The girl suddenly stood in the same place and looked at Yun Xiu's clothes foolishly. After a long time, there was no change in her expression. Then she cried without warning, but no matter how sad her expression was, she could not shed a drop of tears. She cried and laughed again.

She said with a smile as she wiped away tears she didn't have. "It's a great feeling. I haven't heard anyone's name for a long time."

At this moment, the girl's eyes seemed to be hiding stars, shining. She looked at the sky, and a look of expectation appeared on her face. Because of her series of changes, yunxiuyi was overwhelmed, and her heart could not help but move slightly.

Despite being trapped here for so many years, and despite the death of her body, her heart seems to be alive, full of hope and expectation.

Those dots of fluorescence seemed to feel the girl's mood, floating up and down around her.

Then a magical and strange scene appeared, and the fluorescence slowly turned into human shape. Soon, there were men, women, old people and children around the girl

They exude a faint fluorescence, silent guard in the girl's side, the girl is smiling at them, and then worry with cloud Xiuyi said.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you."

Although he knew that they would not hurt himself, he could not help but feel a chill when he saw this scene for the first time.

Later, shuixiaoxi told yunxiuyi that the dots of fluorescence were all dead people. They were not spirits or souls, but existed in another form.

In the next few days, shuihuixi and yunxiuyi searched for the exit from here. Meanwhile, they were also looking for the whereabouts of fox, Guanguan and nalandot. However, they did not find any clues.

Cloud Xiu clothes don't know whether they escaped from the magic way or fell to other places, just hope everyone is safe at present.

Xu is afraid of the boredom of Yunxiu's clothes. In the days of looking for the exit, the water takes her to a magical cave.

In that cave, Yun Xiuyi knew for the first time that his original cultivation could not only improve his accomplishments, but also needed to be assisted by corresponding skills. In this way, both soul power and spiritual power could use all kinds of skills.

It can not only release and use soul power and spirit power better, but also greatly improve the lethality of soul power or spirit power in wartime.

Maybe it's because there is no spiritual cultivation in Wuji continent. The skills stored in this cave are only soul skills and martial arts skills.

There is only one kind of soul skill, which is called heaven and earth xuanhuang skill, while there are four kinds of martial arts skills, which are cold ice skill, fierce fire skill, Jiji electric skill and wind skill.

With the help of shuixiaoxi and his talent, it took yunxiuyi only three days to comprehend the mysterious yellow art of heaven and earth, and to master the first soul skill until the ninth.

In the next few days, Yun Xiu Yi practiced all four kinds of martial arts skills. Although she had no martial arts training foundation, she thought that if she could use them in the future.

Besides, there's nothing else to do here except to find an exit. It's a waste of time.

On this day, Yun Xiuyi followed everyone around for a while, then went back to the cave to continue to practice Kung Fu. They didn't come back until the evening when the water was boiling.

"Xiuyi, all the little ones are back, but they still can't find the exit." Water Xi sorry smile, but did not forget to comfort cloud Xiuyi, "tomorrow we continue to work hard ah!"

With that, she waved to let those little dots fly over, and then one by one red wild fruit fell in front of cloud Xiu clothes.

"Sorry! There are no living things here. You can only eat some wild fruits every day. "

The wild fruit in shuicaoxi's mouth is actually called Bodhi fruit. It is a kind of fruit that can quickly replenish soul power. After eating it, not only soul power will be full, but also there will be no hunger.

"Thank you."

Yun Xiuyi picked up a wild fruit, wiped it on his sleeve, and then threw it into his mouth. He immediately felt that the meridians of his whole body were relaxed, and even the five senses and six senses were well understood. When he concentrated on it, he could see the scene of thousands of miles.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

As soon as shuixiaoxi was ready to walk to yunxiuyi's side, a little shallow fluorescence fell on yunxiuyi's shoulder. Yunxiaoxi could not help but stop and said with a smile, "she seems to like you very much. She'll get entangled with you as soon as she has a chance these days."

Cloud Xiu clothes slightly inclined to see that point of fluorescence, compared with other fluorescence, she seems very weak, as if it will disappear at any time.

She had seen her once before, and her figure was so thin that she couldn't even see her features clearly. She could only vaguely tell that she was a very thin woman in blue.

Although she couldn't see her expression at that time, yunxiuyi always felt that her eyes were very hot.Shuixiaoxi said that she didn't come here long, but she never spoke and didn't get close to her. "She didn't have any contact with you before she died, did she?"

Shuifuxi's index finger rubbed her chin, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. "What was she dressed like before, and what is it like now. Xiuyi, did you have any impression when you saw her dress before? "


"That's strange. Why does she like you so much?"

When shuifuxi finished her sentence, she seemed to think of something else. She patted her forehead and said, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that black water snake is crazy again today! I'm bored to death by it, and I don't know when it will be taken away by water again. "

Then she reminded Yun Xiuyi, "when you look for the exit these days, try not to go to it! It's still hard to deal with. "

Hearing this, Yun Xiuyi immediately looked up at the water and said, "black water snake?"

"What's the matter?" The water is confused to ask a way, "don't you know black water Xuan snake?"? It's the snake you met the day you first came

"I've got a way out of here."


Shuixiaoxi can't keep up with the rhythm of yunxiuyi's thinking. First she is surprised, then she runs to yunxiuyi excitedly and asks excitedly, "what can I do? We don't have to find an exit to get out of here? "

"Since the black water snake can be sent here after the water level rises, it means that there must be an outlet to the outside world in the water." Otherwise, how can the black water snake appear here out of thin air?

After listening to Yun Xiuyi's words, Shui Xiaoxi's face was full of admiration, "Xiuyi, you are too powerful! Why didn't I think of that? "

Shuifuxi took a few steps to the left and right. After thinking about it, he followed the analysis and said, "you are right. Heishuixuan snake is different from you. It lives in the sea. If you want to come here, it must be through water. Oh, my God! We can finally get out of here

"Don't be happy yet."

Before with black water Xuan snake hand in hand, cloud Xiu clothing is very clear that he is not its opponent, if you want to avoid it into the water to explore the exit is not easy?

Moreover, she did not know how deep the water was and how far it was from the exit. No matter how good the water was, she could not guarantee that she could stay in the water for a long time.

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