After a while, he could not wait to fly to yunxiuyi. He was very excited and flapped his wings. He was very excited and said, "there are fish over there, fish ah! It's almost as powerful as me. "

When he just finished saying this, the fox would make complaints about it. "It's almost as strong as you."


He was so angry that he shook his wings, but he was so angry that he didn't dare to speak. Who let the fox be his boss! Can only fall on the shoulder of cloud Xiu clothes, wrongly pouting the beak.

Although the mouth said joke, Fox and cloud Xiu clothes did not ignore irrigation, straight to the place it just stood.

When I went there, I found that there was a canyon, where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, the bees were swimming and the butterflies were dancing, and even the air was sweet.

Even the fox sighed, what a beautiful fairyland!

However, what attracted them most was not the scenery in the canyon, but a fish floating in the air. It was said that the fish had a pair of bird wings, and its posture was amazing.

It floats freely in the canyon, and sometimes it gives out a song. Its tone is like a mandarin duck.

"That's what you call a mullet?" The fox looked around and said, "it's the same beast. It looks better than a little broken bird."

"There's a specialty in the art industry, and we can't compete if we have different varieties."

Here, the fox and irrigation are still fighting. Yun Xiuyi has jumped up and followed the vines to the canyon. When he walked in, he found that the fish was huge and hovered in the air like a spaceship.

As for the arrival of yunxiuyi, she didn't even look at her, but yunxiuyi didn't take it lightly.

She wrapped the wings of the mullet with the spirit silk and climbed to its back. Maybe because she had no body, she stepped on it like stepping on cotton.

It was not until then that the fish finally had some reaction.

It's twisting! The body turned a direction, but nothing was found. After several continuous calls, the fish began to shake its body.

Yun Xiu's clothes on his back shook violently, and then he tied the wings of the fish with some spirit silk. He thought that the beast was not stupid, and he was going to throw her down.

"Cloud Xiuyi, be careful of its water spray. There is a jet hole in the back of the fish."

As soon as douguan finished, Yunxiu felt a great impulse at her feet. She quickly turned her feet back to avoid direct collision.

The next moment, a water column about three meters high suddenly appeared in front of Yun Xiuyi. The top of the column was full of water, which immediately soaked her clothes, and the fish's back became slippery because of the water.

"Girl, make a quick decision."

This time, the fox is not in a hurry to help. Yun Xiuyi has just set foot in soul cultivation. It's rare for her to have such a good chance. She should be given more experience. It's not too late to help until she can't cope with it.

The irrigation beside the Fox also said, "right, right, quick decision. Although there is no rule in the hall of nothingness that you can't kill the beast, no one has ever killed it."

In order to stimulate the soul power in the body, Yunxiu clothes specially collected the spirit silk, and even suppressed the spirit power in the body.

There is a great difference between soul power and spirit power. Spirit power is one by one, and once the spirit power is offered, it will be overwhelming and continuous.

Yunxiu clothes will release the soul power in the body and spread it for a hundred Li. The fish feels the danger and starts to roll up and down. Maybe it's bulky and its movement is extremely slow.

Then it made a series of very rapid calls, which with a strong soul power, startled the birds in the canyon.

Because the five senses and six senses were sharper than ordinary people, Yun Xiu Yi was disturbed by the sound.

All she felt was "buzzing" in her ears. Suddenly, no sound could be heard. Not far away, the fox and Guanguan were shouting, but she could only see their mouths open and close.

Although she couldn't hear any sound, Yun Xiuyi didn't panic. She gradually gathered the spread soul power towards the fish and planned to kill it with one blow.

Because of the shackles of soul power, the fish struggled harder and harder, and the water column on its back kept spraying out, drowning all the flowers and plants in the valley.

When the fish is under his control, Yunxiu's arms are down, and the overwhelming soul power explodes the fish in an instant, and there is a lot of noise around.

At the moment when the fish disappeared, yunxiuyi suddenly heard a voice again. Not far away, the fox was very pleased and said, "it's worthy of being the girl that I brought out. All kinds of abilities are excellent!"

"I taught you well."Irrigation is not to be outdone, if not every time there is it on the side to guide cloud Xiuyi can grow so fast! That's why it deserves the most credit.

In the valley, yunxiuyi collects the soul of the fish into the heaven and earth cauldron, and collects some rare herbs. Then she comes up to join the fox and irrigation. This battle consumes a lot of her physical strength. Just after landing, yunxiuyi shakes under her feet.

Irrigation looked at the sky, because there was only day and no night in the hall of nothingness. It was impossible to know how long it had been. "You need to rest first to replenish your strength."

Cloud Xiu clothes nods, looking for a relatively stable stone, leaning on the closed eyes to lie asleep.

As soon as she closed her eyes, Yun Xiu's clothes seemed to fall into a void, surrounded by darkness, and the world quieted down again. She didn't know whether she was walking or floating, and her body didn't feel real.

Just when she had been searching in the dark for a long time, as if she had been standing still, a little light suddenly appeared in front of her.

The light seemed to fly towards her quickly, gradually more and more dazzling, and gradually spread from the beginning.

Until the light came to Yun Xiuyi, she finally saw that it was a giant dog.

She and the giant dog in front of the four opposite eyes, both sides are looking at each other vigilantly, after a long time, the giant dog even spoke.

"You are my host."

host? Yun Xiuyi knew that he was the host of Fox and rosefinch. When did he have another dog? And the dog is very strange.

See cloud Xiu clothes did not respond to themselves, giant dog around her circle, and then sniffed her.

"My host turned out to be a suckling little girl." After confirming this, the giant dog stood in front of yunxiuyi again and said, "since you have summoned me from the void to this world, I should be the Lord."

This sentence immediately let cloud Xiu clothes understand the cause and effect, this dog is she called out? But when did she call the dog?

Before he could ask, the huge dog rushed to the cloud and Xiuyi, and disappeared in an instant.

As soon as yunxiuyi opened her eyes, she found that Fox and douguan's head were just above her. Her four round eyes turned around, and she was glad to see her wake up.

"Girl, you wake up!"

"Yunxiuyi, you finally wake up!"

While the fox patted Yun Xiu's clothes with his forepaws, he excitedly said to her, "you call chaos by mistake. It's powerful!"

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