"Shall we fight?" Irrigation on the roof of the palace asked in a very low voice, for fear of being found by moxilou in the palace and plucking all its feathers.

"Wait a minute."

Fox expression is very serious, although eavesdropping corner is not very good, but it is not no way, can only think of this bad strategy! But Mo Xi Lou didn't let it down. She protested to Yun Xiu Yi on behalf of Mo Xi Lou and refused to let her marry Gu Nan Xu.

No fake!

You know, even if it's fake, in order to convince everyone, Gu Nanchu will hold a ceremony with yunxiuyi. When the ceremony is held, isn't it true? Anyway, whether it's true or false, it's to stop.

At the moment, the hall is full of gunpowder. Last time they demolished Ningxue building, it is very likely that this time they will demolish Gu Nanchu's Fuli palace.

Fortunately, yunxiuyi still has a trace of reason. She is not the opponent of Mo Xilou in terms of strength. If she fights with him, she will only provoke the bodyguard outside the door. At that time, seeing is believing. She doesn't know why. She doesn't want to bring trouble to Gu Nanchu because of herself.

Looking at Mo Xi Lou above his head, Yun Xiu Yi fell into a deep meditation.

Mo Xi Lou has never seen a design before. Others can design it as aboveboard as the woman in front of him. He doesn't hide it in front of him.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the woman under her body brightened and flashed a sly light. Mo Xilou thought, it seems that she has come up with a way to deal with him, and is about to be on guard. There is a sweet smell in the hall.

He doesn't understand of hope to cloud Xiu clothes, "when are you poison?"

It is clear that this woman can't move under his imprisonment, and he has been monitoring her. She can poison him unconsciously.

Yun Xiuyi smiles, and her eyes indicate the Shennong cauldron on the table not far away. The last herb she added just now is called huoyelan. Originally, it was just to neutralize the medicine, but because it had been refined for too long, it extracted the toxin from it.

It doesn't matter that she is invincible to all kinds of poisons, but no matter how powerful Mo Xilou is, it's also a mortal body. Even if the poison doesn't hurt him much, it's OK to paralyze him for a moment.


As soon as Mo Xi Lou finished this sentence, he fell to the side. Yun Xiu's clothes pushed him away and quickly turned out of bed. He didn't care a bit about his evaluation of himself. He even felt that these two words were Mo Xi Lou's praise for her.

Said that this fire leaf orchid or because of Mo Xi Lou's reason picks in the hidden fog forest, unexpectedly now actually used on him, perhaps this is the providence!

Fearing that the toxicity of fire leaf orchid will soon disappear, Yun Xiuyi takes out the immortal rope Su Zixiang sent her before leaving from the heaven and earth cauldron and binds Mo Xilou firmly. When the work is finished, his toxicity just dissipates.

As soon as he could speak, Mo Xi Lou sarcastically said, "you are really a means of abusing everything."

This sentence cloud Xiu clothes also directly as he is boasting himself, gave him a indifferent look, then to deal with the refining failure of the pill.

Mo Xi Lou on the bed had been waiting for a long time, but he didn't see Yun Xiu's clothes take care of him. It was as if the broken Ding in front of her was more interesting than him. He wanted to get angry, but looking at the woman's serious side face, his anger was gone.

So one continued to refine pills, and the other quietly looked at the one who was refining pills.

On the roof of the fox and irrigation for a long time because of the day's tired sleep in the past, a fox and a bird nestle together, also from time to time smack smack mouth.

However, the years in Fu Li Palace are quiet, but the days outside Fu Li Palace are falling out.

Gu Nanxu's news of the palace master's wife spread all over the infinite continent that evening. As expected, it was still the unknown woman he had brought back to his bedroom.

But the wounds on the woman's face were all healed, and her appearance was excellent, which matched the palace master very well.

At the same time, the phenomenon of the water moon god of the Xiang Yi nationality spread all over the continent. Although Gu Nanxu said that he would give an account to everyone, they could not help but relate it to the woman.

For a time, rumors abound. Yunxiuyi has done nothing, but has been labeled as a variety of gods, gods and monsters.

The commendatory side is Gu Nanxu's supporters. They feel that Gu Nanxu's decision must have been carefully considered and his own consideration will not harm the continent.

As for the demoted side, there are all kinds of people, including Xingxiu Haige and Bai family.

When Gong rougang heard the news, she thought it was someone else's misinformation. How could it be said that Yun Xiu's clothes were destroyed? Is yunmo's medical skill so powerful that it's amazing?

If so, can the injury on her face also be cured? With this idea, Hou Gong Rou makes up her mind to find Yun mo.Then she naturally thought of the fact that yunxiuyi was about to become the palace master's wife. Why did everyone revolve around her? Why does she come to the continent of the limitless so that she can be below one person and above ten thousand?

She will never allow this to happen!

On the same day, Bai Lingxi was released. Because the injury on Yunxiu's face had recovered, she was also punished. If Gu Nanchu continued to detain her, she was afraid that it would cause the dissatisfaction of the Bai family and cause trouble again.

The next morning, Yun Xiuyi just opened his eyes and looked at the bed. But he found that there was only a string of immortals left on the bed. Where was the shadow of Mo Xilou?

Last night, she was refining pills very late. When it was over, Mo Xi Lou fell asleep.

She didn't wake him up. She leaned on the soft floor and slept until dawn. Unexpectedly, when she woke up, the man was still as invisible as before.

Yun Xiuyi got up and went to the bedside. As soon as he put the immortal rope into the heaven and earth cauldron, a voice came from outside the hall. Then a group of maids came in to see that what they were holding should be to wait on her to wash, change clothes and dress up.

Now she has not officially become the wife of the palace leader of Fuli palace. Her name is not right, but the treatment has been completely in accordance with that of the palace leader's wife.

Gu Nan Xu is afraid that she will go back on her own and deliberately make her unable to withdraw?

Cloud Xiu clothes always don't like other people's touch, wait for them to put things down and then send them all away, wash gargle to change clothes this kind of thing or oneself come of at ease.

As for dress up, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her clothes and hair accessories.

Gu Nanxu came to pick up Yunxiu clothes to see old lady Gu. She was having breakfast. Gu Nanxu didn't disturb her either, and sat quietly waiting.

Now he doesn't expect the woman to ask him if he has breakfast, and he doesn't expect her to invite him to have breakfast, so Gu Nanchu knows how to eat well before he comes.

Until old lady Gu's residence, the two did not communicate, until nine songs have gone to report, Gu Nanchu can't help saying.

"Don't worry, I'm here."


In fact, Yun Xiuyi didn't worry. She had contacted Mrs. Gu so many times. She had already understood her temperament and could not deal with her. Of course, the premise was that she would not make trouble.

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