"Compare, compare!" Since cloud ink, no one dares to ignore him like this. Ye Xingming immediately brings new Dan stove and new herbs and asks, "how can I compare?"

"You choose."

"Oh! So arrogant. " Ye Xingming stares at Yun Xiu's clothes tightly. Although she can't see her face with the veil, her eyes are surprisingly good-looking. I think her face under the veil should be good!

Because ye Xingming was severely abused by yunmo before, this time he specially used a little cleverness, "since you are so confident in yourself, then refine my best Juying pill!"


See this woman's confident attitude, ye Xingming looks at her suspiciously, before the beginning, he doesn't forget to add some competition rules.

"It's not allowed to use special Dan stove or special fire. Herbs can only be selected from the ones I provide." In this way, no matter how powerful this man is, he can't turn the world around.

Cloud Xiu Yi glanced at him, he thought that without Shennong Ding, zhurong kindling and huolinghua, he could win? Naive!


With that, Yun Xiuyi went to Ye Xingming, picked out some essential herbs from the pile of herbs in front of him, and motioned him to provide the stove and fire. Wait until everything is ready, cloud Xiu clothes to leaf star dark way, "start!"

After the start of the competition, ye Xingming swept away the previous haze and concentrated on alchemy. All the steps were orderly, including selecting materials, entering the furnace, refining, merging, condensing, opening and collecting.

There was no accident that a Sanpin julingdan was successfully refined. With the action of opening the furnace, there was a strong aura in the backyard.

The guests in yunmo Pavilion don't know, so they look at the curtain leading to the backyard one after another, thinking how Mr. Ye's state is good or bad.

Ye Xingming's action is as fast as ever. He puts the Sanpin julingdan in his palm and looks at Yunxiu's clothes. "I don't believe you can make more than Sanpin pills."

"What if I could?"

Cloud Xiu clothes cloud light breeze light said a, at the same time will the last herbal medicine throw into the Dan stove, she fingertip a ray of spiritual power slowly into the stove, Dan medicine has not been refined successfully, around the stove has been lingering bursts of aura.

What ye Xingming said is right. The third grade pill is the limit. How can she do what even zhulanglou's grandmaster didn't break through.

But it's not difficult to win Ye Xingming. Ye Xingming's weakness is that his cultivation is not high all the time, so his spirit power of refining pills is limited.

But Yun Xiu's clothes are not the same. Whether it's spiritual cultivation or alchemy, her talent is not low. Combined with the two, ye Xingming is still not her opponent. Here cloud Xiu clothes haven't taken out Dan medicine, leaf star dark face has already changed.

"You cheat!"

He pointed to the cloud Xiu clothes and shook his hand violently, "you! Who are you? " After asking him, he looked at Xiang Yunluo again, "where did you find the person? You mean to smash my sign, right? It's great to have high accomplishments! "

"Cheating? It's you who are inferior. "


Yun Xiuyi doesn't care about ye Xingming's anger. She calmly turns on the stove and collects Dan. In an instant, the whole cloud ink Pavilion is full of aura. This aura is so pure that all the guests greedily close their eyes.

When they come back to their senses, they immediately want to rush into the backyard. Fortunately, the shopkeeper has been on guard and stopped them.

However, they said, "manager Yun, let's go in and have a look!"

"Yes! What the hell is going on! If the price is right, I'm willing to buy it. "

"I will, too!"

"Don't rob me of any of you!"


With the increasing interest of the public, the shopkeeper's life was shaken. He was as curious as everyone about what happened in the backyard, but he knew that since the owner was in the backyard, it was not his turn to come out.

Weigh again and again, the shopkeeper replied, "you wait here, let me go to the backyard to see what's going on."

With these words, he quickly lifted the curtain of the door and entered the backyard. The guests craned their necks to look in, and a second came to stop them.

In the backyard, ye Xingming stood dejected, like an eggplant beaten by frost, "I lost?" In his confidence, he still lost?

Ye Xingming fidgeted to pull a few hair, then listen to the voice of cloud Xiu clothing, faint spread, "the pharmacist of zhulanglou is just like this."

"You! You can insult me, but you can't insult chulanglou! No, you can't insult me"Oh."

Cloud Xiu dress disapproves of cold hum a, "insult?"? As a pharmacist, you have destroyed so many medicinal materials and Dan stoves for personal reasons. If I were Wen Yu, I would have expelled you from the school. What if I insult you? "


Ye Xingming was angry for a moment. He wanted to refute the woman who had won him, but what she said was true. As a pharmacist, he was really incompetent during this period of time. He was in vain to be a pharmacist in zhulanglou, and he was the one who humiliated zhulanglou.

"I..." Ye Xingming wronged Baba looked at Yunluo, trying to find some comfort from him, Yunluo knowingly went to pat him on the shoulder.

"I know, I know."

Ye Xingming shriveled his mouth, as if he were a child who had lost his candy. He rushed into Yunluo's arms and cried. After several emotional ups and downs, ye Xingming finally digested all the negative emotions, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

Yunluo is right. She is a woman! Or a woman who didn't care about him, why did he torture himself?

Looking at the Sanpin Juling pill in the palm and the Sanpin Juling pill in Xiang Yunxiu's hands, ye Xingming returns to his former appearance.

He picked pick eyebrow, "this time is my state is not stable, you don't think this is to win me!"

Although the mouth says don't accept words, ye Xingming see to cloud Xiu dress of eyes but very admire, think this woman's strength is absolutely above cloud ink.

Then he asked Yunluo, "where did you find the pharmacist? Before your sister found a cloud ink, now you bring a young girl, why I suddenly feel that pharmacists are not scarce in Dongyue empire! "

Cloud Luo suddenly awkward smile, where come of so many pharmacists, no matter is cloud Mo or this woman is his elder sister a person!

"The pharmacist! Scarcity is still scarce. But you don't think about who I am. I'm the master of the cloud family. It's easy to find a pharmacist. " Then he looked at Ye Xingming with deep meaning, "so don't make any mistakes again!"

After a pause, Yunluo added, "be careful, I'll let you roll up and go back to zhulanglou right away." Don't wait for ye Xingming to refute cloud Luo to continue a way.

"I know you don't want to stay in yunmoxuan, but you have to think clearly that it's not the same thing to go by yourself and be driven away!"

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