"Who are you?"

As soon as the fox's voice came, a group of people in blue clothes surrounded them. Without waiting for the fox to complain endlessly, a man who looked slightly familiar came from behind them.

It's the little brother in blue who collects money in the magic way!

The fox just thought it had not settled with him! He came to the door by himself, and the little brother cried out, "they didn't give me any money."

As soon as I heard the word "money", Guanguan was so scared that he fell on the branch and used the leaves to block him. He complained in his heart that he would say it! Cloud Xiu clothes forget to give people money, have not left cloud fog mountain! They came to me.

In the face of blue brother's accusation, cloud Xiuyi is not red face, heart does not jump, calm very much, no matter how angry the other party are still.

When the little brother in blue finally scolded him, the man next to him asked, "are we driving them out of the limitless continent now?"

The little brother in blue immediately hit the man in the head, "how long have we not opened? What are you in a hurry? Get the money first

His words immediately confirmed Yun Xiuyi's previous conjecture that if the magic way was a regular channel to enter the limitless continent, it should be publicized everywhere, otherwise no one would come even if they were expensive.

But the fact is that there are not many people who know the magic spirit way, so Yun Xiuyi guesses that the magic spirit way is only for self-interest, not bright.

"I'll give you another chance. I'll give you money. Thirty nine thousand eight hundred gold coins. You can't lose a cent."

The little brother in blue always wanted to avoid the fox's eyes when he said this sentence. When he remembered that the fox had suddenly spoken in the hallucinogenic path just now, he was still scared.

However, without waiting for Yun Xiuyi to open her mouth, the man who had been standing with her in silence asked first, "give me money? What's the money for? "

Brother in blue just wanted to say, what are you pretending to die for? Weren't you in hallucination just now? Before I opened my mouth, I found that the person standing next to Yunxiu's clothes was not the one who was in the magic way before.

Looking at each other's face carefully, his legs trembled and he couldn't stand steadily.

The group of people next to the little brother in blue also found the man. They were so scared that they all fell to their knees and didn't dare to look up for a long time.

"Good kneeling, what kneeling?" Man tone quite innocent, "I'm just curious to ask, you don't need to be nervous."

Just when the little brother in blue wanted to explain, the man suddenly changed his mind, "forget it, you can't say it clearly for a moment. Let Bai Lingxi come to me."

Then he looked at the cloud Xiu clothes, "let's go!"

Until they left Yunwu Mountain, there was no communication. Yunxiuyi thought, it seems that this man's status in Wuji continent is not low, but he doesn't know which sect he belongs to.

Out of Yunwu Mountain, the man did not intend to continue to walk with Yunxiu clothes, "the former convenience is the entrance of the limitless continent, so farewell, girl treasure."

Yun Xiuyi nodded to thank him until the man had gone far away, and then he took back his sight. As soon as the man left, the fox jumped over.

"Isn't that the man from Fuli palace? I don't think so. Otherwise, I said I would go to Fuli palace to rob things. It's not as simple as persuasion, and I won't be kind enough to help us out. "

Cloud Xiu clothing noncommittal, just sigh, finally without danger to the limitless continent.

She turned and looked at the entrance of the infinite continent. As she had not reached the place where people were, there was nothing in front of her but a lonely gate.

At the gate of the city, a woman dressed in black came over. Her eyes swept over Yunxiu, Fox and Guanguan one by one, as if to confirm something.

Then he said, "the long-distance travel tool of Wuji continent is the horned tiger. You've come by chance, and there's just one more."

"Horned tiger

Irrigation falls on the shoulder of cloud Xiu clothes excitedly to say, again afraid this woman hears deliberately low voice, "I still ride a horn tiger for the first time!"

It's a horned tiger. In fact, it looks more like a sheep. It has blue hair all over. It has only one horn on its forehead. It's docile, loyal and fast. It's one of the main means of transportation in the infinite continent.

The woman dressed in black clothes seemed to know that Yun Xiu's clothes were the first time to come to the limitless continent, so she specially told her some precautions.

When she was sure that there was no hidden danger, she whispered something in the ear of the horned tiger. The horned tiger immediately ran out. Although the speed was extremely fast, it was also very stable, and did not feel any turbulence.

From the bright sun to the dusk, yunxiuyi finally arrived at the place where there were people in Wuji continent. She jumped off the back of the horned tiger, and the horned tiger left by herself.There is still a gate in front of us, but it is much higher than the previous one.

After entering the city gate again, it seems that in the blink of an eye, I went to another world. Just now, it was very desolate around. It was just a few steps away, and it became lively immediately.

Fire trees and silver flowers, Star Bridge iron lock open. The dark dust goes with the horse, and the bright moon chases people.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the sunset light sprinkles on the red bricks, green tiles and the colorful eaves of the pavilions, which adds a bit of obscurity and poetry to the prosperity in front of us.

I thought the Zhuque street of the East moon empire was prosperous enough, but compared with all this, it was a little bit of a witch and a little bit of a witch.

The fox immediately ran out excitedly and looked around. It was like a child coming out to play. Douguan also flew behind and happily shuttled among the crowd.

Only yunxiuyi looked at the scene in front of her and was not moved. She arrived at the limitless continent, but she didn't even know where the Fuli palace was. She looked up at the dark sky, the most urgent thing is to find a place to settle down.

In the next few days, yunxiuyi didn't rush to Fuli palace, but with the help of Fox and irrigation, he understood the whole continent.

As irrigation has said before, the limitless continent is different from the Empire of Dongyue, where there is no king.

There is a place called Fuli palace in power, and there is a tribe named Xiang Yi people who specially guard the God of water and moon. The goal of yunxiuyi's trip is "water moon mirror" in the hands of the palace leader of Fuli palace and the saint of Xiang Yi people.

After a lot of understanding, the name of the leader of Fuli palace is Gu Nanxu, and the name of the saint of Xiang Yi people is shuimurong. These two people are very popular in the limitless continent.

Yunxiuyi thought it would be more difficult to inquire about their affairs, but the people of Wuji continent were very willing to talk about their deeds.

However, Gu Nanxu and shuimurong in their mouth are more or less exaggerated, which can only be used as a reference and can't be taken seriously. Otherwise, as long as they open their mouth, they will hand over "Jinghua" and "Shuiyue"?

Of course, there are not only fuligung and Xiangyi sects in Wuji, but also more than 100 well-known and unknown sects.

Among them, Xingxiu Haige and Nalan clan are more famous. However, there are not many stories about these two sects. It is said that Xingxiu Haige was established in recent years and has been in the limelight in the past two years.

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