The man suddenly laughed. He couldn't control it before. No, as soon as the white tiger got out of control, he let him know the secret of the nighttime bead. It turned out that the key to open the nighttime bead was the four spirit beasts.

His injury is just right, and he is afraid of Yunxiu clothes. Originally, he wanted to make a new plan, but Zuo sangyan let out the white tiger.

In the process of chasing the white tiger, yeshizhu suddenly slipped from his sleeve. He had studied for a long time, and the dead yeshizhu gave off a dazzling light when he met the white tiger.

It's like life.

Since heaven's will is so, he must comply with heaven's will. That's why he's casting his magic array here. He's going to be interrupted by Yunxiu's clothes before the hidden fog forest continues. No one will escape this time.

"Jun Lin, today you have a good eye. You can have a look at the elegant demeanor of the beads at night."

As soon as the words fell, the light spread out from the Pearl at night, and immediately covered the whole hidden fog forest, which had been exhausted for a long time.

Junfu and Yunluo in the cave also feel strange. They immediately come out to see what happened. Then they see a translucent light shield in the sky.

After a while, yunxiuyi and Zuoluo also arrived. The fox was there, but there was no irrigation.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Li didn't understand and asked, "as soon as we entered the hidden fog forest, there was that one." She pointed to the light shield at the top of her finger. For a moment, she didn't know how to describe it.

"Girl, someone opened the nighttime bead."

As soon as the fox said this, everyone looked at it in shock, especially Junfu, "the pearl is not at Yun's house at night, how can it appear here?"

Cloud Luo also followed to ask a way, "isn't that person after breaking cloud family border to take away night time bead?"

The fox thought that when he came to the cloud's house, he had not seen any yeshizhu. He should have been away from the cloud's house for a long time, but he didn't want to explain the appearance of yunxiuyi, and didn't say much.

"The Pearl of the night?"

Zuo seemed to digest these three words, and his face was frightened. "My father said that the pearl is the artifact of guarding the East moon during the night, and it is the same as the four spirits. Is all this related to the white tiger?"

"It's better to go to the bottom of the matter than to make a groundless guess here."

The cloud Xiu clothes turns to look to the far distance nimbus source place, since the other side has applied the array to trap them here, certainly also won't let them leave easily.

"The girl is right. As soon as we entered the hidden fog forest, the light array appeared. It shows that the other party knows our whereabouts clearly. If we look for the aura, we will see the man. We will know if it is night time bead."

Jun Fu and others agreed with each other very much, so they didn't speak any more, but everyone's heart was not calm, just like a trapped animal in a trap.

With foxes, it's not hard to find where the nighttime beads are.

However, before they reached their destination, the translucent mask in the sky suddenly changed, and wisps of black fog slowly spread into the air, merging with the mask.

Gradually, the translucent light mask in front of people's eyes gradually turned into blue and black, the original spirit power also instantly turned into evil.

Just like the last time Zuo sangyan led him to yinwu forest, everyone's spiritual power seemed to be suppressed. Even Yuan Ying in the body became weak. Before he came, what Yun Xiuyi was worried about still happened.

She stopped and glanced at the people beside her one by one. No matter Yunluo, Zuoli or Junfu, they all had a grudge against each other.

At this time, it should be very difficult to persuade them to leave. At last, Yun Xiu's eyes fell on Jun Fu, and his tone could not refuse.

"Lord, you stay here."

Dongyue is not easy to restore stability. If Junfu has an accident at this time, it must be another chaos. She promised suque to protect the peace of Dongyue empire.

Jun Fu naturally understood what Yun Xiu's clothes meant. He just let him escape at this time. It was impossible.

"I know what you're worried about, but if you don't get rid of this person, the East moon will be restless. Whether as the son of man or as the king of Dongyue, I should not shrink back. I promise you that you will do what you can and protect yourself until the last moment. "

Let him go!

Without yunxiuyi's call, rosefinch wakes up by herself. She communicates with yunxiuyi with her mind: today's battle is not only a personal grudge, but also an end for Dongyue and Siling.

Since the rosefinch agreed, Yun Xiuyi didn't feel the need to oppose any more. He nodded to Jun Fu and continued to walk forward.

The more she moved forward, the stronger her evil spirit became. Zuo was the first one to feel uncomfortable. As she walked, she suddenly squatted down with her head in her arms. Then she raised her head, and the blood flowed from the corners of her eyes."It hurts. My head is about to crack." She cried bitterly, and was vexed at her own futility.

The enemy of white tiger's dissimilation is in front of her, but she doesn't even have the ability to walk in front of him, let alone kill the enemy.

Yun Xiuyi takes out a pill of pills from the heaven and earth cauldron and feeds it to Zuoli. After a while, the force that oppresses her seems to disperse, and the pain on her body gradually disappears.

Zuo Pang looked up at Yun Xiu's clothes gratefully. He wanted to say thank you, but he got a lump in his throat.

She suddenly remembered that when she first saw yunxiuyi, she was also in the hidden fog forest. At that time, they took part in the hunting competition together, and she hated that she would involve them.

I didn't expect that what's dragging them down now is themselves.

In fact, the situation of Yunluo and Junfu is no better than that of Zuoyu, but their cultivation is higher than that of Zuoyu, so they can temporarily fight against the evil spirit.

"Here they are!"

Here, before Zuoluo's sadness was over, a gloomy voice came not far away. Through the wisps of black smoke, they finally met the middle-aged man they had been looking for.

"It's good, it's good, it's all coming."

When yunxiuyi several people came to the man, the man suddenly changed his tone, "if there is no that thing, you should all call me uncle."

"Who are you?" Cloud Luo asks a way ahead of others, the killing intention in the eye shows completely.

I didn't expect the man to smile when he looked at him. "That's right. That's the look. I was much more angry than you are now, killing my father and enemy? Killing your mother's enemy? Is that too much for you? "

The man said and then moved his eyes to Zuoluo, "although I also made some efforts, but your father was killed by your brother. I can't blame him."

Then he looked at Jun Fu again, "you know Jun Shaoqin's wolf ambition better than me. Even without me, you can only live one life with him. As for your father... "The man smiles and takes a step to the side, revealing a big VAT blocked by him.

"I can't bear to die before Dongyue is completely destroyed. He slaughtered my whole family in front of me, and I want him to see his empire collapse with his own eyes. "

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