Heart moon? Nalan Jin was stunned at first, and soon realized that Xinyue in Mr. Gu's population should be Miss Yun. He immediately said, "it's not a coincidence that the old lady has come. The palace master has taken her away earlier. It seems that there is something urgent."

"Nanxu took Xinyue away?"

Gu old lady's heart suddenly a joy, she knew that South Xu to heart month is sentimental, it seems that as long as she insisted on South Xu will not marry shuimurong.

Since Xinyue is not here, there is no need for Mrs. Gu to stay in Nalan. After a friendly talk with Nalan brocade, she goes back to Fuli palace. Maybe she's settled down. On the way back, Mrs. Gu's steps are much lighter.

Gu Nanxu came to Nalan to find Yunxiu clothes not because of last night, but because Tianshu has found out that the missing people are related to xingsuhai Pavilion.

After several calamities, the force of Fuli palace is much weaker. If you fight with Xingxiu Haige, you will not get half of the benefits, and it is unlikely to win it at one stroke. Therefore, Gu Nanchu needs the help of Yunxiu clothes.

Whether it's moral or human, yunxiuyi feels that she should help Gu Nanxu. Besides, she is also very curious about the Xingxiu Haige.

Xingxiu Haige.

Different from the prosperity of Fuli palace, the solemnity of Nalan people and the primitive of Xiang Yi people, Xingxiu Haige gives people a more casual feeling. When Yunxiu clothes, together with Gu Nanxu and Tianshu, and Yaoguang, arrived by the horned tiger, it was just at the time of the hottest sunshine.

However, although the sun is shining high overhead, the closer you get to Xingxiu Haige, the more you can feel the shade, just like an ice cellar under the stove.

Gu Nanxu and his party did not rush to scare the snake, but found a hidden place to observe the troops of Xingxiu Haige.

"Palace master, most of them! It will be another hour before the team gets here

Tianshu looked at the direction of Xingxiu Haige and frowned slightly, "I'm afraid that before our people arrive, Xingxiu Haige will get the news ahead of time. At that time, they will strengthen their defense. It's not advisable to attack with our current situation."

Although it is not as good as hitting a stone with an egg, it will certainly sacrifice many people, and this result is the last thing Gu Nanchu and Tianshu want to see.

Without waiting for Gu Nanxu to figure out a solution, Yaoguang said, "why don't I sneak in with my wife first? If I can catch the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion, I can win the battle of Fuli palace."

"No way."

Gu Nan Xu denied the plan of shaking light without thinking, "the leader of Xingxiu sea pavilion has been hiding for so many years, and even I'm not sure that I can capture him successfully. How can I let you take risks?"

"But..." shake light some anxious, "since have found each other's criminal evidence, because the other party is too strong stool sit and wait to die?"

Just when Gu Nanchu and Yaoguang were at a standoff, Yun Xiuyi opened his mouth, "it's not known whether he is strong or not, but I think he is fighting a trapped beast."

"What do you mean by that?"

Cloud Xiuyi looked at Gu Nanxu, then moved his eyes to Xingxiu Haige not far away, explained, "he has been hidden for so many years, why do you suddenly implement such a plan now?"

On the way here, Tianshu has told her the details. In recent days, thousands of people have disappeared from the continent, which is not a small number.

Although Xingxiu Haige has a large area, it's very difficult to accommodate so many people at one time. If Yunxiu's guess is right, those people must have died and their bodies have already been transferred to other places.

"What does Madame mean?"

Tianshu had guessed something in his heart, but he didn't take the initiative to say it because of many scruples. On the contrary, there was no taboo in shaking the light. "I see that the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion is practicing some kind of magic, otherwise I can't figure out why he captured so many people."

"It's really possible."

Looking at Nanxu's not shocked look, he must have guessed that "although the saint didn't say it, it's not difficult to guess from her meaning and action that the poison water was not done by the Xiang Yi people. If it wasn't the Xiang Yi People's leader, the most suspected thing would be Xingxiu Haige."

It must be that Xingxiu Haige originally wanted to add insult to injury and give the last blow to the limitless continent, but he didn't expect that Gu Nanxu would agree to marry shuimurong.

If Fuli palace and Xiang Yi people join hands, Xingxiu Haige will never be able to set off waves in the limitless continent.

First, he encouraged Baituo to unite with other families to attack Fuli palace, and then he colluded with shuimurong to disturb the order of the limitless continent. The ambition of Xingxiu Haige has already been revealed.

What Yun Xiuyi said is right. He is fighting against a trapped beast. He should be planning to go all out, either win the limitless continent or break to pieces. However, judging from what he has done, the owner of Xingxiu sea Pavilion must feel that he is more likely to win.Just as several people were analyzing what happened recently, Yun Xiuyi's face suddenly changed, her body moved and said, "there is a strong smell of blood."

Yun Xiuyi looked at Gu Nanxu, "I agree with Yaoguang's suggestion that we go to explore first. If he is really practicing magic, the longer he delays, the worse it will be for us."

Gu Nan Xu also want to stop, but see cloud Xiuyi eyes firm, get along with such a long time, he also knew her character, had to give up the idea of persuading her.

"Don't try to be brave and leave as soon as there is danger."

After getting Gu Nanxu's consent, Yaoguang immediately walked to yunxiuyi with a smile, "don't worry, we know what to do, let's go! Madame

After successfully sneaking into xingsuhai Pavilion, the original gloomy atmosphere is heavier, and the strong bloody smell also floats in every corner of xingsuhai Pavilion. Yunxiu clothes follow the smell of blood and soon came to a stone gate. She winked at the shaking light. They quickly separated and hid on both sides of the stone gate.

After a while, the stone gate vibrated and opened slowly. Several disciples of Xingxiu Haige came out with dozens of corpses. Yunxiu's clothes and Yaoguang looked at each other and flashed in one after another just before the stone gate closed.

As soon as she enters the stone gate, Yun Xiu's clothes feel the breath of pearls at night. Her eyes are light. Unexpectedly, the owner of xingsuhai Pavilion is really that person.

At this moment, Yun Xiuyi probably understood what the man was doing. He wanted to reopen the nighttime bead.

The furnishings behind the stone gate are very simple. There is nothing but a deep and wide pool, which is full of blood.

Right above the blood pool, a crystal clear pearl floats up and down. The owner of Xingxiu sea Pavilion is casting a spell to nourish the Pearl with blood. Cloud Xiu clothes heart move, he unexpectedly want to blood sacrifice night time bead.

As the nighttime pearl slowly sinks into the blood pool, a ferocious and satisfied smile appears on the face of the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion. It won't be long before he can use nighttime pearl to get rid of Gu Nanxu and shuimurong.

Including the girl who doesn't know how to die in the cloud family, he will let her die in a foreign country and never return to Dongyue.

After a long time, at night, the bead slowly floated out of the blood pool, but the original crystal clear no longer existed, and the bead was covered with thick blood.

When the blood slowly faded, a little bit of black gas gradually wrapped the beads in the night, and instantly the evil gas was all around.

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