Gong Yan's original plan is to let Gong Rou and yunxiuyi die together, and then use the name of yunxiuyi to distract Gu Nanxu and prevent his wedding with shuimurong.

Finally, Gu Nanchu and others will gather here. When they are all together, he will immediately light the fuse and catch them all.

It's not only Gong Rou who is bound with gunpowder, but Gong Yan has already buried gunpowder in many places here. As long as they dare to come, they will be waiting for them. Unfortunately, Gong Rou's plan was flawed from the beginning.

But it doesn't matter, even if Yunxiu clothes escaped a disaster, she certainly can't escape the second disaster, unless even God doesn't help him.

Gu Nan Xu got the news that Yunxiu clothes were in danger, and immediately rushed to duanhun mountain. However, when he came to duanhun mountain, it was already over, and Yunxiu clothes were out of danger.

"Why are you here?" Guanguan was the first to find Gu Nanxu and asked, "you are not married to shuimurong today! How did you come here? "

"Did you get hurt?"

Before irrigation could answer this question, he suddenly heard a sound of "yiyiyiyiyi". He immediately looked at yunxiuyi and said, "yunxiuyi, did you hear any strange sound?"

Cloud Xiu clothes than irrigation heard earlier, combined with the gunpowder on Gong Rou before, heart has guessed Gong Yan a series of plans.

Although the situation is very dangerous, yunxiuyi calmly to find the source of the sound, intends to stop Gong Yan's trick.

However, Gong Yan was far more treacherous than she had imagined. He specially treated the fuse. He first spread the fuse around and separated it, and then joined it with a rope.

In this way, he can not only ignite many places at one time, but also make them unable to extinguish the fuse at the same time.

In addition to the special treatment of the fuse, Gong Yan carefully calculated the location of the powder. Even if they put out several fuse by yunxiuyi, as long as there is one explosion, it will directly detonate other places, and they are also difficult to fly.

This is the way that Gong Yan thought for several days. He thought it was safe. No matter how powerful they were, there was no way to solve it.

But it happened that there was something unexpected in the sky. At that time, there was a sudden thunder and lightning, and it began to rain cats and dogs. They didn't need to wear the clothes of Yunxiu. All the fuse wires were watered out by the rain.

At that moment, Gong Yan really realized the despair. He clenched his fists angrily and could hear the sound of "clattering clattering" clearly. Finally, he escaped quickly before he was found.

However, he escaped the cloud Xiuyi, but not shuimurong. Gong Yan just left brokenhead ridge and just ran into shuimurong covered with blood.

Seeing Gong Yan, shuimurong knew exactly what had happened, "Gong Yan? So you ruined my wedding? "

Looking at shuimurong who came to him step by step, Gong Yan was very guilty and retorted carefully, "saint, it's Gu Nanchu's fault. How can you blame me?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. Why did Gu Nanchu leave me? You know in your heart, shouldn't I count this account on you?"

In the face of shuimurong's killing spirit, Gong Yan was obviously flustered, "saint, this is also a test for Gu Nanxu. If I can cheat him with a word, it means that he doesn't have you in his heart at all! Why do you insist? "

Forced? Doesn't she know Gu Nanchu doesn't have her in her heart?

It's because she knows that she coerces Gu Nanxu to marry her with the promise land. She just wants to get an opportunity to stay with Gu Nanxu and influence him with her heart.

But why? She loves a person has been so humble love, but there is still a pile of flies fly to interfere with her! Stop her!

Looking at Gong Yan again, shuimurong's eyes were more than killing. She walked to Gong Yan with no expression on her face and lifted him up with one hand. "I don't feel better. You don't want to feel better."


Three days had passed since the wedding day, and Yun Xiu Yi had set a date for leaving the infinite continent.

On this day, as soon as Yun Xiu Yi collected a batch of refined pills into the heaven and earth cauldron, nalandot ran over in a panic, "sister Yun, it's not good!"

Before narandot could speak clearly, Tianshu and Yaoguang appeared behind her. "Madam, the palace master is gone."

The palace master is gone?

Cloud Xiu clothes after hearing slightly frown, what is called the palace master disappeared? Gu Nan Xu, a living person, how can she disappear if she can't say it? She asked, "you two make it clear, what's the matter?"

Then Tianshu and Yaoguang told yunxiuyi what happened in these three days one by one.Since shuimurong left Fuli palace, she ordered the people of Yi nationality in Hunan to burn, kill and plunder. She did all kinds of evil and killed many innocent people.

Gu Nan Xu knows that this is because of him. He not only sends troops to the streets, but also guards the safety of the people in Wuji continent all day and all night.

This morning, Tianshu went to change Gu Nanxu as usual and went back to Fuli palace to have a rest, but he didn't see him at the appointed place.

Gu Nanchu is always punctual. Tianshu guesses that he should be caught by something, so he goes to find him. However, after searching all the places, he never sees Gu Nanchu. Finally, he has no choice but to come to yunxiuyi for help.

With Gu Nanchu's temperament, it's really impossible to do something worrying, and Tianshu is also a very cautious person. He should find all the places he should look for.

If so, the only thing yunxiuyi can think of is that shuimurong forcibly takes Gu Nanxu away.

Whether it's the marriage before or after, shuimurong just goes to Gu Nanchu. If Gu Nanchu has an accident at this time, she can't be anyone else except her.

Want to understand these, cloud Xiuyi immediately to Tianshu way, "continue to send people to look for Gu Nanxu, pay attention to propriety, not only let people know, also don't cause people's panic."

Then Yun Xiuyi said to Yaoguang, "bring Jinli here. I need her to do something for me."

What yunxiuyi asked Jinli to do was to find out the recent whereabouts of shuimurong among the Yi people in Hunan, and whether there are any abnormalities among the Yi people in Hunan today.

Only half a day later, Jinli brought back the news that shuimurong had shut himself up in his room and had not come out for a whole day. He even cooked a few dishes himself.

Based on these two news, yunxiuyi was sure that Gu Nanxu must be of the Xiang Yi nationality, and he was in the same room with shuimurong.

It seems that shuimurong failed to marry into Fuli palace, but still couldn't let go of Gu Nanxu, so he directly imprisoned Gu Nanxu in the Yi nationality of Hunan Province.

"Sister Xiuyi, why do you want me to check these! Is something wrong? " Jinli said puzzled looked at Tianshu and Yaoguang, "Why are they both here but don't see Nanxu brother!"

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