Because of this little episode, Bai Tuo showed an impatient expression and was afraid of extra trouble. He cried out, "don't be influenced by a pair of women and children. They are all bewitched by this enchantress."

Then he raised the knife in his hand and waved it forward, pointing to Yunxiu's clothes. "Only by killing the enchantress, can stability be restored in Wuji continent. Let's rush! Fight for the infinite continent. "

When the major families were ready to move, Baituo continued, "if anyone cuts the witch, I will reward him 10000 gold coins. There is no upper limit. Today, our Bai family is determined to defend the limitless land to the death. Even if they lose their property, they will never let go of this enchantress. They will take her life. "

This words, everyone's eyes are suffused with the light of greed.

As long as they kill this woman, they will have great honor, status, money and harvest. It's just a matter of killing one person. It's much easier than fighting for decades.

Suddenly, this individual with hit chicken blood like, looking at the eyes of cloud Xiu clothes, want to swallow her alive, already can't restrain the excitement in the heart, can't wait to rush over.

"Ten thousand gold coins!"

Irrigation also joined in the fun like fluttering a few wings, excitedly said, "Yunxiu clothes, anyway, you can make your wound heal quickly, or we also cut you a few knives, anyway, it's someone else's gold coin, don't be white, don't be!"

"This man is really willing to give up his money!" The fox rolled his eyes. It seems that the Bai family have cheated the people of Wuji continent.

The fox make complaints about the bird's head in the heart. "Even if the girl can heal the wound, the pain is really real, or will the master cut you two knives and help the girl help you?"

"I'm not joking Irrigation wronged Baba's doodle, it just want to feel this person really willing to spend money.

War is on the verge of breaking out. The roar, the sound of footsteps, the sound of weapons colliding, the sound of soul force rolling up the wind, all come from all directions.

There was a dark shadow outside the Fuli palace. The guards guarding the major entrances and exits pulled out their swords one after another. Each sword with cold light was covered with strong soul power like cotton wadding.

Yunxiu's clothes are like the God of killing and cutting standing under the palace wall. The surging soul power around her gushes out and rushes to the heaven and earth. Suddenly, the wind rises and the clouds surge, and the heaven and earth change color.

Chaos is running in a sea of souls, and its bloodthirsty mood seems to infect Yunxiu's clothes, which makes her whole body's aura completely changed. Her sleeves were flying. There was no emotion on her face, but her eyes were as cool as ice.

It seems that they have been bound by the law and etiquette for a long time, and both the people of the major families and the guards in the Fu Li Palace are very excited.

Just as Yun Xiuyi's soul power was overwhelming toward the opposite cage, the guards of Fu Li palace behind her also held a sharp blade to meet the enemy who came in front of her.

Sword light and sword shadow, soul power rampant, pieces of blood light tearing in the air. In a flash, the fresh life of the previous moment disappeared.

The mourning has just dissipated in the wind, and the sword shadow is blooming in the soul power. The accumulated remains are ferocious and terrifying, and the heavy breath almost suffocates people. However, everyone seems to be crazy, waving sharp weapons and arms.

I don't know how tired I am.

Irrigation has no fighting power all the time. At the beginning of the battle, he hid on the palace wall, but the fox seemed to be tied with the Bai family. After changing, he went directly to Baituo.

He thought that Bai Tuo was not smart and his cultivation would not be high, but he struggled under the fox's claws for a long time without complete defeat.

Almost nauseous smell of blood diffused in the noisy Shura field, until the dark shadow gradually disappeared, the noise returned to silence.

This battle lasted for a long time. From the sunset of the Western Hills to the twilight of the sky, the dazzling yellow light mixed with a touch of scarlet, just like the red blood of thousands of people outside the Fuli palace. In the end, only Yunxiu clothes didn't fall down.

Poor Wuding River bone, still a dream girl!

The people who died in the battle were all over, but those who remained had to bear the grief after they left. The blood color in their eyes faded gradually. Looking at the mountain of debris in front of them, yunxiuyi had no joy of victory.

She looked back at the fence palace behind her, tall and magnificent, as if nothing had changed, as if nothing had happened.

"Let them go, or I will be rude to you."

All of a sudden, the fox's roar brings back Yunxiu's thoughts. She looks in the direction of the sound. She sees that Bai Tuo has taken the mother and son hostage. Now she is looking at the fox step by step in horror.

His face was covered with blood, and he could not see his original appearance at all. "Don't come here. I will kill them if you come here."If the fox didn't care about the mother and son's life and death before, but the woman helped Yunxiu dress again, so that she had to remember the human feelings.

The fox in the heart "Yi" a, from when the hall ten thousand demon king unexpectedly become human? It's not human!

Without waiting for Yunxiu clothes to support the fox, Tianshu and Yaoguang come back.

Looking at the Shura hall in front of them, they haven't recovered for a long time. Although they had expected that something would happen in Fuli palace, they didn't expect to see such a cruel and bloody scene.

Tianshu and Yaoguang spent a lot of time to calm down. They knew that this was not the time to be shocked. What they needed to do was a series of aftercare work. If these corpses are not disposed of as soon as possible, another disease will spread in the continent.

However, just as they slowly go to yunxiuyi and plan to report the loss of control of Dongtian Soul Eater, Baituo suddenly pushes the mother and son to the fox.

All of a sudden, the fox quickly caught the mother and son with his body, and made sure they were not injured, Baituo had disappeared.

Cunning human!

The fox was so angry that he kept wagging his tail. Did he think that he could get away with it? Nowadays, the people of Bai family are seriously injured. He can't make any trouble any more. Even if he runs away, he will die in the end.

The mother and son were frightened. Although they had been saved, the woman's eyes remained dull, while the child in her arms kept crying.

The fox was so angry that when he heard the child's crying, he said to Yun Xiu, "girl, come and see what's wrong with him. I'm going to be deaf."

After hearing this, Yun Xiuyi immediately came over. However, I don't know if she was scared by her aura. As soon as she walked by, the child stopped crying and stared at her with big watery eyes.

The woman holding the child was afraid to speak when she saw Yun Xiu's clothes, but she felt that she should say something. She thought for a long time before she asked.

"Would you like a hug, madam?"

Before the words fell, the child took the initiative to stretch out his hands toward Yunxiu clothes, a posture to embrace, in the face of all the enemies are not flustered Yunxiu clothes eyes even flash, some at a loss to look at the fox.

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