Although Yun Xiuyi was sorting out all kinds of information in her heart, she could not see any emotional changes on the surface. She looked at the two women who wanted to frustrate her.

"Don't you recognize me at all?"

Luo Rou stroked the scar on her face and laughed. "Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I can't recognize who it is. Do you know how I got through this? It's about eating your meat and your blood every day. "

"You killed my family. You killed me. You killed me. You can only escape by destroying my face. You even killed me by that bird! I'll give you... "

"I've come to this end because of you! You are the most damned

Speaking of this, Luo Rou takes a deep breath. Fortunately, everything is coming to an end now. Today, she has the chance to kill her enemy herself.

Looking at Luo Rou walking slowly, Yun Xiu doesn't retreat or hide. Even if she is seriously injured, Luo Rou is still more than enough to deal with, but she can't understand her accusation.

If it is not for the Luo family's hard work and Luo Rui's ambition, how can their Luo family be ruined? How could she be wanted by Junlin all over Dongyue?

As for Ning Xue Lou, Yun Xiu Yi admits that she pushed the boat with the current and intensified the contradiction between the two sisters of the Luo family.

But there will be fruit for every cause. Without the causes planted by Luo Yan'er, without Luo Rou's active participation, there will be no fruit later.

In the end, it's all her own sin, but Luo Rou doesn't want to admit that she has to blame her for all her faults.

Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to explain to a person who is already in a daze. When Luo Rou comes over, she stops her with the only remaining soul power in front of her. Then she waves her hand and Luo Rou flies out.

Still vulnerable.

It seems that her hatred is just like this, or her hatred is just an excuse to live in this world.

Luo Rou didn't expect that she was defeated before she even touched the fingers of Yun Xiu's clothes. She lay on the ground and beat the ground angrily, "why do you do this every time?"

Just at this time, Luo Lang also gathered a wave of people to come, he looked at the corpse, deep vision, thought that even in the limitless continent cloud Xiuyi strength is also so terrible?

He went to Luo Rou and raised her on the ground with one hand to make sure she was OK! Later, the people who led Xingxiu Haige surrounded Yunxiu again.

"Siren, today I Xingxiu Haige will do justice for heaven, so that you will not harm Wuji land in the future."

Self righteous people have always been like this. They want to kill her for their personal grievances, but they must give themselves a gimmick that sounds very just.

Cloud Xiu clothes always disdain!

With Luo Lang's command, all the people in Xingxiu Haige attack. Because the battle with Bai Lingxi, Yunxiu's clothes have been greatly damaged. Now it's obvious that they have more heart than strength to meet the enemy again.

As she retreated, she fought with those around her. However, she was outnumbered, and the only remaining soul power in her body gradually faded away.

From all directions, the soul force rips at Yunxiu's clothes, scratches her clothes and scratches her skin.

The fresh blood statue is a red silk thread intertwined with the souls of the people, which seems to weave a beautiful and desolate picture in the air.

Fortunately before cloud Xiu clothes with a Qingxu pill, otherwise now afraid is already exhausted.

Because of a lot of blood loss, Yun Xiuyi's face is becoming pale. If she goes on like this, she will be defeated in half a moment. Then she will die. She must think of a way out for herself and get out of the war as soon as possible.

Just now that group of people were led here, she specially avoided the crowded places, in order to avoid hurting the innocent and bringing trouble to Gu Nanchu.

But it also gives these people the conditions to be confident.

Even if they kill her here, Gu Nanchu will not be able to force this matter on them, and even more unable to punish them.

Yunxiuyi scanned the surrounding environment and quickly recalled the terrain of the infinite continent mentioned before.

If she remembers correctly, this is the soul breaking ridge, which is as famous as the cave. It is also the first choice for the cultivation of Yunxiu clothes.

At that time, Guanguan advised yunxiuyi not to give refreshments to the Soul Eater in duanhunling mountain, so she changed to practice in the cave.

It is said that the soul eaters in duanhun mountain are extremely fierce. Few people go to Wuji continent. People with low accomplishments will never come back there. Even those with high accomplishments will have to peel off their skin if they are immortal.

After making up his mind to sneak into duanhun mountain to get rid of himself, Yun Xiuyi retreats in the direction of duanhun mountain while dealing with the people in front of him.However, Luo Lang where willing to give up such a good opportunity to let cloud Xiuyi escape, immediately ordered everyone to fight quickly, directly blocked the retreat of cloud Xiuyi, launched the last wave of attack.

Cloud Xiu clothes obviously feel the pressure around suddenly become strong, even move their feet are very hard.

Tianshu, who has been standing not far away to watch the battle, shakes and plans to rescue yunxiuyi. However, he is held by the light beside him, "don't go."

Tianshu didn't understand and said, "are you going to disobey the order of the palace master?"

"Can't you see that woman is not simple? I don't know what the relationship between her and the palace master is, and I don't want to know. But they are right. I'm afraid that keeping her will endanger the infinite continent. It's better to use their hands to prevent future trouble. "

Shakes the light to look at the cloud Xiu clothing, the vision is cold, is not her heartless, but she wants to strangle all unstable factors in the embryonic stage.

"If something happens to her, the palace master will not spare us."

"Don't worry, I will bear the blame alone, but you can't save her."

In the distance, yunxiuyi was like a trapped animal under the siege of the people. When she was fighting to death, she suddenly felt a burst of fever in her body.

Then the dissipated soul power seemed to come back. Yunxiu's clothes beat back all the people around him.

Seeing this scene, Tianshu was silent and thought that maybe without his help, that not simple woman could survive on her own.

Yun Xiuyi realized that it was the chaos in her sleeping body that woke up. She didn't know how long this sudden surge of soul power could last. She quickly gathered all the soul power into her hands at the moment.

Just as she waved forward and enveloped the crowd with her soul power, she quickly stepped back and disappeared in a hazy moment.

When the soul power dissipated, it became clear that the people who had besieged yunxiuyi had died. No one was standing. Even Luo Rou fainted because she couldn't bear the wave of soul power just now.

Luo Lang, who hasn't joined the battle all the time, is staring at this bloody picture, thinking about what kind of monster is Yun Xiu's clothes?

He looked up to find Yunxiu clothes, but there was no trace of her everywhere. Except for the strong bloody atmosphere, it was almost strange.

"She went to brokenhead ridge." Tianshu looked at the direction of cloud Xiuyi leaving and said.

Yaoguang also looked along his line of vision. In the distance, towering peaks straight into the clouds. From time to time, he could see a group of birds startled from the forest. He was afraid that another Soul Eater might pass by.

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