The cloud Xiu clothes is sweeping to have the cave outside the public, the eyes are like the abyss, the voice is like ice, "wrong? What's wrong. "

"It's wrong everywhere, madam. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. Don't tell the palace master! If the palace master knows, I'll be finished! "

The man was in tears and kowtowed so that his forehead was broken, but he didn't care. It seems that Gu Nanchu has a reputation in the limitless continent. He doesn't have to appear in person, so these people are afraid of him.

It's a pity that Yun Xiuyi is not a sympathetic person, especially for those who have insulted himself.


If it wasn't for her current status as the wife of the palace leader of Fuli palace, I'm afraid that this person would not treat her differently, or even continue to pester her. At the moment, his sincerity and regret were just worrying about his own life. In that case, how could she forgive him!

See cloud Xiu clothes indifferent, the man more flustered, thought he should have seen this bitch is not a fuel-efficient lamp, otherwise how can collude with the palace master.

However, even if he wanted to kill Yun Xiuyi in his heart, he had to continue to beg for mercy, "madam, please forgive me this time! As long as you forgive me, I will do whatever you ask me to do! "

A trace of killing in the man's eyes did not escape the eyes of cloud Xiu clothes, she sneered, this is human nature! The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest.

If one day she is no longer the palace master's wife, or this man becomes stronger than Gu Nanchu, the situation will be completely reversed, and then he will never let her go!


Cloud Xiu clothes will line of sight fall on the man in front of him, the other side immediately keep nodding in response, "yesterday was I wrong, I should die."

"Since you think you should die, then die!"

This man listened to the words of cloud Xiu clothes, his heart suddenly "clattered" for a while, and other people outside the cave were also immediately flustered. The reason why they stayed here did not leave was to see how the palace master's wife would deal with this person.

If the palace master's wife forgives him for sparing him, it means that she won't pursue the fault of all of them. They all escaped.

On the contrary, if the palace master's wife insists on killing him, all of them must be nervous and think of a way out for themselves, or they will not know what happened when they die.

At the moment, hearing Yun Xiuyi's sentence without emotion, people dare to be angry, but they just contradicted each other a few words. She even wanted this person's life.

No wonder it is said that she is a monster. She not only damages the God of water and moon, but also damages the people of the infinite continent, suffering from diseases. Now she even ignores people's lives in front of so many of them.

They should say that the lady of the palace leader is not only a monster, but also a woman who kills people without blinking an eye.

Feel around a road full of malicious hate line of sight, cloud Xiuyi disapprove, ask her to forgive? These people set up the answers for her tomorrow morning.

Once the decision she made was different from what they thought, she felt dissatisfied and showed her ugly face.

At this time, the fox could not help sighing, "the world says that human nature is thin and cool. In my view, they are just standing on the commanding height of morality to restrain others, but they indulge themselves very much."

The man saw that yunxiuyi really wanted to kill himself, and immediately went to ask Tianshu behind her. He knelt down and climbed to Tianshu, "Tianshu, please help me!"

He hugged Tianshu's thigh and cried more bitterly than before. "Tianshu, please forgive me for the sake that I didn't hurt the palace master's wife! I'm just confused for a moment to offend the palace master's wife! "

Tianshu seems to be born with no expression. He looks at Yunxiu's clothes and says to the man, "it's a capital crime to offend the palace master's wife."

Seeing that Tianshu didn't help himself, the man immediately stopped crying. He looked at Tianshu and yunxiuyi fiercely. "I can see that. You just want me to die."

He slowly got up from the ground, "what if you offend her?" Said this man then looked at cloud Xiu clothes a burst of obscene smile.

"Isn't Gu Nanchu's warm character enough to satisfy you? As long as you stay with me all night, I will call you... "

"Ah --"

Before the man's voice fell, he suddenly covered his neck with his hands, and blood poured out from between his fingers. He stared at Yun Xiu's clothes in horror, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't make any sound.

To the end of the blood overflowing his whole mouth, he just fell down in despair, until death is still staring at cloud Xiu clothes.

The people who had been watching one by one were so scared that they were silent. They stayed there like wood for a long time without moving. Then they heard Tianshu's voice without emotion, "drag him into the cave to feed the Soul Eater.""Yes, Lord Tianshu."

The two thin and tall people outside the hall of nothingness didn't know when they came. When they heard Tianshu's order, they immediately stepped forward and one of them dragged the man's leg towards the cave.

After solving that man, Tianshu took the initiative to warn people, "I don't need to say more about the rules of Wuji continent. If there are people who break the rules in the future, it will be worse than him. Of course, if you don't believe it, the prison of Fuli palace is always welcome

Those people seem to be digesting these words that Tianshu said. After a long time, they nodded and answered timidly, "yes, I know."

It was noon when yunxiuyi and Tianshu returned to Fuli palace.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Yun Xiuyi began to refine pills, which lasted two days and two nights. Fortunately, hard work pays off. The disease in Wuji mainland is soon under control, and people who have contracted strange diseases are gradually getting better.

On the one hand, the rumor that yunxiuyi was an evil girl who bewitched Gu Nanxu and harmed Wuji became more and more intense.

On the other hand, the people cured by yunxiuyi treat her as a God. After all, when they are most desperate and helpless, yunxiuyi saves them and gives them hope to live on.

However, the client doesn't care what others think of her. He has been discussing the spiritual pulse with Gu Nanchu for several days, and finally agreed that the crux should be "Shuiyue".

In order to verify their conjecture, Gu Nanxu went to the God of water and moon of the Yi nationality in Hunan Province with Yunxiu clothes.

The pool of spirit water has become extremely red, and the red cracks on the "water moon" are becoming more and more serious. It seems that it can be broken at any time.

But if you want to see the "water moon" carefully, you must lift the prohibition imposed on it by the ancestors of the limitless continent. Yun Xiuyi has personally learned the prohibition, which can lead to serious injury or death.

Gu Nanxu paced slowly beside the pool, then offered a trace of soul power to test how powerful the prohibition was.

However, without waiting for the soul power to touch the water, the head of Xiang Yi nationality appeared.

He quickly stopped Gu Nanxu by casting the magic, "master of the palace, don't do it!" After a exclamation, the head of the Yi nationality in Hunan hurried up to Gu Nanxu and said, "the God of water and moon is the belief of the whole infinite continent. How can you have such a mind, palace master?"

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