanguan and fox, moxilou and Yunluo are also here.

Yunluo cocked his legs and was very proud. "He also said that I couldn't afford to go away. He just came to the door and apologized one night. It's strange for me to take care of her. Let her wait!"

He didn't plan to see Princess crescent at all. If it wasn't for Junfu's involvement, he wouldn't even let Princess crescent enter the door of cloud's house.

While eating sugar beans, douguan advised Yunluo, "you've been complaining here all morning. She's also a princess. I think you should be more generous. And in case she goes to complain to Junfu, you'll be the one to blame. "

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go."

"I know so much." Then Guanguan secretly looks at Mo Xi Lou. He even knows that Mo Xi Lou's spirit is going to disappear, but he doesn't dare to tell Yun Xiu Yi.

She thought that as long as Yunluo didn't show up, Princess crescent would leave before she could wait for someone. But she didn't show any sign of leaving. She even threatened not to go to Jimo's house in the front hall. She thought the cloud family was very good and planned to stay here.

How can I live in the cloud family? He didn't want to see the crescent Princess every day. Yunluo was immediately flustered and ran to the front hall.

In the front hall, Princess crescent had been waiting impatiently for a long time. As soon as she saw Yunluo, she immediately became angry. The maid in waiting quickly grabbed her and whispered in her ear, "princess, please don't worry about other people."

After listening to this sentence, the new moon calmed down for a long time, then temporarily endured the anger, cleared his throat, and tried to make his words sound sincere.

"I'm here today to apologize for what happened yesterday. I hope you don't remember the villain's life and don't worry about the new moon."

"Villain?" Cloud Luo raised the corner of the mouth to smile, "you this from metaphor pour is very appropriate."

Crescent did not understand the meaning of his words, Yunluo continued, "since you admit that you are a villain, do I have the right to choose not to forgive you?"

Like afraid that the crescent moon could not hear clearly, Yunluo deliberately approached a few steps, "I will never forgive you."

After the new moon realized, he finally understood Yunluo's meaning. The anger that had been suppressed immediately burst out, "my princess has already apologized to you. What else do you want?"

The maid of honor beside the new moon, ah Luo, also said, "our princess is straightforward and can't beat around the Bush, but she has no malice at all. Is it too much for the master of the cloud family to be reasonable and unforgiving?"

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