Suddenly, shuimurong jumps out of the pool and comes to Gu Nanxu. It seems that he has exhausted all his strength to make a sound.

"I didn't dare to say before, because saints can't get married. Now I want to ask you, if I am no longer a saint, will you marry me? "

Waiting seems to be the most painful torment. Shuimurong looks at Gu Nanchu and doesn't move, even dare not blink his eyes, for fear of missing any changes in his expression. But after a short silence, Gu Nanxu did not give an answer.

Shuimurong said with a bitter smile, "so what is all this for?"

Her father died, her people died, so many people died in Wuji continent, all because of her wishful thinking of Gu Nanchu, but what happened? Gu Nanxu doesn't love her at all!

Because her selfish feelings have harmed so many people, and this is not the end, and the continent will experience even greater disasters.

All the grievances and anger seemed to burst out at this moment. Shuimurong yelled at the top of her voice, as if she was going to exhaust all her strength. It seemed that only in this way could she hold on and make herself sober.

All of a sudden, the cry stops suddenly, shuimurong gasps heavily, her chest fluctuates violently, and her eyes looking at Gu Nanchu are full of hatred. She hates Gu Nanchu, and even more hates Wuji continent.

After a burst of despair and helplessness, shuimurong gives Gu Nanxu a slap without warning. At this moment, she hopes to die with Gu Nanxu, so that she doesn't have to face all this and give everyone an account.

Gu Nanxu has just been injured. After being beaten by shuimurong, he vomites a mouthful of blood in his chest.

Next to the cloud Xiu Yi Mou light a dark, think water wood Rong unexpectedly become so fierce, even Gu Nan Xu can't carry her a palm.

It seems that Shuiyue does not disappear, but is completely integrated with shuimurong. Fox is right. She is doomed to miss the "water moon mirror". It is clear that she is within reach. In the end, there was an accident.

Just when shuimurong plans to fight Gu Nanxu again, Yunxiu clothes quickly blocks Gu Nanxu, and the soul power in his body is slowly released.

"Oh." Water wood Rong a sneer, "you pour is a couple affection deep!"

Looking at the cloud Xiuyi protecting his back, the haze that had been lingering in Gu Nanxu's mind suddenly dispersed, as if he could see the light as long as he saw the cloud Xiuyi, and also saw the hope of the infinite continent.

He went to yunxiuyi and took her hand. He looked at shuimurong firmly. "I owe you just now."

As if to cut off the past, Gu continued, "I understand that all things are not what you want. We can help you get rid of the shackles of the water moon. As long as you are willing, you will still be the saint of the Xiang Yi people when this matter is over. "

Gu Nan Xu and cloud Xiu clothes in a hand seems to prick Shuimu Rong's eyes, she resolutely asked, "if I don't want to?"

"The world is so big that you can fly high."

"Oh Shuimurong said with a bitter smile, "how big is the world? You know that I only want to stay by your side. What does the world have to do with me? "

To her, except Gu Nanxu, everything else is meaningless.

But I have experienced these things! After that, she has already seen through Gu Nanchu's mind. He really cares about the woman whose origin is unknown.

Clearly they know each other for more than ten years, but she lost completely.

In a hurry, the congestion that had been blocking shuimurong's chest was finally vomited out by her. She wiped the blood stains on the corner of her mouth and stepped back a few steps. At each step, there were bursts of glossy black air under her feet, which was very strange.

Gu Nanxu watched shuimurong take away the body of the head of the Xiang Yi nationality. He didn't stop it until their figure disappeared. He shook it violently twice.

He suddenly put his head on Yunxiu's shoulder, and vomited blood at the place where Yunxiu's clothes couldn't even see Yu Guang. Shuimurong's palm hurt his internal organs.

Gu Nanxu doesn't know whether it's right or wrong to let shuimurong go. She is destined to be the biggest threat to the limitless continent.

Even if you can't see Gu Nanxu's current state, Yunxiu clothes can smell the bloody smell around him. He took his hand out of Gu Nanxu's hand and whispered, "I'll help you heal."

"I'm fine."

In order to prove that his words are true, Gu Nanxu straightens up again. He wipes the blood on his lips, but finds that he can't wipe it clean. Finally, he explains helplessly, "I underestimate Shuiyue."

As soon as the words changed, he said, "I'm afraid I can't do what I promised you. Without the water moon, I can't synthesize the artifact water moon mirror any more."At this moment, there are three familiar faces outside the Xiang Yi nationality, which have been standing for a long time.

The woman with the black veil clenched her fists in anger. When she was tortured by hatred, Yun Xiuyi could even talk about love in front of her.

The man standing next to the woman didn't look very good either. He thought that after Gu Nanchu lifted the ban, they would be able to take advantage of Shuiyue. Unexpectedly, Shuiyue disappeared under their eyes.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

These three people are gong Lang and Gong Rou, and the one standing in the middle of them is the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion.

Compared with the hatred of Gong Lang and Gong Rou, the face of the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion can't see any emotion. He said calmly, "what's the panic?"

"Our purpose of seizing the water moon mirror is nothing more than to disturb the boundless continent and let Xingxiu Haige replace Fuli palace. Isn't this the situation we want now?" The more chaotic the continent is, the better it will be for them.

Gong Lang and Gong Rou only see that Shuiyue has disappeared, but he can see that Shuiyue is now on shuimurong.

Since shuimurong has hated Gu Nanchu for his love, he might as well use shuimurong's hand to solve Gu Nanchu, which is much more reliable than relying on the two wastes around him.

With a new plan, he immediately told gonglanggong judo beside him, "you two go to tell Bai Tuo that Yunxiu took Shuiyue."


Gong Lang and Gong rouzheng are about to leave, and the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion calls them back, "in addition, let everyone in the limitless continent know that Yunxiu Yi had a dispute with the head of the Xiang Yi nationality, killed him, and even prepared to destroy the Xiang Yi nationality."

At this point, he thought about it very seriously and continued to compile it, saying, "it's said that the Saint shuimurong was mentally damaged due to the changes of the Xiang Yi people, and her whereabouts were unknown, and Gu Nanchu was an accomplice in all this."


Looking at the direction of the Xiang Yi people, the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion shows a smile of treacherous success.

This time, he not only wanted to occupy Wuji continent, but also wanted Yunxiu clothes to come back. After he ruled Wuji continent, he led the people to slaughter all the people of Dongyue empire. After that day, he wants to dominate the world, let the world only respect him!

Although Gong Lang and Gong Rou's accomplishments were ordinary, their ability to spread rumors was unmatched. Within a day, yunxiuyi was notorious for killing the Yi people in Hunan.

Even the survivors of the Yi nationality in Hunan believe that it was Yunxiu clothes that killed them and made them homeless.

Heaven and earth and ancestors are the basis of human beings and all things. Belief in heaven and earth and belief in ancestors originated from the early worship of nature and ancestors.

The God of water and moon gathers all the people's awe of heaven and earth and their ancestors in the limitless continent. Naturally, they can't forgive the cloud and Xiuyi that destroyed all this.

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