The next morning, Fox and Guanguan appeared in front of yunxiuyi on time. Maybe they had stayed with her for a long time. Fox and Guanguan's preferences were more and more similar to yunxiuyi's. Now they were walking around in the attic. They were very happy.

When the corner of the attic is all around, the fox and Guanguan come back to yunxiuyi. The fox opens his mouth first.

"Girl, last time you let me guard your mother, this time you let me guard Gu Nanxu's mother, can you not let me do this kind of thing in the future?"


Cloud Xiu clothes refused crisp, she got up and walked out of the attic, the bright sun suddenly shrouded her, as if she fell into a warm embrace, make her heart very quiet and peaceful.

The fox mumbled and came out, "I'm the king of all kinds of demons. Even if you want to ask me to change my job!"

The fox is still complaining on this side, but on the other side, he is sighing, "you said that they have lived for such a long time. Why is moxilou more comfortable than us everywhere? He's served by big families of great renown. "

Douguantut fell on Yunxiu's shoulders, expressing his admiration. However, this was very uncomfortable to hear in fox's ears.

"What do you mean, little bird? Are you satirizing me for being inferior to Mo Xi Lou? First of all, he was suppressed in Jiuyin temple for many years, and finally came out and became the slave of this girl? "

See the fox bared his tusks, angry, irrigation wronged Baba hung his head, "I'm just feeling, you have to think more."

"Yo! How dare you talk back with this girl? "

"I didn't."

Bathed in the morning sun, listening to the quarrel between Fox and irrigation, yunxiuyi seems to know what kind of future she wants. She never wants much. It's enough to be free to live undisturbed.

However, no matter before or now, she had exhausted all her strength to live, and could not allow her to think about these extremely common problems.

Fox and irrigation fight for a while, this just remembered to ask cloud Xiu clothes, "wench, do we stay or go?"? I don't plan to go to Dongyue when I see moxilou. Do you want to stay? "

Then he continued, "in fact, it doesn't matter whether he stays or not. Gong Yan can't make a comeback in a short time. His injury was not lighter than Yun Xiu's. even if he saved his life, he couldn't do it in three or five years! "Chaos."

"What's more, last time he opened the night time bead by mistake with the white tiger as a sacrifice. Now the rosefinch green dragon is here in yunxiuyi, the Xuanwu white tiger is in the East moon Empire, and the night time bead is an ordinary bead in his hand."

With these words, he jumped twice like "Yunxiu clothes, I've solved your worries. Do you want to reward me?"

As soon as he said this, the fox rolled his eyes and thought that the little bird had really expanded. It only provided some information, and he dared to ask Yun Xiuyi for something in return.

However, Yun Xiuyi didn't pay attention to the last sentence. Instead, he said something that surprised both the fox and Guanguan. "The heaven and earth tripod is in moxilou. We must stay in Nalan before we take it back."

Irrigation: "what? Where is Qian Kun Ding in Mo Xi Lou? Can't I have sugar beans? "

Fox: "how could the heaven and earth tripod be in Moxi building?"

With these words, the fox realized something and asked, "was Jinghua robbed by him? I told you how to come to the Wuji continent. It turned out that he had been thinking of making a spectacle from the very beginning

The more the fox thought, the more angry he was. "Should I be happy or angry? I'm glad that he recognizes your strength. Will you get Jinghua from Gu Nanxu, or should you be angry with his cunning? "

"Tianhun personality is the most incisive display of the dark side of moxilou. We should be thankful that he did not destroy the world."

In the face of fox's complaint, Guanguan expressed his opinion. The fox agreed with Guan Guan's words, and then he said, "would you like to steal the cauldron back?"

"No! Do you want your fox hair? Anyway, I don't participate. I remember the pain of being plucked by Mo Xilou! " Besides, in the hands of Mo Xi Lou, it must not be as simple as plucking feathers.

Fox and Guanguan are still in fear of being dominated by moxilou, while moxilou is listening to nalanyun's report about yunxiuyi.

When he learned that yunxiuyi lived in Nalan nationality as if he were at home, he couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

I thought "Jinghua" was in his hands, but the woman couldn't hold her breath for a moment, but she lived in peace of mind. Is she going to wait for him to relax her vigilance and then wait for the opportunity?Then Mo Xi Lou said, "you are responsible for the water moon, let nalandot guard her, and report everything to us."

"Yes, Lord."

Xu is suddenly idle down, coupled with a sleepless night, noon has not yet arrived, cloud Xiu clothes will be sleepy, she is not strong support, holding the fox to go to bed, this sleep until the evening to wake up.

The fox bowed in his arms and stretched his back. He yawned and said, "this kind of day is suitable for me! Eat, sleep, eat. " When it comes to eating, it is really hungry, but without waiting for it to look for food, the smell of food comes from outside the attic.

In fact, foxes eat raw meat, but they have to eat the food of mortals because they don't have time to hunt around yunxiuyi. Not to mention, although these mortals are not very clever, they are good at cooking.

As soon as Yunxiu's clothes were lifted from the curtain, nalandot led a group of maids into the room. With all kinds of delicious food in hand, he had an appetite.

The fox and douguan couldn't wait to meet them. The maids were all surprised. Nalandot was the most calm. "I'll serve you here. You put down your food and go back! You can't come in and disturb me without orders. "


When the maids had just put the food on the table, the fox and douguan had already smashed their mouths and nodded as they ate. It seemed that they were very satisfied with the food in front of them.

Fox and Guanguan are happy to eat. They completely forget Yunxiu's clothes, but nalandot still thinks about her.

However, as soon as nalando was ready to speak, he didn't know how to call the woman in front of him, "that... Sister, what's your name?"

Compared with Nalan Yun, Nalan duo's character is much more cheerful and lively. Because he has no playmates since he grew up, he is full of curiosity about Yunxiu's clothes that fall from the sky. Finally, he has the chance to contact them alone, and he is a little excited.

"Cloud Xiu clothes."

Although Yun Xiuyi didn't intend to leave her real name in Wuji, she didn't feel the need to hide it from the people around Mo Xilou, so she blurted out her name.

"Sister Yun? Sister Xiuyi? Sister

Originally, Jingzhu was always angry because of her elder sister. She thought that her elder sister's character was very bad! Although the character of Jingzhu is also very bad.

But now a little contact, she felt that this sister is not difficult to get along with“ In fact, I like to call sister! But although yun'er and I don't look like each other at all, they are twin sisters, so even if she is older than me, she has never called her sister. "

After a small show of their own ideas, nalandot continued, "sister Yun is to eat with them, or I will order the kitchen to prepare?"


Looking at the cloud Xiuyi that has come to the table, nalandot thinks that the nature of a person who can get along well with his pet will not be bad! Thinking of this, nalandot followed him to serve him closely.

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