Think what happened to the cloud family, cloud Xiuyi asked again, "what's the matter?" But Yunluo shook his head and said nothing.

After a long time, when Yun Xiuyi was ready to throw him here and enter the hospital first, Yun Luo finally opened his mouth.

"Sister, do you hate me?" When he said this, his eyebrows drooped and he didn't know where he was looking. His voice was so light that he couldn't hear it clearly if he didn't listen carefully.

He sighed, "I've thought a lot in the past four years when you're not here. I've never been a responsible person. No matter what happened before or now, the first thing I think about is escape."

Every time Yunluo said a few words, he would pause for a while. He was trying to recall the appearance of yunxiuyi before. He was cowardly, incompetent, stupid, a waste that didn't even exist in the palace of life.

In fact, at that time, he deliberately avoided Yunxiu clothes. In other words, he knew that all the people in the cloud family were bullying her, but he turned a blind eye to it. At that time, he was very confused. He was at a loss when he faced the pressure exerted on him by yunjinyan and Qin Yuman every day.

He is a self-care person, how to save others? At that time, he always comforted himself in this way until he came back two years after he left home.

After returning to Yun's home, he enjoyed the stability of Yun Xiuyi's life, as if nothing had happened before. He even doubted her intention, constantly tested her, watched out for her, and then depended on her.

In the past few years when Yun Xiuyi left the Empire of Dongyue, he had been reflecting on himself, but many times he could not think of a suitable solution, so he continued to avoid this problem.

But escape can only temporarily whitewash peace, the thorn is always there, can not be ignored.

From yesterday's yunxiuyi just came back, his inner sense of guilt became more and more heavy. He could not face himself. It took him a day and a night to think about it, and then he summoned up the courage to stand here.

It is not so much to seek the forgiveness of yunxiuyi as to save himself from the past mud through yunxiuyi. Oh! Finally, he just used her, so he hesitated for a long time and didn't know whether to speak.

"Sister, in fact, I have been thinking, if you are still the same as before, I will always stand by and ignore you."

Although Yunluo only said a few words, yunxiuyi understood what he meant. He let yunxiuyi be bullied by his family and Dongyue before he blamed himself.

Blame him? No wonder! Hate him? No! After all, the bullied person is not the real she, she can't feel the same.

But forgive him? She is not qualified to forgive anyone for the original cloud Xiuyi. She has all the memory of the body. She knows that although the cloud Xiuyi was silly, she also hopes to have someone to save her and her mother.

Although she couldn't directly forgive Yunluo, she felt that the stalemate was meaningless. "Since it was your own choice, why bother?"


"As you said, you will still make the same choice again. Instead of being unable to pass the barrier in your heart, you'd better think about how to make the cloud family no longer be bullied and how to protect the cloud family that survived four years ago."

Finish saying these cloud Xiu clothes head also did not return into the small yard, only leave cloud Luo standing in situ alone melancholy, he kept thinking cloud Xiu clothes said in the heart, finally figured out.

That's right. Even if we ask for forgiveness, we can't change our past mistakes. He should look forward to the future. Only if we protect the cloud family well and protect all the cloud families well can we make up for her. Yunluo gently exhaled a breath, suddenly relaxed a lot.

In the small courtyard, nalandot had been waiting for Yunxiu clothes for several hours. As soon as he saw her, he immediately welcomed her, and his tone was full of joy.

"Sister Yun, I have received the news that the master of the frontier will come to Dongyue in a few days."

After hearing this, Yun Xiuyi immediately saw Mo Xilou's face. Although for her, they only separated for less than a month, for Mo Xilou, it was not easy for him to reunite his soul. As soon as he turned around, they separated for three years.

Vaguely, yunxiuyi is looking forward to meeting with moxilou again, and then thinks that it would be nice if Xinyue and Guanguan would come back together.

Two days later, Su Zixiang gave yunxiuyi a reply and agreed to provide animal yuan for Yunjia at a price lower than the market price. However, in order to protect the interests of fanglou, he made a series of treaties. Fanglou has the right to stop the cooperation of animal yuan at any time.

In addition, the price of animal yuan sold by Yunjia shop must be based on fanglou. If Yunjia shop violates these treaties, it must bear all the losses caused by fanglou.

To protect their own interests is what every businessman will do, even if Yunxiu clothing agreed to all the requirements of Su Zixiang.

Another day later, that is, the sixth day when Yun Xiuyi returned to the East moon Empire, the cloud shop began to spread the news that the animal yuan was about to be sold.Because of the reputation accumulated over the past few years, even if other shops except yunmoxuan are suppressed, they still attract a high degree of attention. Every day, many people must come to Yunjia shop to ask about the sale of animal yuan.

Cloud ink Xuan, because ye Xingming a person really busy, cloud Xiuyi early in the morning will come to help, cloud Luo also followed.

As soon as they entered the backyard, ye Xingming asked curiously, "the story of the cloud family shop selling animal yuan has been spread for several days. How can we only hear the wind but not the rain all the time?"

"What do you know? It's called strategy. " Yunluo said while moving herbal medicine, "my sister said that no matter how good things are, they should be matched with perfect marketing means."

"What? What kind of marketing? What means? "

See ye Xingming more listen to more confused, cloud Luo white he one eye, "tell you you also don't understand, in a word will certainly sell, wait!"

"Aren't you afraid to wait too long for everyone to lose patience? Then even if you do sell it, no one will buy it? "

Cloud Luo tut tut two, see ye Xingming's eyes more dislike, "you when animal yuan is what?"? For Dongyue people, animal yuan is more important than firewood, rice, oil and salt, and there is no other place to sell animal yuan except fanglou. "

This is one of the reasons why Su Zixiang's position has never been shaken. In addition, the supply of animal yuan is in short supply. How can no one buy it?

Ye Xingming thinks that it's right. In the East moon Empire, pills and beasts are indispensable.

The shopkeeper, who is refining pills, comes in and says to Ye Xingming, "Mr. Ye, the owner of the left family is coming. Would you please let her in?"

Ye Xingming's eyelids suddenly jumped, his face also changed, "what is she doing?"

Next to the cloud Luo like to see the lively pulled cloud Xiu clothes sleeve, who knows cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning to the end attention all in the furnace.

Cloud Luo know cloud Xiu clothing temperament also don't force her, a person leisurely and contented waiting for good play.

According to his understanding of Ye Xingming and Zuo Juo, even if ye Xingming doesn't let Zuo Juo in, she will certainly break into the backyard by herself, and ye Xingming can't refuse Zuo Juo at all.

Sure enough, without waiting for ye Xingming to agree to let Zuo Li in, Zuo Li has already appeared in the backyard.

As soon as she came in, she called out, "Ye Xingming, what do you mean! You mean to avoid me, don't you As she spoke, she came to Ye Xingming.

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