Hear here Jinli probably understand what they are talking about, Jiuge collude with Baituo almost killed Xiuyi elder sister, now Nanxu elder brother want to deal with Jiuge aunt but can't bear it?

Is Xiuyi's elder sister the enchantress who has bewitched Nanxu's elder brother?

In this way, she understood why sister Xiuyi was still very calm when she heard that she would die. She should not be afraid of death at all!

In the face of Mrs. Gu's plea, Yun Xiuyi doesn't respond very much. She never forgives those who want to kill herself, because leaving these people behind is undoubtedly a time bomb, and she doesn't know when it will set fire again.

But if she doesn't forgive nine songs, old lady Gu will never stop. When she thinks about how to express her thoughts to old lady Gu, Jinli says.

"Aunt, we all know that you are deeply in love with the master and servant of Jiuge, but how can you just think about Jiuge without thinking about Xiu... Sister Xinyue?"

Jinli jumped down from the chair and went to yunxiuyi. "If brother Nanxu spared nine songs today, would that be the same as telling the whole Wuji continent that they can have evil thoughts on sister Xinyue in the future?"


Old lady Gu only thinks about Jiuge, but she really doesn't think about Xinyue's situation. Suddenly, she is speechless because of Jinli's words. Gu Nanxu also takes the opportunity to say, "mother, I can't let Xinyue be in danger again and again."

Although Gu Nanxu and Jinli try to persuade old lady Gu, old lady Gu still can't let go, "you can rest assured that I will definitely restrain nine songs in the future."

"Today's event will never be known to outsiders. From now on, I won't let Jiuge appear in front of outsiders. Can you treat her as dead? If she makes another mistake, I'll be the first to let her go

Seeing Gu Nanxu's resolute attitude, old lady Gu suddenly kneels in front of Yunxiu's clothes. Fortunately, she is stopped by Jinli in a hurry.

"Aunt, don't embarrass sister Xinyue!"

It seems that if she doesn't satisfy Mrs. Gu's wishes today, she won't give up. Yunxiu looks at Gu Nanxu and Jinli and says, "since the old lady asks for help, let her go! But... "

The cloud Xiu dress words front a turn to continue a way, "if she later again the heart is not right, then don't blame me not polite."

"Good, good." As long as she can spare Jiuge's life, she is willing to agree to any conditions! She was originally a softhearted person, how could she be willing to help the people around her?

After getting the understanding of cloud Xiu clothes, old lady Gu immediately pulls nine songs in front of her, "don't you thank Xinyue?"

Who knows Jiuge doesn't appreciate it. She hasn't responded for a long time. In her heart, it's better to let her bow to this woman than to take her life.

Old lady Gu didn't seem to think that Jiuge was stubborn at this time. She patted her back nervously and said in a low voice, "what are you angry with? I don't even want this old face for you. "

Hearing the last sentence, Jiuge suddenly felt sad and "plop" knelt down in front of Yunxiu's clothes, "thank you for not killing her."

Then Jiuge began to cry. She was sold to Fuli palace as a maid since she was a child. She had been waiting with the old lady all the time. Maybe it was because old lady Gu indulged her too much that she had the character of being above the top.

So that she once forgot her identity, she is just a maid, even let the old lady put down her posture and plead for her everywhere!

This farce is finally over in the cry of nine songs.

When Mrs. Gu leaves with nine songs, moxilou also wants to take Yunxiu clothes back to Nalan people. He really doesn't like these people calling each other as a lady. Since he knows the disease in Jinli, Yunxiu clothes naturally has no reason to stay in Fuli palace. After saying goodbye to Gu Nanchu, he is ready to leave.

However, Gu Nanxu is still concerned about the previous things, "I know you don't care about these things, and you won't take what you see in the brocade to heart, but just in case, you'd better be careful. Tomorrow I'll send someone to send you to Yunwu Mountain. Although the magic path has been blocked, it can still be used."

On this point, moxilou is surprisingly consistent with Gu Nanchu, but he doesn't need to fake others for these little things, "I will send her away from the infinite continent."

When Gu Nan Xu came in from Mo Xi Lou, he noticed his existence and looked at all the interaction between him and Yun Xiu Yi. Seeing him talking to himself, he asked curiously, "don't you know who you are?"

"Brother Nanchu, he is the one who saved me."

Jinli hopped to Mo Xi Lou's side, only to Mo Xi Lou's chest, "brother Nanxu, he's so powerful! So many soul eaters are like little white rabbits when they come to him. They dare not move. I've decided to agree with each other, but he hasn't accepted it yet. "The first time the girl said that she wanted to marry him, Mo Xilou just felt bored. But now she can't help thinking of that day in Dongyue palace, when another woman said that she would marry him, Yun Xiuyi's reaction seemed very fierce.

He can't help thinking that he doesn't like Gu Nanchu's approach to her. Does she also dislike other women's approach to him?

Think like this, Mo Xi Lou unexpectedly showed good to the brocade for the first time, "the future is long." As soon as the words came out, Jinli immediately jumped up happily.

"Yes, yes! We have a long way to go. "

As expected, Yun Xiuyi immediately looked up at Mo Xilou after hearing this sentence and knew that he would not refuse anyone, but when did he start to taste so light? Why not let go of such innocent girls?

Then she thought that no matter whether it was Mo Xi Lou, Ning Xue Lou, or dancing with dancers every day, she could not care.

After all, those women won't get involved with Mo Xi Lou.

But Jinli can't do it. If she really loves the moxilou in front of her, it will be a very difficult thing for her, because one day she will reunite with other souls of moxilou, and then the moxilou will no longer exist.

Want to know these cloud Xiu clothes immediately take Mo Xi Lou's hand, smile to the brocade way, "he likes to talk nonsense, you don't take it seriously."

Feeling the soft catkin in the palm, Mo Xilou couldn't restrain the smile in the corner of his mouth, but after a moment of calmness, he threw away Yun Xiuyi's hand, "who said I'm talking nonsense?"

Then he went to Jinli and said, "she's the lady of Fuli palace. You should have heard that just now. This seat has nothing to do with her."

Jinli nodded. She had guessed it just now, but... She looked at Mo Xi Lou, Yun Xiu Yi and Gu Nan Xu. She didn't understand what was going on in front of her. She always felt that the relationship between the characters was complicated.

Cloud Xiu clothes see Mo Xi floor, this is deliberately in with her antipathy, with eyes warning him "don't play with fire."

However, the more cloud Xiuyi is like this, the more mo Xilou gains an inch, and continues to say to Jinli, "I live in Nalan, if you want to see me come to Nalan."

"Good! Sister Xiuyi... Or sister-in-law... "

See Jinli has been confused about the identity of cloud Xiuyi, Gu Nanxu actively explained, "Xiuyi sister is to help Nanxu brother's help, pretending to be the palace master's wife."

"So it is! I'll tell you how strange it is. " How can a couple be alienated like strangers! It turns out that Xiuyi's elder sister is not the real lady of the palace leader, so she understands.

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