Although Gong Yan reluctantly recovered a life, his eyes were blind. The Gong family couldn't find anyone else to help, so they could only contact Qingyao secretly.

So Qing Yao hid Gong Yan in a small wooden house at the foot of Daiyun mountain.

The incident had a great impact on Gong Yan. Coupled with his blindness, Gong Yan's mood collapsed at that time. Even if Qing Yao spoke to him, he couldn't listen at all.

Qing Yao can't let Gong Yan go on, so she comes up with an extreme way to change her eyes to him.

The eyes worshipped behind the incense case in Qiyun Temple belong to Gong Yan. At that time, Qing Yao didn't know what to do, so she wanted to leave a memory for herself. So she sealed the eyes with all her spiritual power and sent them to Qiyun temple.

I thought that after I changed my eyes to Gong Yan and sent him away, I could occasionally go to Qiyun temple to chat for comfort.

I didn't expect that there was an accident after settling down.

When an Jia was driven out of the Dongyue Empire, she had just changed her eyes with Gong Yan and was in the period of recuperation. Before she recovered, she heard that an Jia was killed in Daiyun mountain.

Unfortunately, she was blind and couldn't do anything. She didn't even see the last face of her family.

Later, she didn't want Gong Yan to leave him because of his psychological burden. Qing Yao, who had nowhere to go, ran into the noble person in her life. That noble person was Yun Yiyan.

Because she can't see anything, Qingyao doesn't know that the person who took her away is the cloud family, and she doesn't know that the place where she will live in the future is the cloud family.

Yun Yiyan is a good man. He is elegant and funny, and he takes good care of and protects Qingyao. It took him nearly 20 years to reopen Qingyao's closed heart.

Later, in spite of his family's opposition, Yun Yiyan married a blind woman. Because of this, Yun Yiyan's father, the head of the Yun family, was so angry that he became seriously ill. Qingyao thought that this was revenge for the palace family!

I thought it would come to an end. But the day she gave birth to yunxiuyi, yunyiyan was killed and Zhuque was seriously injured.

Her newborn daughter became an unknown being.

As if it were retribution for himself, Yun Xiuyi was born without a palace of life, even mentally incomplete, and she was the eldest lady of the Yun family, so not only she, but also her daughter became the shameless object of the whole Yun family.

Without Yun Yiyan as a protective umbrella, Qing Yao's situation in Yun's home can be imagined, but for the sake of Yun Xiuyi, she has survived for so many years.

Qin Yuman told her that Gong Yan was dead before she accepted Yun Yi's words.

As the eldest son of the first family, Yun Yiyan is very popular. There is no shortage of excellent women around him. Qin Yuman is one of them.

If you want to tell it in detail, it's another complicated story. Since then, Qin Yuman and Qing Yao have formed an irresolvable feud.

Qingyao tells the story of 37 years ago from her own point of view. In her story, both Gong family and an family are victims, while Junlin is the murderer behind the scenes, and the major families headed by Yun family are accomplices.

It's no wonder that Qing Yao said that Gong Yan was not like that, but because of the deep resentment in her heart, she committed so many mistakes.

The room fell into silence for a long time. After a long time, Qingyao said, "I don't ask you to tolerate what my mother has done. I just want to tell you all these things."

Before, she always asked Yun Xiuyi to let go of that person, and repeatedly expressed that she didn't want Yun Xiuyi to fight with him. Now she let go of that person.

"Don't worry, I won't judge the past, and don't be too persistent."

Qing Yao had imagined countless kinds of cloud Xiu clothes, and knew about it! After the reaction, but how did not expect that she had no reaction, she was a little helpless sitting there, I do not know what to do.

Cloud Xiu clothes gently hold her hand, try to make their tone softer, "I want to leave Dongyue for a period of time, mother must take care of yourself."

"Where to?" Because of Yun Xiuyi's words, Qing Yao immediately came out of the sad atmosphere and asked anxiously.

Leave Dongyue? She can't understand these four words for a moment, because she doesn't know what kind of world is outside the East moon. People are always full of uneasiness and fear when facing the unknown things.

Yunxiuyi's journey to Wuji mainland is a secret between her and Junfu, so she doesn't plan to tell Qingyao, "Niang doesn't have to worry about me."

Qingyao hesitates to ask. There is a knock outside the door. It's Yunluo.

"Sister, are you looking for me?" Yunluo asked as soon as he entered the door. After seeing Qingyao, he politely said hello, "aunt is also here!" Then he sat beside Qingyao.Cloud Xiu clothes with eyes motioned cloud Luo, "those bottles of medicine is my mother usually want to eat, which kind of medicine how to take are written on the paper beside."

"I was entrusted to take care of my aunt." Yunluo patted his chest and assured, "don't worry, even if you don't say, I will take good care of my aunt, but it's you..." Yunluo looked at Qingyao, and wanted to say nothing.

Hearing the sudden silence around, Qingyao realized that the two brothers and sisters had something to say, so she took the initiative to get up, "you talk, I'm tired."

As soon as Qingyao left, Yunluo immediately moved to yunxiuyi, "elder sister, where are you going?"

See cloud Xiu clothes ignore oneself, cloud Luo continues to ask, "don't be what dangerous place, these two years I also calculate to have been to many places, have fun of, have dangerous of, a careless ah, how to die all don't know."

"I'll be back."

As if to block cloud Luo's mouth in general, cloud Xiu clothes back to him.

"Of course, I want to come back. You can go without worry! I'm guarding the cloud family! " Then cloud Luo suddenly sighed, inexplicably sentimental.

"The best way to make a person strong is to have someone you want to protect. It's a pity that I understand this. The two people I want to protect most are gone. "

"Sister, now you are the only one I want to protect."

What can he protect her from? Although yunxiuyi thought like this in his heart, he always felt that he should not fight Yunluo at this time, so he thought about it and said, "come on."

Yunluo's expression suddenly stagnated, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice. This person was too bad for the scenery, and then he seemed to think of something. "I almost forgot. Zhong Li's Congzhi asked me to tell you that she was very satisfied with the compensation, so she wanted to invite you to have a snack."


"Su Zixiang is also here. They are both partners of the cloud family now. It's necessary for them to socialize occasionally! Besides, didn't you find both of them yourself? "

After a long time, Yunluo finally talked about Yunxiu's clothes. As a result, the two just came out of the small yard, the crescent princess suddenly rushed out.

Since she came back from the hidden fog forest that day, the attitude of the New Moon Princess to Yunluo has changed dramatically. If at first she was married for the sake of going abroad, now she sticks to Yunluo for her own sake.

"This is for you. If you have trouble going abroad in a month, you can give it to the people who come out in a month, and they will help you."

Crescent no gesture, will be a wooden hairpin to cloud Xiuyi in front of, "this is my belongings, I have been divided into two, give you half, I keep half, on the people who go abroad understand what it means, do not thank me."

Crescent finished looking at cloud Luo, "he saved me, and you are his sister, I should help you, and this is also the meaning of the new emperor."

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