Cloud Xiu clothes toward Su Zixiang blinked, as if to say to him, "I always like to talk", Su Zixiang was not comfortable with her, asked, "you'd better speak straight! What do you want? "

See Su Zixiang as he expected to take the initiative to ask, cloud Xiuyi followed his words, "Fang Lou and cloud shop cooperation has been a long time, it's better to cooperate again."

"No way!" In business, Su Zixiang has always been smart, he immediately understood the meaning of cloud Xiuyi, refused to say, "the channel of animal yuan, the owner of this shop can never provide to the cloud shop." This is the foundation of fanglou's foothold in Dongyue. How can it be disclosed easily?

As soon as Su Zixiang's words came out, the faces of several people on the scene changed. Yunluo thought that his elder sister was really powerful. As soon as he came back, he touched the ground on Su Zixiang's head. Zhong Li's Congzhi was a look at the excitement.

"The owner of Sufang doesn't have to provide channels for Yunjia shops. What I want is the animal yuan. I don't care how it comes."

In fact, it's not because Yun Xiuyi really doesn't care how the animal yuan came, but she can trust Su Zixiang.

"What do you mean?"

Yun Xiuyi doesn't plan to beat around the bush with Su Zixiang. He says straight to the point, "since the fanglou sells animal yuan, my Yunjia shop will also buy Animal yuan from the fanglou for a long time at a reasonable price. The owner of Su fanglou won't refuse the business."

Su Zixiang seriously thought about Yun Xiuyi's words and asked, "how can I find a reasonable way?" Because he was designed many times by Yun Xiuyi, he had to get to the bottom of every word she said.

"Since it's a long-term cooperation, our cloud store has a large demand for animal yuan. Of course, the owner of Sufang can't sell it to us at the price of ordinary customers. But please rest assured that I will never let the building lose money. "

As a businessman, Su Zixiang will not refuse anything profitable, but once the Yunjia shop also sells animal yuan, it will certainly affect the individual business of fanglou.

When Su Zixiang hesitated, Zhong Li suddenly said, "master Su Fang, I don't want to influence your decision. After all, it's none of my business, but I want to remind you that people in the limitless continent are free to travel to and from the East moon empire."

Although there was not much influence at the beginning of the exchange, it may be that it will affect the economy of Dongyue empire after a long time.

On this point, Su Zixiang considered long ago that the Wuji continent is rich in materials. If they really open the market of Dongyue Empire, it will affect fanglou's business. If fanglou now cooperates with Yunjia shops, it will help him to share the risk.

After much thinking, Su Zixiang said again, "this is a big thing for the fanglou. We mainly go back to think about it and give you an answer in three days."


Originally, it was just a wine company for Yunxiu clothes. Unexpectedly, a big event was brought about between talking and laughing, although it was still the last step. But at present, this situation has made Yunluo admire Yunxiu clothes. His elder sister is his elder sister!

Cloud Luo a happy even drink several glasses of wine, at this time outside came a conversation, should be the guests in the snow building in the chat.

"In a few days, it will be the fifth Fengyun qualifying competition, and then Zhuque Street will be busy again!"

"Lively is lively, but every time the results are not suspense, also quite boring, I guess this year can not afford to lift a little splash, still is the Tang family and Tianji Pavilion disciples won the place."

"Maybe, haven't you heard? This year, the Lin family and the Qu family will also take part in the Fengyun qualifying

"Lin family and Qu family?" The man was stunned and then exclaimed, "do you mean the Lin family and Qu family who have been in seclusion for a long time?"

"Yes! Although they have not participated in the power dispute of Dongyue empire for so many years, after all, they have been among the four major families for many years, and their strength must not be underestimated. "

"According to you, this year's Fengyun qualifying is wonderful!"

Then the man's voice suddenly went down, "if the Lin family and the Qu family really participate, the situation of the cloud family and the left family is worrying!"

"It's hard to say about the left family. It's not nothing that the master of the left family has been telling the story of the holy one for so long. With the protection of the Holy One, the left family will not decline even if there are no brilliant people. It's the cloud family... "The man shook his head," I'm afraid it's really over. "

"Damn it

Yunluo can't help but scold, "my cloud family is so unbearable? If it wasn't for the owner of the family who couldn't take part in the wind and cloud qualifying match, how can I deal with them! And isn't my sister always number one on the list

finished? They're all finished, and the cloud family can't be finished.

Without waiting for Yunluo to go out and teach the two people, the two people continued to say, "there's another thing. The leader of xiaoyaozi Pavilion recently caught a monster and put it in Jiuyin temple. He wanted to break the seal of Jiuyin temple a few days ago, but it's finally quiet these days.""Monster? Isn't there a monster in Jiuyin temple before? Is it the master of xiaoyaozi Pavilion who has captured the monster again? "

"It's possible."

Because of these words, Yunluo immediately forgot what they said. He turned to look at yunxiuyi, "elder sister, could it be..." seeing that yunxiuyi's face was not very good, Yunluo swallowed what he wanted to say.

In Wuji continent, the fox did say that he wanted to settle accounts with xiaoyaozi. Is it really a fox? But why didn't the fox go to nalandot and come to Dongyue first?

Although the news is full of loopholes, yunxiuyi is still worried. Xinyue is impulsive and has a lot of old and new hatred with xiaoyaozi. She may not find yunxiuyi and come to Dongyue Empire to seek revenge.

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became dignified, while the voice in the corridor outside continued, "it's said that the candidates for this year's Tianji Pavilion new disciple selection meeting are generally qualified. Xiaoyaozi plans to select a few more from the people who have won the ranking in Fengyun qualifying competition to enter Tianji Pavilion."

"The more I listen to you, the more I feel that this year's Fengyun qualifying competition must be wonderful! I'm going to make a few bets on the musicians and the Lin family to win and earn him a fortune. "

"Let's go, let's go."

When the voice in the corridor finally stopped, Yunluo asked, "elder sister, would you like me to sneak into Tianji Pavilion tonight?"

Yun Xiuyi shook his head, "no matter whether Xinyue is in Jiuyin temple or not, since he can be locked in by xiaoyaozi, it shows that his strength is not general. With the last lesson, the seal imposed by xiaoyaozi this time must be more difficult to solve. Even if he goes, he has to take a long-term view."

"I have a safe way."

Maybe after a few more drinks, Zhong Li's Lipstick cheeks are flushed with attractive pink, which shows his amorous feelings.

She stretched out her index finger to point Yun Xiu's face and said slowly, "it doesn't mean that you can enter Tianji Pavilion if you get a place in qualifying! Why don't you take the opportunity to dive in. "

"Anyway, you have to solve the grudge between the cloud family and xiaoyaozi. Besides, it's easy. How can you not make more use of it? And then they all say that the cloud family can't work. The cloud family is going to be finished. If you win a place, you can also rectify the name of the cloud family! "

"No, it's too dangerous for my sister to sneak into Tianji Pavilion alone, and xiaoyaozi is hostile to the cloud family. What if he deals with my sister?"

In the face of Yunluo's worry, Zhong Li shook his hand. "Don't underestimate your sister. She's been through so many dangerous situations safely. How can she be afraid of just a carefree child?"

Yun Xiuyi also felt that this method was feasible, and now he had made a plan in his heart, "I will participate in this session of Fengyun qualifying."

Zhong Li nodded, did not forget to stare at Yunluo, and said to yunxiuyi, "in order not to attract attention, I suggest you only take the tenth place, so that xiaoyaozi will not associate you with yunxiuyi."

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