However, the Soul Eater didn't give her any time. It had rushed at her.

Instinctively, Yun Xiuyi immediately leans back from the Soul Eater and glides behind him. He wants to kick him under the broken ridge, but he can't touch him because he has no body.

The clouds on the edge of the sky faded, and light came through from behind. At this time, Yunxiu's clothes saw what the soul eating beast that had been chasing her for a long time looked like.

The shape of this soul eater is like an ox, with hedgehog like burr on its body. It hisses and sounds like a howling dog. If it wasn't for the fact that the monster in front of him had no body, Yun Xiuyi almost thought that he had met the poor.

It's said that the poor and strange cannibal is also a cannibal. It can be judged from the disgusting smell in its mouth.

As if with intelligence, the Soul Eater stops at the edge of the broken ridge and turns to look for its target.

After seeing the cloud Xiu clothes, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he rushed over excitedly again. His saliva overflowed as he ran. It must be that he had not seen a living person for a long time.

Just in the blink of an eye, the Soul Eater had come to his eyes. Yun Xiu's clothes retreated quickly. However, his legs were soft and straight.

Seeing the opportunity coming, the Soul Eater leaped forward and wanted to jump on Yunxiu's clothes. Yunxiu's clothes rolled over on the ground for several times and avoided. The Soul Eater did not stop. He jumped with her and pressed her clothes with his forepaws.

Between the electric light and flint, it pulled Yun Xiu's clothes between her two claws. One claw pressed on her shoulder, and the other imprisoned her to prevent her from escaping.

Then he lowered his head to bite off the neck of Yun Xiu's clothes.

Seeing the sharp tusks coming towards him, Yun Xiu struggled with all his strength, but the struggle was fruitless.

The body still can't feel a trace of soul power, and there's nothing on her hand that can hurt the Soul Eater. Yun Xiu Yi is thinking about whether he will really die at this time. The Soul Eater on her suddenly shakes, and then "boom" falls down.

She is about to escape. Suddenly someone pulls her from the front. When the ghost eater disappears, Mo Xi Lou appears.

He is quite proud of the cloud Xiuyi said, "this seat has saved you."

Just don't wait for cloud Xiu dress to have a response, she then in front of a black fall down, Mo Xi Lou heart is surprised, quickly come forward to catch her, think this woman is really weak very.

But when he felt his body burning hot in his arms, and his eyes also caught a glimpse of Yun Xiu's clothes soaked in blood, he felt strange again.

In the process of taking Yunxiu's clothes to a safe place to heal, she woke up once in the middle of the way and only said, "Mo Xi Lou, you're back!" He fell into a coma again and didn't wake up for a long time.

Clearly is calling his name, Mo Xi Lou but feel this woman in the mouth of Mo Xi Lou is not him, the dissimilarity in the heart is more intense.

Once someone said such a sentence, like is to leave a person in the heart, no matter how many times meet, as long as it is her, he will fall in love with her again.

In a coma, Yun Xiuyi seems to have a long and tedious dream. In the dream, Mo Xilou comes back. She puts down all her precautions and has a steady sleep. It seems that as long as he is around, she is at ease.

When yunxiuyi wakes up, she finds herself in a cave. There is no one around. She struggles to get up and finds that her fever has subsided.

The wound on the leg has been treated, and the soul power in the body is coming back bit by bit. She remembers that she saw Mo Xi Lou before she was in a coma. She knew that she was saved by him again, but why wasn't he here?

With doubts cloud Xiuyi out of the cave, looked up and saw Mo Xi floor carrying two rabbits came, this scene seems to have known.

She was in a trance for a moment, thinking that moxilou had really come back. She didn't wake up until someone from a distance came to her.

"How did you get out?"

See cloud Xiu clothes unexpectedly stand outside the cave, Mo Xi Lou discontented frown, then throw two rabbits to her, the voice is always indifferent and disdainful, "hungry oneself roast."

"Thank you."

The rare atmosphere between the two people is not a tug of war, cloud Xiuyi said thanks, then went to roast rabbit with Zhu Rong fire, roasted and did not forget to send one to Mo Xi Lou, but the other side looked disgusted, "I don't eat these vulgar things."

Give him a courtesy. After all, he hunted the rabbit. Since he didn't want Yunxiu clothes, he immediately turned around and left.

Mo Xi Lou once again grabbed her, like a child who was making trouble. After a long hesitation, she said, "give me one."

Happiness, anger, sadness and happiness were uncertain. Yun Xiu Yi didn't care about his mood. He handed him a rabbit and sat down to eat.Yunxiu clothes eat is to supplement energy, restore physical strength, so her action is very mechanical.

Mo Xilou, on the other hand, looked inquisitive, because in his memory, he seemed to eat very little, let alone sitting in the mountains eating roast rabbits.

He looked at yunxiuyi. He wanted to see her eating sweet food to increase his appetite. However, what he saw was a picture of no emotion. He immediately thought that the roast hare must be very bad.

Having enough to eat and drink, and the ability to leave, Yun Xiuyi doesn't plan to stay in the brokenhead mountain, because both the Soul Eater and Mo Xilou are very dangerous.

When she got up, she was ready to go back to Fuli palace, but Mo Xilou held her, "where are you going?"

Cloud Xiu clothes looked back at him one eye, the line of sight gradually moved to him to pull own wrist of hand up, then forced hand to pull back.

"Are you going to find Gu Nanxu?"

Mo Xi Lou seems to be very malicious to Gu Nan Xu. Without waiting for Yun Xiu Yi to admit or deny it, he scolds, "I just saved you, so you have to throw yourself into the arms of other men? Are you trying to embarrass me? "

"I need his cooperation."

After several decisive battles of life and death, Yun Xiuyi has no extra strength to have a meaningless dispute with Mo Xilou, and he has the patience to explain it to him.

After listening to Yun Xiuyi's words, Mo Xilou immediately thought of "water moon mirror" and asked casually, "what's the purpose of your coming to Wuji continent? Is it also to get the water moon mirror when approaching Gu Nanxu

For Mo Xilou to know these things, Yun Xiuyi is not surprised, before he was very powerful, let alone that night he heard the conversation with Gu Nanchu.

Although it's just a few words, it's not difficult for him to think about the whole thing with his intelligence.

Cloud Xiu clothes didn't deny, only way, "I didn't go back for such a long time, Fu Li Palace should be in chaos." It's not because of how important she is, it's because she now has a false name as the wife of the palace master.

Maybe when the news of the death of the palace master's wife comes out, the whole continent will be in turmoil, and some people even associate it with the vision of the God of water and moon.

There is only one thought that runs through yunxiuyi from the beginning to the end. Since Gu Nanchu is willing to give her the water moon mirror, she must also fulfill her obligation not to add any trouble to Gu Nanchu.

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