The spirit beast in Yunxiu's clothes has not yet awakened, and now he can only rely on Yuanying to carry out martial arts by force, which is a kind of behavior that consumes a lot of accomplishments in the early stage of cultivation. But fortunately, she has plenty of aura in her body, and she can turn aura into all kinds of weapons.

As she attacked the firelight beast, she condensed her aura into bows and arrows. With the movement of her fingertips, the golden arrows flew towards the firelight beast.

The firelight beast dodges around and pours at Yunxiu's clothes. At last, it jumps and pours Yunxiu's clothes on the ground.

Naturally, the battle did not end. A golden shield wall forced the front paw of firelight beast, and firelight beast was not willing to be outdone but pressed back.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, the Golden Shield Wall turned into a sharp sword, deep into the throat of the oncoming firelight beast, and blood splashed on the lapel of Yunxiu's clothes.

The year of Huoguang beast is much higher than those of Weishe. After absorbing only one cloud Xiuyi, Yuanying feels stronger. Mo Xilou is right. The hunting competition is really a good opportunity to upgrade quickly.

While the man behind hasn't come, cloud Xiu clothes immediately move forward.

I don't know how many ghost beasts she killed all the way, but she found that she couldn't absorb the beast yuan any more. It seemed that Yuan baby was temporarily saturated.

Looking at the hundred year beast yuan still floating in the air, Yun Xiu's clothes hurt her a lot.

However, before she could collect the animal yuan, the hundred year old animal yuan suddenly flew back and fell into the hands of a strange man.

This strange man is the one yunxiuyi met before.

Xu is because of many fights, the man's light brown hair is slightly disorderly draped on his shoulders, adding a lazy sense to his whole body.

His face is calm and self-contained, and his awe inspiring eyes are like the meeting of mountains and rivers. His isolated charm rips the wind and the fog, and the brilliance shines on his eyes.

If it wasn't for the bloodstain on his body and the murderous spirit of plundering, he would also be a handsome and energetic young man.

The man put away the beast yuan, his eyes seemed to explore, "are you hunting these soul beasts?"

"Give it back to me."

Everything is first come, then come. What's more, it's the beast yuan she got by hunting the soul beast?

Cloud Xiu clothing condenses spiritual power into thousands of gold needles, ready to go, as long as the man in front of him has a little action, he will be immediately tied into a beehive.

There was no fear on the man's face. On the contrary, he seemed to have met a playful prey, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of rebellious smiles.

"It's just you. It's not a good thing that a girl's temper is too big."

When the man returns the animal yuan, Yun Xiuyi puts away the gold needle and turns to walk in another direction. He doesn't want to entangle with the man.

However, the other party didn't think so, and even followed, "are you here to participate in the hunting competition? Why didn't you work with them? "

If there is no news beside Yun Xiu's clothes, she is still thinking about why she can't continue to absorb animal yuan. If there is an upper limit for every absorption of animal yuan, isn't her path of cultivation even more distant?

"It's your first time to take part in a hunting contest! Otherwise, I would not have no impression. It's much more dangerous ahead. Why don't you and I go together as companions? "

Cloud Xiu clothes this just glanced at a man.

Listen to the meaning of this man's words, should also be to participate in the hunting competition.

With his strength, should be far higher than that group of spoiled rich children, I'm afraid Jun Shaoqin this leader is not easy to get.

See this strange girl finally had some reaction to oneself, the man wants to take advantage of the victory to pursue to say again some attractive words, the result saw a soul beast appeared behind cloud Xiu clothes.

"Be careful."

Before the man's voice fell, Yun Xiu's clothes had first avoided the sudden appearance of the ghost beast, which made the ghost beast fight directly with the man beside her.

To see, it was found that a clouded leopard jumped out of nowhere.

The man took out his guqin, held it in one hand, and calmly faced the challenge with five fingers flying. He complained, "you girl are not only cold, but also bad. Fortunately, I am next to you, otherwise there will be another wisp of grievance at the moment."

Zither player?

This man is a mechanic.

All things in the world can be utensils.

Most of the people who choose to practice are those who are not talented enough to be fierce in the palace of life. Moreover, ordinary people choose to practice cold weapons even if they want to practice weapons.

Naturally, people who practice musical instruments are very good at music, and they have consumed a lot of energy. Ordinary people have no other strength to study music.

Therefore, there were not many people who practiced musical instruments in the East moon empire.

However, the strength of this man is at least at the level of a craftsman. As soon as Yun Xiu Yi thought so, he saw a blue yuan baby floating out of the man's body.This man's baby is cyan, which means that Yunxiu's guess is right. He is already a craftsman.

"If you don't help me, this animal yuan in clouded leopard won't be your share!"

The man said he would wear clouded leopard forced to cloud Xiuyi side, and cloud Xiuyi avoid unavoidable, had to fight together, two people a left and a right with.

Wait until easy to finish wearing clouded leopard, the man is also generous, directly put the animal yuan in front of cloud Xiu clothes, "meet the gift."

Yun Xiuyi is also impolite. She reaches out to pick it up. However, before she touches it, a vine entangles her leg and quickly drags it back. She wants to help herself to stop, but there are several more vines.

The man seemed to be surprised, and quickly came forward to help, but was entangled by several other vines.

He plays the zither to get rid of it. The vines seem to consciously entangle his Guqin so that the man can't get rid of himself to help Yun Xiu dress.

The sudden change happened in an instant. Yun Xiuyi passively turned his spiritual power into a sickle, cutting off the vines all over his body, but more vines continued to come.

"Fire, is there fire?"

"Where is the fire in the wilderness?" The man didn't know why.

For a moment and a half, there was no fire. Just as the vine had dragged Yun Xiu's clothes to the edge of a cliff, she suddenly felt that her temperature was gradually rising, as if a fire was burning her.

She tried to suppress this restless breath, but the more anxious it was to move out.

Just as yunxiuyi had been dragged out of the cliff and fell into the air, the flames came out of her body and burned all the vines around her to ashes.

There was no time to think about where the fire came out. While falling, Yun Xiu inserted the sword of spirit power into the rock beside him and slowed down the speed of falling.

When it fell to the bottom of the cliff, it was dark all around.

Confirm that there is no danger for the time being, cloud Xiu clothes original site sit, try to find out the body that restless breath in the end is what.

She tried to force the breath into her palm, and then an incredible red flame jumped in her palm, and she didn't feel hot at all.


A harsh sound of Qin broke the silence at the bottom of the cliff. The man also jumped down before. Seeing that Yunxiu's clothes were intact, he was relieved. "You owe me a favor today."

Cloud Xiu clothes put away the flame in the palm, cold as autumn frost, "I didn't ask you to save me."

"You --"

The man was angry for a moment and wanted to continue complaining, but there was a loud noise behind him. When he looked back, he saw a huge shadow coming out of the black pool at the bottom of the cliff.

"This is..."

The man hesitated for half a moment, the original attitude of joking had disappeared, and his murderous spirit was gradually rising. "With such good luck, it seems that it is difficult not to break through today."

As he spoke, his hands began to sing, and the invisible sound waves attacked the huge shadow.

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