The fox is bloodthirsty in his heart. Now, because he is worried about the safety of Yunxiu's clothes, and because he is irritated by these people, his originally dark pupils have gradually turned red, and his whole body is full of murders.

With a roar, the people of the limitless continent were scared to retreat one after another.

Before that, Bai Lingxi was also injured in the battle with Yun Xiuyi. Seeing that Gu Nanxu didn't intend to stop the fox from attacking, he was immediately flustered.

On the surface, he pretended to be calm. "Palace master, I believe it's not your fault. It's all Xinyue girl who has made you lose your mind by magic."

Her tone is very firm, as if determined that Gu Nanxu was persecuted by Yunxiu clothes.

Without waiting for Gu Nanxu to speak, she continued, "now the moon has happened, palace master, you must not let Jinghua be affected any more!"

Bai Lingxi finally said his purpose!

She has long been informed that the people in Xingxiu Haige have been thinking about Shuiyue, but those fools don't know that no one can get Shuiyue. Instead of paying attention to Shuiyue, they should take Jinghua as their own.

Mastering "Jinghua" is undoubtedly mastering the limitless continent. At that time, not to mention this unknown woman, even Gu Nanchu will bow to her.

And her plan was approved by her father berteau.

It seems that the major families in the limitless continent are in harmony. In fact, after the appearance of Xingxiu Haige, they have broken the original balance pattern and are very ambitious.

For so many years, although Fuli palace has been in power in Wuji mainland, in fact, the power of the major families is equal, and no one is willing to submit to anyone. Before Xinyue comes, there has been an undercurrent surging, and there is only one fuse to tear the skin.

Now, this woman from unknown origins has taken the initiative to lead the war, which is also loved by the major families. They are waiting for the dust to settle down and get a share of the war.

"For the sake of Wuji mainland, please hand over the Jinghua. If you don't want to hand over the Jinghua, please hand over Xinyue to us! Otherwise, everyone will be uneasy! "

While saying these words, Bai Lingxi quietly moved towards the crowd, for fear that the fox would come and hurt himself anytime and anywhere.

However, the group of people in Wuji didn't know that Bai Lingxi had taken them as meat shields. They even thought what she said was very reasonable. They echoed, "palace master, please listen to Miss Bai's advice."

"Yes! Palace master, if you insist on being with this enchantress, then hand in the flowers so that we can all settle down! "

When he saw these people, he was still in fear. At this moment, he ignored himself. The fox thought that he was too polite to them. Moreover, he had already seen that these mortals had no backbone at all. They would follow what others said.

Gu Nanchu is right. It can't kill all the people in the infinite continent, so the best way is to get rid of the moths in this group first.

Thinking about this, the fox's sight has fallen on Bailing River.

With a roar, it scared away many people. In the blink of an eye, Bailing River was exposed to it. Before Bailing River could enter the crowd again, the fox would overturn her with one paw, like a cat playing with a mouse.

If it remembers correctly, it is this rat excrement that leads people to pursue and kill Yun Xiuyi. Before it goes to seek revenge, she even dares to take the initiative to send it to the door.

The fox stepped on her chest. As soon as she vomited a mouthful of blood, he kicked her into the air and watched her fall to the ground. He walked over without any hurry.

Bai Lingxi covers her chest and looks at the fox slowly coming towards her in horror. She wants to ask for help, but the people in the limitless continent keep away from their sight for fear that the fox will anger them.

Seeing no one to save her, Bai Lingxi never gave up looking at Gu Nanxu, "palace master, help me! You can't let this fox kill me. "

No? This rat excrement still looks up to itself, which makes her know whether she can kill her or not!

Xu Shi's consciousness of survival is too strong. Bai Lingxi wipes the blood from her mouth and struggles to stand up. As she runs away, she looks back to see if the fox has caught up with her. However, the fox has been following her.

When he felt that it was almost done, the fox rushed over and overturned her on the ground. Because of the strong force, Bailing River rolled several times before it stopped.

Then the fox stopped again, adjusted her breathing time, and played the hunting game with her.

I don't know how long later, bailingxi was teased by the fox, and there were blood stains all over his body, and he gradually began to show weakness.

"I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me! Give me a break

You know what's wrong? It's hard to know it! The fox swung the fox's tail and stepped down in front of her. What he had just done was just a drop in the bucket, which was far from enough to eliminate the anger and anger in his heart.Fox side for cloud Xiu clothes revenge, still don't forget to remind Gu Nan Xu, "here to me, you first take the girl back, don't act rashly, wait for me to come back again."

Gu Nan Xu nodded, holding cloud Xiu clothes to leave in another direction.

Seeing Gu Nanxu about to leave, Bai Lingxi was even more flustered. She yelled, "palace master, do you really want to die? Do you just watch us die in the hands of this fox? "

The fox thought to himself, this rat excrement thought Gu Nanxu could save her! Even if it does not necessarily win against Gu Nanchu, it is easy to kill in front of him. She obviously looks down on it!

However, no matter how Bai Lingxi called for help, Gu Nanxu didn't return. Holding Yunxiu's clothes, he quickly disappeared in the sight of the public.

It was not until the figure of Yun Xiu's clothes disappeared that Mo Xi Lou, not far away, regained his sight. For some reason, he was very upset, especially when he saw that the woman appeared in Gu Nan Xu's arms.

If you are really a woman of high water!

"Jingzhu, it seems that the major families have already made up their minds about Jinghua." As soon as nalandou on the left side of Mo Xi Lou finished, nalanyun on the other side continued.

"It's not just Jinghua. They should try their best to lift the ban on Shuiyue. After all, it's useless to only get Jinghua or Shuiyue. Only when they have Jinghua and Shuiyue at the same time can they synthesize an artifact Shuiyue mirror."

"Lord, shall we continue to wait?"

Found that Mo Xi Lou did not respond to their words for a long time, Nalan sisters looked at Mo Xi Lou puzzledly, only to see that he was staring at the distance and lost his mind.

The two sisters have been very intelligent since childhood, so they were sent to moxilou by Nalan Jin, the current patriarch of Nalan clan. Seeing the look of moxilou, they immediately think of the woman who just left. It seems that the master has a special feeling for her.


It took a long time for moxilou to say a word. Without waiting for Nalan sisters to ask him about the next arrangement, moxilou disappeared in a flash. They looked at each other as if they were used to his coming and going.

The sight moves to Bailing River and the fox again. The fox is playing, but Bailing River seems to be on the verge of death, with only one last breath left.

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