Looking at old lady Gu's disappointed and sad eyes, how could Gu Nanchu feel better? If he could, he really hoped that one day Yunxiu clothes would become the real lady of the palace leader of Fuli palace.

But now the situation, he can no longer let the people of the limitless continent face danger.

"Mother." Gu Nan Xu's voice slightly tired, "I know what I'm doing. Please believe me even if my mother doesn't support my decision."

Gu Nan Xu's words have a different meaning. Old lady Gu is not a fool and immediately realizes that something is wrong. If Nan Xu really likes the saint, it should not be this state at the moment. There must be something fishy in it.

Mrs. Gu wanted to say something more. Tianshu came in at this moment. He just wanted to open his mouth and stopped when he saw Mrs. Gu.

Knowing that they had something important to discuss with each other, Mrs. Gu stopped pestering. She just said, "Nanxu, I won't agree with it anyway." Since he didn't listen to her advice, she had to go to the saint in person. She wanted to ask, as a saint, where would she put Nanxu in the infinite continent?

As soon as Mrs. Gu's foreleg left, Tianshu immediately went to Qianhui to report, "palace master, although the number of people who died of poisoning has not increased recently, we inadvertently found that a large number of people seem to be missing, and the number of bodies is not right."


"This is only a preliminary guess of the subordinates, and it does not rule out that those people fled to other places. The details need to be further investigated and confirmed."

Gu Nan Xu frowned slightly. "We must find out clearly that there can't be any more accidents in the limitless continent. In addition, make a statistics of the number of people alive everywhere, and you can know immediately if any more people are missing. "


Tianshu just wanted to turn around and leave. Seeing the notice torn by old lady Gu on the ground, he hesitated for a moment and asked, "palace master, do you want your subordinates to do this in person? The old lady can't stop her subordinates. "

Gu Nan Xu along Tianshu's line of sight to see the notice on the ground has been broken into pieces of paper, eyebrows suddenly frown deeper, but waved his hand, "no, you first find out what's on hand."


It's night, dark and lonely.

The cold wind is howling. From time to time, you can hear the rustle of the wind blowing on the leaves. A dark shadow is running frantically in the dark. In the process of running, the dark shadow also looks back from time to time, as if there are monsters behind.

"Catch him, this matter must not be exposed before the master's skill is accomplished."

With the spread of this sentence in the night wind, the people running in front have already cried, "help! Help! Who can help me

When the fear of death quickly wrapped this man up, he came to the outside of Nalan nationality. The man seemed to see the hope and ran to the door of Nalan nationality.

However, before he stepped on the steps, he was overtaken by the people behind him. Then he heard a cold voice, "take it back."

"I'm not going! Let me go! Let me go

He knew what these people were going to do when they took him away. He saw all of them, such a big and deep pool of blood, so much blood, so much blood. He didn't want to die!

"Go, don't be found by the Nalan people." The speaker carefully looked at the direction of the Nalan nationality, and immediately ordered his men to take them away. But the man was struggling to death. Anyway, he was dead when he went back. It was better to fight.

It seems that I didn't expect this man to be so stubborn. If it's because he broke the master's business, the gain is not worth the loss. Soon the leader made a decision in his heart.

"I don't like disobedient people." Voice down a dagger stabbed to the struggling people.

At the moment, among the Nalan people, Jinli found out Yunxiu's clothes at night, but they didn't know what to say to her, so they wandered aimlessly in the Nalan people.

After a long time, Jinli hesitated and asked, "sister Xiuyi, I can see that brother Nanxu really likes you. Since you are the lady of the palace leader, why don't you stop them? Brother Nanxu is so pitiful. "

"That's his choice."

It seems that I didn't expect that Yun Xiuyi's reaction was so cold. For a moment, Jinli didn't know how to answer, "sister Xiuyi, do you think you can be together even if you don't like it?"

Without waiting for Yun Xiuyi to answer, Jinli continued to ask, "does sister Xiuyi like someone?"

Jun Jinyao once asked her the same question. At that time, Jun Jinyao thought that she knew how to like it and that Zuo sangyan was a man to marry.

The result is heartbroken, fell to the last step of the field, so two people together really have to care about like or don't like it?

Just like she promised to be with Gu Nanchu at the beginning, isn't it because of interests? It's enough for you to achieve your own goal? The reason why Gu Nanxu agreed to marry shuimurong was that she hoped that she would no longer persecute Wuji mainland.In Yun Xiuyi's opinion, this is also a kind of trade. Each takes what he needs.

However, I don't know why she didn't tell Jinli what she said. Subconsciously, she seems to have overturned her conclusion. She can't help thinking of Mo Xilou.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's been so long since he disappeared. Now, every time she looks at Mo Xi Lou of Tian Hun personality, she has a kind of trance feeling. She even begins to wonder which one is the real Mo Xi Lou, which is so real.

"Sister Xiuyi?"

Seeing that Yun Xiuyi was distracted, Jinli shook her hand in front of her eyes, and then said, "I seem to have asked a very silly question. Xiuyi's elder sister naturally likes Nanxu's elder brother. Otherwise, how can she become the palace master's wife?"

There are not many people who know why yunxiuyi became the palace master's wife. In the spirit of contract, yunxiuyi does not intend to let more people know.

So he didn't deny Jinli's words.

It's probably certain that Gu Nanxu is the one yunxiuyi likes, and he never connects yunxiuyi with moxilou. After all, the first time he meets these two people, they are at war.

The brocade in front of cloud Xiu clothes does not evade own sentiment, suddenly shyly Reply of say.

"Xiuyi elder sister, I seem to like brother Mo more and more. At the beginning, I was afraid of him. I felt that he was not so fierce after I contacted him many times."

With that, Jinli began to smile, like the bright smile of Chaoyang, "anyway, I like brother Mo, hee hee!"


You can't like him. When you talk about it, it turns into "it's a big deal. You can decide whether to like him or not after you think about it clearly. You don't know a lot about him. Maybe you will change your mind at the moment after you know it."

It is said that it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage. First, moxilou said that he likes Jinli, and now Jinli says that he also likes moxilou.

It's reasonable to say that the two of them are in love. She shouldn't mix them up, but she says some strange things here.

Jinli only thinks that yunxiuyi is concerned about her. Instead of thinking in other directions, he agrees, "right! Sister Xiuyi also thinks that it's very important to like it! So I must stop Nanxu. "

While they were talking, they went to the gate of Nalan nationality. Suddenly, Yunxiu's nose moved, and she seemed to smell the smell of blood.

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