The cloud and ink disappeared for several days, as if the world had evaporated. Bai Xiyan found Fuli palace from Bai's home, and searched all the corners of the infinite continent, but there was no news of cloud and ink.

Finally, one day I heard that someone had seen yunmo in the palace, and then I went to look for him, but no one was there.

Bai Xiyan, who has never lost the position of the palace master's wife, is sad every day, and has written one poem after another.

The flowers are deep. A hook of silk stockings is a shade of flowers. The flowers are shade. Idle will willow belt, fine knot concentric.

The news of the day is empty. Thrush upstairs, sorrow comes. Sorrow comes. After the Begonia opened, look to now.


The wind extinguishes the furnace, the smoke remains cold, accompanied only by solitary shadows. Who is the one to wake up in the world?

It's hard to find the wine among the flowers. After drinking it, I will scratch my head. Idle worry always pay drunk to sleep, just afraid to wake up still to the front.

Every time she filled a piece of paper, she would sigh for a while, as if she had become a girl of complaint, and ignored all kinds of rumors from the outside world.

That day, Gong Rou came to Bai Xiyan's house immediately after she left the Xiao's house. After some inquiry, she learned that there was a doctor named Yun Mo in Bai Xiyan's house. Unfortunately, Yun Mo was not there at that time, so Gong Rou had to go back disappointed.

Then a few days later, Gong Rou and Xiao Jinse are busy spreading rumors about Yunxiu clothes. For a moment, she has no time to distract herself from yunmo's affairs, and now she comes to Bai's house again.

Before entering Bai Xiyan's boudoir, Gong Rou heard bursts of mourning in the room. "I once crossed the Tianhe river with Zhinu, and I remember the first song in the clouds."

"I only wish that your heart is like mine, and I will never fail to miss you."

Gong rouzheng's hand pauses for a moment, thinking that Bai Xiyan has lost her mind because she has failed to become the palace master's wife?

Thinking of this, Bai Xiyan pushes the door directly. Thinking that it's the maid who comes to persuade her, Bai Xiyan is so angry that she throws the brush out of her hand. Although Gong Rou quickly reaches for it, she is stained with ink.

What's wrong with these young ladies? If you lose the tea cup or the brush, will you lose the knife next time?

Not hearing the footstep of the maid leaving, Bai Xiyan looks at the door discontentedly. Seeing Gong Rou, she is puzzled, "how did you come?"

Bai Xiyan thinks that she is not familiar with Gong rou. She really can't figure out why she visited.

Gong Rou is not in a hurry to answer Bai Xiyan's question. Instead, she picks up a piece of paper full of words on the ground and reads it, "when the letter of flowers comes, I hate no one like flowers. Spring thin again, break the willow in front of the door. Heaven and sentimental, not with appearance. After separation, tears and wine took up the double sleeves. "

Between the lines full of young girl Huaichun, Gong Rou thought that Bai Xiyan was longing for Gu Nanxu, and she was lovesick, so she comforted, "Miss Bai doesn't need to abandon herself. The outcome is still unknown. Maybe Miss Bai still has a chance."

"Opportunity? What's the chance? "

Because Bai Xiyan's mind is no longer on Gu Nanxu and his wife. She doesn't think about these two places at all, so she doesn't understand Gong Rou's meaning at all.

But Gong Rou thinks that Bai Xiyan is much more stupid than Xiao Jinse. They have been competitors for such a long time. She suddenly feels that it's right to find Xiao Jinse to frame Yun Xiuyi.

"Naturally, it's a chance to be the wife of the palace master."

Without avoiding wasting her time, Gong Rou said, "I think Miss Bai doesn't know the direction of public opinion outside now."

She really doesn't know. Now she's focused on yunmo. Where can she spare energy to care about other things? Then I thought, the chance that Gong Rou said is to be the wife of the palace leader!

It's a pity that her interest is extensive now, but she can't show it directly, otherwise her family will go crazy when the news of her empathy spreads.

"All the families, including Xingxiu Haige, have reached a consensus to let the palace master choose one of you and Xiao Jinse to be the palace master's wife. I heard that..." after going around for a while, Gong Rou finally said the purpose of coming to Bai's home. "I heard that you have found a doctor to treat Mrs. Gu's illness, which is very popular with Mrs. Gu?"

When it comes to cloud ink, Bai Xiyan's eyes suddenly darkened, "yes! He's very good at medicine. "

"Since Miss Bai has such good conditions, why not make good use of it? Because this doctor, you have a much better chance of becoming the wife of the palace master than Xiao Jinse. "

Then Gong Rou asked, "who is that doctor? Is the medical skill even more powerful than the doctors in Fuli palace? I heard his name is yunmo. He is a young man. "

The woman's sensitivity to the enemy seems to be innate. Just now she has a pale and sad face. She immediately casts a bad look at Gong rou."Are you interested in our doctors?"

Gong Rou was stunned by Bai Xiyan's question, and then explained, "of course, I'm interested. You've never seen the scar on my face. If the doctor is so powerful, of course, I want to ask him to help me."

i see.

Bai Xiyan instantly put down his guard, "he is not here now, don't ask me where he is, I also want to know." Bai Xiyan said and suddenly looked at Gong Rou with bright eyes, "you Xingxiu Haige are so powerful, it should be very easy to find someone!"

Since Gong Rou wants yunmo to help heal the scar on her face, she has to pay some price!

"Don't know where?"

Gong Rou's first thought was whether he would be with Yun Xiuyi again? Otherwise, how could Yun Xiuyi disappear, and he also disappeared?

"To tell you the truth, I had the honor to meet that doctor yunmo before, and he also helped me detoxify. This time I came here to confirm whether I was the same person, so that I can thank you again, but..."

"But what?"

"But I have to remind Miss Bai that yunmo used to work for a woman, and you've seen that woman, who was disfigured before. I'm not to blame for my thoughtfulness. How could these two people disappear together? "

"What did you say?"

Gong Rou's news is undoubtedly a powerful medicine, which makes Bai Xiyan come over immediately, "do you mean that yunmo is under Xinyue girl?"

She suddenly stepped back, "no wonder, no wonder Xinyue girl disappeared not long after he disappeared."

All the doubts seem to have been explained, Bai Xiyan suddenly ran to the outside of the room, did not step out of the threshold and came back, "you really just want to ask cloud ink to help you heal the scar?"

At the critical time, Bai Xiyan's brain is very sober, and she can see that Gong Rou has a different plan.

"I think you want to continue to deal with Xinyue girl! Don't think I don't know. You must have something to do with the disfigurement of Xinyue girl. "

She has more chances to get in touch with Bai Lingxi. Naturally, she knows what kind of person she is. Although Bai Lingxi is arrogant and domineering, it's impossible for her to tell lies, so there must be a reason for her pulling Gong Rou into the water.

Here two people are still facing each other, suddenly there is a maid in a hurry to come, "miss is not good! It's said that the palace master took a beautiful girl to the Yi nationality in Hunan Province

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