After a long period of silence, yunmoxuan began to clamor again, "manager Yun, are you joking and teasing us? We can't afford ten thousand gold coins! "

"Yes! You said a reliable number

Everyone said a word to me, but the manager of the cloud family didn't move. So they looked at Yunluo again, "master of the cloud family, you don't mean not to sell this Juying pill!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, I didn't know why there was a stir outside yunmo Xuan, and then I came into two men and women full of luxury. Seeing that both men and women knew each other, they retreated to both sides and called respectfully, "elder martial brother Qi, Miss Tang er."

It was Qi Yuan, the son-in-law of the Tang family and the apprentice of xiaoyaozi in Tianji Pavilion. The other was his wife, Tang Wan, the second miss of the Tang family.

Because Qi Yuan didn't have a specific title in Dongyue Empire, and people didn't dare to offend him, so although he didn't join Tianji Pavilion for a long time to become an apprentice of xiaoyaozi, everyone respected him as "elder martial brother Qi."

"Why are they both here?"

Ye Xingming asks Yunluo in a low voice. Although Qi Yuan doesn't deal with the cloud family all the time, because Jun Fu protects the cloud family everywhere, he never dares to ask the cloud family for trouble. How can he bring Tang Wan to yunmoxuan today?

"I don't know."

At the moment, Yunluo has the same doubts in his heart. He moves his eyes to yunxiuyi, but she is not surprised by the appearance of Qiyuan and Tangwan. Did she expect these two people to come?

Qi Yuan led Tang Wan's hand through the crowd and went to the front. He stared at the Juying pill for a long time and said, "I want this pill."

As soon as the words came out, people began to talk again, "elder martial brother Qi, the owner of Juying Danyun's family asked for 10000 gold coins. You must think it over! The market price of Sanpin Juying pill is only 2000 gold coins, which is five times higher! "

"As long as you talk, elder martial brother Qi can't see whether that pill is worth buying or not? What's more, with elder martial brother Qi's current status, how dare the cloud family cheat him? "

"That's right. Besides, elder martial brother Qi is not bad for the money."

In the public's discussion, Qi Yuan straightened his back and stressed that when they finished their discussion, he said to Yunluo again, "I'll take the things, and I'll go to the Tang family to get the gold coins."

Just when everyone thought that the Juying pill was in Qi Yuan's pocket, the manager of the cloud family threw cold water on everyone, especially gave Qi Yuan a slap in the head. "Sorry, Mr. Qi, I have said that this Juying pill is sold by auction."


Qi Yuan looked at the crowd with a sneer, "is there anyone here who dares to rob me? Besides, who is willing to spend such a large sum of gold to buy you a Juying pill? Shopkeeper Yun, don't you mean to embarrass me? "

Although it is looking at the cloud manager, but Qi Yuan this words obviously is to say to cloud Luo listen to, "or say you cloud family afraid of this year's storm ranking and won't get the place?"

Speaking of this, Qi Yuan looks very proud. Even if Yun Xiuyi won the first place in the first Fengyun qualifying competition, how about that? Since her, Fengyun qualifying has no place for them.

Originally, Yunluo was also very high in the ranking of Fengyun, but because the owner of his family was not allowed to participate in Fengyun qualifying, he and Zuo Fu were removed from the ranking.

After another three competitions, the wind and cloud rankings have changed dramatically.

Only the top three have not changed for various reasons. The first yunxiuyi can no longer challenge her since she disappeared. The second Junfu is the leader of Dongyue, and no one dares to challenge him. The third junjinyao has never appeared since Tianji Pavilion closed.

In addition to the fact that the ranking of these three people has never changed, the competition from the fourth to the tenth place in Fengyun ranking has been more and more fierce.

As of last year's fourth session, the fourth place was Miss Tang Ning of the Tang family, the fifth place was Qi Yuan of Tianji Pavilion, and the sixth place to the tenth place were all from the Tang family and Tianji Pavilion. Everyone said that the cloud family and the left family had fallen.

As for Tang Wan, who once had the same strength as Tang Ning, he abandoned his cultivation and fell out of the storm list long after he married Qi Yuan, which is why Qi Yuan has to buy this Juying pill.

He wants Tang Wan to improve even if he doesn't get back to the top ten in this year's competition, so that he will be less embarrassed in the Tang family.

Qi Yuan was one of the four families because of Tang Wan, but he was not welcomed by Tang Yishuang because of Tang Wan.

In Tang Yishuang's eyes, Tang Wan has been a gifted child since childhood, and she is always proud of it. However, in just a few years, Tang Wan has fallen from the cloud to the bottom, and all this is thanks to Qi Yuan.

At the beginning, if Tang Wan didn't force her to die, and if she was unmarried, Tang Yishuang would not agree to her marrying Qi Yuan.The only thing that makes her feel lucky is that although Qi Yuan was born in a small family, he is xiaoyaozi's apprentice, which can be regarded as giving back some face to the Tang family.

In the face of Qi Yuan's provocation, Yunluo smiles indifferently, "just a Juying pill can't shake my cloud family. You need to spend a lot of money to buy it. I want as much as yunmo Xuan."

Although Yunluo's words are a little more arrogant, it is also a fact that people can't refute.

Qi Yuan's eyelids jumped, and his face turned black in a moment. "Since the cloud master is not because of Juying pill, that's to say that he has a problem with the Tang family and Tianji Pavilion."

"Your ability to confuse right and wrong is worthy of reputation." Cloud Luo looked at the next shopkeeper, the shopkeeper immediately followed cloud Luo's words.

"Since we open the door to do business, how can we refuse the guests? As I said just now, the Juying pill will be sold by auction. Since Mr. Qi likes it, why do you have to be so quick here? "

Qi Yuan's vision sweeps around between Yunluo and the shopkeeper. After thinking about it in his heart, he feels that they don't have the courage to fool him with their current situation.

"All right, auction, auction."

Then he turned and looked at the people in yunmo Xuan, full of warning, "I don't want to break the rules of yunmo Xuan, so let's auction it! I bid 12000 gold coins, and the extra 2000 is a reward for yunmoxuan. "

"Elder martial brother Qi is rich!"

These people don't think it's too big to watch the excitement. One by one, they say things that encourage Qi Yuan's momentum, "I'm afraid the cloud family is crazy about money. They just want to steal more money from elder martial brother Qi! It's also a pity that elder martial brother Qi is generous and doesn't care about them. "

"The ten thousand gold coins are already a sky high price. They still need to be auctioned. Black heart shop."

Listening to these words, Qi Yuan is very comfortable. He thinks that the 12000 gold coins are worth spending. He has earned a good reputation, but the cloud family stinks to the end.

Then they began to urge the shopkeeper, "shopkeeper Yun, I don't think anyone's price is higher than elder martial brother Qi's. you can fix it quickly! It's no wonder that we suspect you have ulterior motives if you drag on any longer. "

The shopkeeper's "hehe" laughed twice, "are you afraid of flying a cooked duck?" With these words, the shopkeeper looked at the crowd, "is there any more than 12000 gold coins?"

After a moment's silence in yunmo Pavilion, the shopkeeper continued, "if there is no one, the Juying pill will be sold to Mr. Qi with 12000 gold coins, 12000 gold coins once, 12000 gold coins twice, 12000 gold coins..."

Just as Qi Yuan reached for the brocade box on the table, a lazy voice came, "Thirteen thousand gold coins, the main one in the Juying Danben square."

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