The two women came to yunxiuyi at the same time. They just wanted to hold her hand, but yunxiuyi avoided them. They didn't mind. Instead, they comforted her, "don't worry, we won't hurt you."

One of them just finished, the other hid his face and began to cry, "it has something to do with me, how to say I am half a white family."

Next cloud Xiu dress is like watching a play, listen to these two women in front of you a word I a word.

"Sister Xiyan, how can this matter be related to you? Although your surname is Bai, it was done by Lingxi alone. You didn't know about it! "

"But she was so cruel that she ruined a woman's face. I couldn't stop her."

"Although Lingxi is domineering at ordinary times, she has never done anything heinous. Who could have thought that she would be so crazy?" The woman said and sighed again and again, "now she has got retribution. The palace master has ordered the Bai family not to participate in the Xinyi meeting."

When she said the last sentence, Yu Guang glanced at the woman who had been called to be a sunset. Seeing that her face immediately became ugly, she even showed her satisfaction.

"Sister Jinse, I should have set an example and obeyed the orders of the palace leader, but then I thought that although my surname was Bai, I was not directly related to the Bai family. If I suddenly quit the Xinyi society, my family would be wronged."

She seems to be extremely embarrassed, eyebrows always frown, "on the one hand is the palace master's order, on the other hand is my family, I really don't know how."

Hearing this, Yun Xiuyi understood that the two women seemed to be sisters. In fact, they were just superficial friends. In their hearts, they both regarded each other as their rival. They were eager for each other to attend the Xinyi party.

Unfortunately, this Bai surnamed woman named Xiyan is still related to the Bai family, and another woman just takes this opportunity to let her down!

"Sister Xiyan, why bother you? How many people can distinguish between righteousness and personal love? Even if you attend the Xinyi Festival, no one will blame you. I believe the palace master will decide."

Although on the surface, this woman is comforting Bai Xiyan, but she turns around and says that she only cares about her own personal feelings regardless of righteousness, which makes Bai Xiyan lose her voice.

"All right, all right."

Just at this time, Mrs. Gu said, "I understand your intentions, and I believe Nanxu also understands that they all participate in it. What was originally arranged is still arranged. You don't need to have pressure."

"Thank you, old lady."

After hearing that Mrs. Gu helped her to get rid of the encirclement, Bai Xiyan looked at the opposite woman with satisfaction. Then she said to Yun Xiuyi, "although I can't do anything now, as long as I can help, you must tell me."

The other said, "yes! Don't be polite to us. You are the one brought back by the palace master. We should take care of you together. "

In the face of the two people's expectant eyes, cloud Xiuyi nodded, thinking that these two people should be looking at Gu Nanchu's face to please her! Maybe I want to win Gu Nanxu's favor!

Old lady Gu was already out of strength at first, and she would be dazed from time to time. At the moment, her eyes were confused, and she seemed to be sleepy.

"The old lady is tired. Please go back to Miss Xiao and Miss Bai."

Jiuge, who had been silent, also opened her mouth. She went to old lady Gu and said something in her ear. She was ready to help her back to bed.

The two women wanted to help, but they took back their outstretched hands after seeing Jiuge's warning eyes.

However, when Mrs. Gu just got up, she suddenly shook a lot. If it wasn't for the nine songs beside her, she was afraid that the whole person would fall down.

After Jiuge stabilized her, Mrs. Gu's condition was still not good. She was pale with a painful expression. Then she reached out and stroked her head. First she rubbed it, then she closed her eyes and sighed.

"What's wrong with my headache again?"

Jiuge just asked tentatively, and the other two women were also nervous, "what can I do? Do you want to ask the palace master to come here? "

"What's the use of calling the palace master? You should go to a doctor. "

"Yes, you should find a doctor. Sister Jinse, go and ask the doctor to come and see what's wrong with the old lady." Bai Xiyan calls Xiao Jinse and looks at old lady Gu nervously. She doesn't notice Xiao Jinse's complaining eyes.

Hear these two people regardless of occasion when appropriate say again endless, nine songs and a warning eyes stare over, signal them to shut up.

The two men immediately became quiet.

It's said that three women make a play. At this moment, Yunxiu's clothes have long been quarreled by them. They think that fortunately they haven't become their imaginary enemies, and thanks to the reason of disfigurement.She looked at old lady Gu carefully for a while. From her initial state to her present appearance, although it seemed serious, it was not an incurable disease.

Maybe she should get back into Fu Li palace in a different way.

When old lady Gu goes to bed, Xiao Jinse and Bai Xiyan leave. Jiuge sends Yunxiu's clothes back. Halfway through, Jiuge says in a bad tone, "it seems that the girl didn't listen to what I reminded her before."

"The old lady is kind-hearted and easy to be soft hearted. Knowing that you are wrong, she still has no heart to send you away. What about you? He said that he would not implicate the palace master, but actually he was trapped in injustice. "

Jiuge suddenly turned his head and looked at Yunxiu clothes without expression.

"You've met those two ladies just now. Do you think they really care about the old lady? Really want to help you? The reason why they have come to Fuli palace so diligently these days is that they try every means to see you so as to confirm whether you are a threat to them

"Originally there was Bailing River in front of them, so they were less likely to become the palace master's wife. Now Bailing River was disqualified by the palace master to participate in the Xinyi society. Of course, they tried their best to climb up, and no other obstacles were allowed."

I don't know if cloud Xiu clothes make nine songs have a strong desire to talk. It's a long talk.

"The old lady finally looked forward to the Xinyi meeting. None of us wanted to have an accident. However, we didn't prevent you from this accident."

"In a word, I've found a place for the girl. Her legs are on her. Please consider for yourself."

If Jiuge said these words for old lady Gu and Gu Nanchu, yunxiuyi could understand, but just because she understood, she couldn't understand why Jiuge cared so much about her own existence.

Even Xiao Jinse and Bai Xiyan, who are most likely to be the palace master's wife, feel that she is not a threat after meeting her, but Jiuge keeps staring at her.

In fact, without the threat of nine songs, Yun Xiuyi has already figured it out. Instead of living in Gu Nanchu's bedroom with such a high profile, she has no chance to find the whereabouts of "Jinghua", she would rather change her identity to blend in again.

On the one hand, his ears don't have to suffer any more, and on the other hand, it's convenient for him to move. As for his identity, Yun Xiuyi just thought about it.

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