Looking at everyone's cautious eyes, Jinli immediately waved his hand, "you don't have to be too nervous. I was really sad a few days ago, but now I'm much better, otherwise I would not have thought about coming here!"

Jinli said and went to yunxiuyi, "Xiuyi sister is OK, I'm very happy. Fortunately, the foresight in brokenhearted mountain didn't come true."

As soon as she saw the cloud Xiu clothes in Jinli, she couldn't help thinking of Mo Xi Lou, who is the soul of heaven. The reasons he said that she was partial to Jinli made her laugh and cry. It was very childish!

Unfortunately, until the end, she did not say good-bye to him, and then sent him away.

"Sister Xiuyi?"

Seeing that Yun Xiuyi is distracted, Jinli comes closer. When she looks at herself, she continues to say, "sister Xiuyi, I want to make good use of my ability to benefit Wuji continent and help brother Nanxu."

"Well, come on."

Yunxiuyi would never say something encouraging. He used to do this to Yunluo, but now he still does it to Jinli. Jinli didn't force Yunxiu to dress. After talking with her, she went to Mo Xi Lou again. She called softly, "brother mo."

Because Mo Xi Lou has been sleeping in the broken jade all this time, and he is not very clear about the outside world, so he doesn't know Jinli at all.

But he did not show, indifferently nodded to her.

It seems that I didn't expect that Mo Xi Lou would be so indifferent to me. Jinli suddenly felt at a loss, and finally could only helplessly look at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes.

The cloud Xiu dress secretly pulled to pull Mo Xi Lou's sleeve, indicated that he quickly coaxed the brocade in, but the latter didn't approve of to see her one eye, indicated that this matter had nothing to do with him, he also didn't plan to take over the day soul's own leave of any evil debt.

In the end, yunxiuyi can't kick the fox out. He is so angry that the fox wants to bite. He dares to think that these two people are just like the old man. They don't want to take care of each other, so they abuse a weak and helpless animal!

Too much!

However, they were all kicked out by yunxiuyi, and he didn't have the reason to turn back. He immediately said hello to Jinli, "xiaojinli, I'm hungry, let's go to eat delicious food!"

The fox then gave a wink to the irrigation on one side, and looked at nalandot not far away. The two of them agreed immediately, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, too." So a person a fox a bird surrounded Jinli left the attic.

Without the fox and irrigation, the attic was quiet. Nalanyun felt that he shouldn't stay here. He stepped back.

When only Mo Xi Lou and Yun Xiu Yi were left in the attic, Mo Xi Lou suddenly moved towards Yun Xiu Yi, and then quietly pulled her hand. After a while, she said, "you have a lot of memories with him."

Finally, he added, "I don't know all about it."

When did Mo Xi Lou speak to Yun Xiu Yi in such a pitiful voice? He heard Yun Xiu Yi tremble and wondered if he was wearing less clothes.

If change for other women, afraid is already unable to resist, she pour good directly said a sentence, "horizontal and vertical are you."

Mo Xi Lou sighed slightly, silently sighing that the little girl still didn't know what the amorous feelings were, but she still asked, "you haven't seen me for such a long time, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"What's that?"

Yun Xiuyi looks at Mo Xilou solemnly. He is really thinking about whether he has forgotten anything. After confirming that he has not, he immediately asks, "do you have something to say? What's the matter? "


Originally, I wanted to hear her say some sweet words, but I didn't expect that she threw the problem to him again. If it was someone else, he would think it was playing hard to get.

But the other party is cloud Xiu clothes, Mo Xi Lou even some distressed himself, afraid that he will suffer in the future.

"You cried."

That day, Yun Xiuyi cried in his arms for a long time. Maybe it was too much consumption in the battle. Finally, he fell asleep. Mo Xilou took her back to Nalan. What makes Mo Xi Lou feel gratified is that she always holds her hand even in her sleep.

Crying? Cloud Xiu clothes also thought of that day!

Her eyes blinked, and she seemed to be thinking about why she was crying because she was too tired to fight with shuimurong? Or do you feel like you're finally out of ink? Or is it just because moxilou is back?

See cloud Xiu clothes expression changed again and again, like just wake up baby confused innocent, Mo Xi Lou helpless shake head also don't intend to ask her again.

He will cloud Xiu clothes pull over, gently press her head in his chest position, another hand tightly embrace her shoulder, will she circle in the arms. These days, only when he really hugs her in his arms can he be sure that he is really back."I won't cry again." Mo Xilou's voice was low and serious, like a guarantee or a promise.

Yun Xiuyi leaned against Mo Xilou's chest and listened to his heartbeat quietly. Once, twice, three times... He was so far away from her, now he is so close to her.

Suddenly she seemed to know why she was crying. "I'm afraid you won't come back."

Her voice is stuffy. It seems that her voice is coming through his skin. Mo Xilou feels that her head is buzzing, and her heart is rippling. At this moment, he even thinks that it's worthwhile for him to disappear for so long.

Cloud Xiu clothes with the face rubbed rub Mo Xi floor, stuffy voice continues, "Mo Xi floor?"

"Well, I am."

As before, as long as she called him, he would answer, but the warm atmosphere of the next moment was destroyed by Yunxiu's clothes. "Should you tell me what this broken jade is?"

Without waiting for Mo Xi Lou to answer, Yun Xiu Yi said his guess one by one, "this broken jade is not yours, it should be the possession of the man who killed your soul."

"Guanguan said before that you were seriously injured by sihunyu, so this fragment should be sihunyu?"

Although the tone of doubt, cloud Xiuyi heart has already had the answer, see Mo Xi Lou nodded, she continued, "the spirit of heaven, whether you are looking for the moon mirror or night beads, should be for revenge!"

Speaking of this, cloud Xiu clothes suddenly looked up to Mo Xi floor, "do you also take revenge?"

"Good guess."

As if expected, Mo Xi Lou's face was not surprised, "that broken jade is indeed a fragment of the four soul jade. In that war, although the four soul jade seriously injured me, it also broke into many pieces. One piece is here, and the others should fall to the ends of the earth."

As for revenge, Mo Xilou deliberately avoided this topic. Even if he didn't revenge, if that person knew he was still alive, he would not give up.

"For example, the Pearl, water moon mirror and four soul jade all appear tonight. I don't know where the Langxie sword is."

"Among the four artifact, the langye sword is the most fierce. When the sword comes out of its sheath, it will be stained with blood. I hope you will never see the langye sword in your life." As soon as Mo Xi Lou's voice fell, the door of the attic was suddenly knocked open, and the fox and irrigation rolled in at the same time.

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