"To die!" Mo Xi Lou felt insulted and merciless. There was a sudden gust of wind in the wing room, and the tables, chairs and even the beds were shaking violently.

He split his hand to Yunxiu's clothes, but Yunxiu's clothes retreated. His palm's spiritual power turned into a long sword, and the battle was imminent.

Zhong Li had just stepped down the stairs when a gust of wind suddenly blew behind her, which made her shake around and grab the handrail of the stairs to avoid falling.

She turned her head and looked to the west side of the second floor, thinking that they could make such a big noise.

If change to do others, should immediately cry to beg Mo Xi Lou and cloud Xiu clothing line good will, let go of her Ning snow Lou! However, Zhong Li told Congzhi to go on, "see off the guests and let the girls go out to play."

After that, she also walked out of the Ningxue building. The Yun family's big business is not bad for the compensation money. Besides, she is now in a cooperative relationship with the Yun family, and she is afraid that Yun Luo will not be able to settle the debt?

In fact, Zhong Li's heart is beautiful! It's time for her to redecorate the Ningxue building. Now it's ready, even the cost of demolishing the house has been saved.

In the wing room, moxilou and yunxiuyi have separated after several rounds of competition. Moxilou buckles yunxiuyi's arm and imprisons her between him and the wall. "Before, I let you. Do you really think I can't beat you?"

"Don't move your mind in front of me, otherwise... I will make you die very ugly."

Yun Xiuyi always knew that his strength was very different from Mo Xilou's. before, if it wasn't for his bad health, he couldn't subdue him at all.

Since there is no chance of success, she plans to adopt a soft policy, "you know I like you, even if you move the mind is also positive."

As soon as the words came out, the floor could not help frowning. This woman came back to this. He wanted to see what tricks she could play.

"You can rest assured that even if you have a hidden disease, I will not dislike you. To tell you the truth, my medical skills are good, and I can help you with diagnosis and treatment for free, so as to ensure the cure of the disease."

Cloud Xiu clothes said seriously, ink Xi floor corner of the mouth but keep twitching, insidious disease? You want to help him? This woman's ability to die is extraordinary.

He suddenly released cloud Xiu clothes, looking at her eyes more disgusted, "cure?"? How to treat it? "

Mo Xi Lou just wanted to say whether he would take off his clothes for her. Yun Xiu said, "you take off first. I want to see the specific situation."


This woman really refreshed his view of her again and again. Mo Xi Lou suddenly bullied her and said, "what can you see? Since you like this seat, how about giving you a chance? Try to see if there is a hidden disease in this seat yourself

Don't give cloud Xiu clothes refused to resist the opportunity, Mo Xi Lou picked her up and threw her on the bed, the next moment will be rude to pull the cloud Xiu clothes.

Realizing that the situation is not right, Yun Xiuyi's face immediately changes. He wanted to improve his relationship with him. It seems that Mo Xilou can't reason at all and can't communicate normally.

She quickly turned over to avoid Mo Xi Lou. Before finishing her clothes, Mo Xi Lou pulled her back and kicked her in the chest.

She didn't want to damage his body before. Every move she did was not fatal. Now it seems that she has to do it.

The battle just ended started again. However, this time, both sides did not use their spiritual power. They just fought with their fists. After a "creak creak" sound, the bed collapsed.

The curtain fell down and entangled the cloud Xiuyi and Mo Xi Lou together.

Both of them tried to tear off the curtain, but the more they pulled, the tighter they were until they were close together, and they could even hear each other's heartbeat.

"You don't move."

"You don't move."

Almost the same time as like as two peas and the Mo Xi Lou, Yun Xiu's clothes made the ink floor not move because she could pull the curtain apart, and the ink floor made the cloud Xiu clothes remain unchanged because he had no hidden disease.

Jade soft fragrant warm in the bosom, if there is no reaction, but appears abnormal, not to mention Mo Xi Lou originally want to cloud Xiu clothes in the right way.

Taking advantage of the cloud Xiu clothes temporarily can't escape, Mo Xi Lou accurately found her lips, instant then entangled with them together.

Cloud Xiu clothes by this sudden behavior attack caught off guard, want to resist, but even there is no room to retreat.

The surrounding temperature is gradually rising and the room is beautiful.

Just as Mo Xi Lou's hands moved away, Yun Xiu's clothes called out the rosefinch. After a burst of heat, the curtain was burned clean.

As soon as she was relieved, Yun Xiu quickly left Mo Xi Lou. When she looked down and saw the red spots on her chest, she was so angry that she could breathe disorderly. She knew that now, she should listen to the fox and let him die in the hidden fog forest!After finishing her clothes, Yun Xiuyi doesn't intend to stay here. She hates the helplessness of wanting to kill each other but not being able to.

Looking at the angry cloud Xiu clothes, Mo Xi Lou is still in the mood. He knows that there is not a word of truth in this woman's mouth. Do you like him? To this extent, we can't go on pretending.

But it's better to tear off her disguise. She can't fool him with it when we meet again.

The cloud Xiu dress front foot just left to coagulate snow Lou cloud Luo then ran to come over, "Zhong Li coagulate fat to send a person to come to me to want to compensate, exactly how to return a responsibility?"

Finish saying this words, cloud Luo just discover cloud Xiu dress hair is disorderly, facial expression also not quite right. Although the clothes were well dressed, there were wrinkles all over them.

Cloud Xiu clothes have never been so embarrassed in several wars. What happened to her?

Cloud Luo just want to ask, a touch to cloud Xiu clothes terrible eyes immediately shrunk neck, he thought or don't say hello, more feel that he shouldn't appear here.

"Find someone to calculate the loss of Ningxue building and compensate Zhong Li for Ningzhi. Don't be cheated by her." The cloud Xiu clothes throws down this sentence and then walks forward.

Yunluo immediately followed them, but he felt that there was a line of sight behind them. He turned his head and found that moxilou was standing on the second floor of Ningxue building, looking at them, "elder sister, brother-in-law is there! I haven't seen him for days. Is he OK? "



Did the two fight? No wonder her expression is not quite right. Yunluo turns around and waves to moxilou, and says to him with a mouth shape, "brother-in-law, I'll help you coax your sister. Don't worry!"

As if to get the other party's trust, Yunluo did not forget to pat himself on the chest.

But Mo Xilou is confused. He seems to have forgotten a lot of things. Is it something that he didn't know when he was sleeping?

What's that woman's name again? Cloud what? Mo Xi Lou shook her head and couldn't remember.

In the sky, a bright moon is hanging high, and the moonlight is scattered into gold. Under the starlight, a piece of brocade is woven. The willow rhyme is continuous, the zither is clanging, the friendship is tender, and the noisy red world is placed on one side, sinking into a pure land.

What's coming and what's gone? In a hurry, there is a trace of sadness in my heart.

The light wind makes the night quieter.

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