Hearing Jun Fu's voice containing all kinds of emotional calls, Zuo Fu's look changed again and again. Finally, he said to Jun Fu with a smile, "did the emperor see the cloud family and think of Xiuyi?"

Because Zuoli reminded Junfu that the woman on the stage was called Yunxi.

If it's really Yunxiu clothes, why does she want to hide her identity when she comes back to Dongyue? Looking at the woman on the stage, Jun Fu's eyes were full of exploration.

On the stage.

"Are you the cloud family?" Huangfu ling'er seems to be very interested in Yunxi. She said excitedly, "it's my goal to defeat Yunxiu clothes. Unfortunately, she doesn't know where she is now. The battle with you can make up for some of my regrets."

With that, Huangfu ling'er released her spirit power. In an instant, the energy on the stage surged and the wind roared, but the cloud Xi opposite her did not move.

The longer the competition time is, the easier it is to show flaws. Yunxiuyi plans to win quickly. Looking at Huangfu ling'er who has already attacked him, yunxiuyi's figure is so fast that it only leaves a shadow in the air, which makes it impossible to see where she is.

With a scream of "ah", Huangfu ling'er's body hit the stage heavily. She lay on the ground and covered her chest with blood stains on her mouth.

"No way! How is that possible? "

She couldn't believe looking at the cloud that steadily fell in front of her, "I can even summon the spirit beast in the future. How did you do that?" If even this unknown cloud family is so powerful, how terrible should Yunxiu clothes be?

There was a strange silence around the arena. Not only did Huangfu ling'er not know what had happened, but also the spectators did not know what had just happened.

They haven't seen anything yet. The girl of the cloud family actually won. Even the cloud Xiuyi of that year was not so powerful! After the silence, those people began to talk again, "I'm afraid the East moon will change again!"

On the spectator's table, you help to look at the woman on the stage. If you think deeply, you have already determined that she is Yun Xiu Yi, and you have also guessed her intention.

And the position next to him is now empty. Zuo Li, who used to sit there, doesn't know where to go.

In a corner not far away from the stage, Zuo Ruo was right to rush by. As she expected, Downing grabbed her at the corner and said, "who is that woman?"

Zuo Chou looked back at Downing, impatiently shook off her hand, "who is she? What do you ask me to do?"

"Well! Don't think I don't know that the emperor likes Yunxiu clothes. If Yunxiu clothes come back, it's not only me, but you will never have another chance. "

In the face of Downing's provocative words, Zuo Li laughed disapprovingly, "is that right? Don't forget that I have a good relationship with yunxiuyi. Even if she comes back, I will be happy, but it's you... "Zuo Chou looks at the direction of Jun Fu's eyes and laughs.

"You can't even win me. If Yunxiu clothes really come back, you won't have a chance! But... "She turned around and laughed again.

"But what?"

"It's not known whether that woman is Yun Xiu's clothes or not. You don't deserve to be my opponent now. It's your turn in the next match! When the game is over, I'll see who she really is. "

What else does downing want to say? It has been announced that the fifth match is about to start. She thinks for a moment and turns around and walks towards the platform without hesitation.

All along, Downing thinks that Zuoli is not as good as herself in every aspect, and her appearance cultivation is no better than herself. That is to say, she can get closer to the holy one only by having some friendship with yunxiuyi.

If today's Dongyue Empire who is most worthy of Jun Fu, it must be her, which is why she works so hard in every qualifying match.

She wants to let Junfu know that she is the best choice for the queen.

But if that woman is really a cloud Xiuyi, it will undoubtedly be the biggest stumbling block for her to become a queen. Thinking of this, Downing has been thinking about how to uncover that woman's veil and confirm her identity.

The fifth game over there is about to start. Yunluo leads Ye Xingming to come here with a pile of sundries in his hand.

When he came to the platform, Yunluo commanded Ye Xingming, "hurry up, last time everyone else had banners, my sister didn't have them."

After listening to Yunluo's words, ye Xingming asked suspiciously, "last time?" He recalled for a while, and suddenly realized, "Oh! You mean the time yunxiuyi took part in the first Fengyun qualifying! Why do I think you attach great importance to this distant cousin? "

"It's up to you!"

As they spoke, they spread out all the sundries in their arms. They were all colorful banners and flags.When the spectators around looked curiously at the words above, they could not help laughing. They read aloud, "Yunxi, fly bravely, and Yunjia will always be with you."

"Yunxi can't be replaced, Dongyue only has you." "..."

Ye Xingming, who was holding the banner, glared awkwardly at Yunluo, "where did you get these explicit words? I lost all my face this time. It's agreed that you can't lose a thousand gold coins! "

Different from ye Xingming's embarrassment, Yunluo is very excited, "these words are not enough to express my love for my sister! What do you know? "

Then Yunluo raised the flag in his hand and saw a row of big words written on it, "the fairy in the world, Yunxi, has worked hard to come down to earth!"

Just when they were ready to start waving the flag for yunxiuyi, Downing and lingo jumped onto the stage at the same time, and the fifth game officially began.

"Scene five? It's game five? " Yunluo looked at the two people on the stage with a messy face, "where's my sister?"

Ye Xingming silently rolled up the banner in his hand, "it must have been over!" Then he saw Yunxi and nalandot coming towards them. Ye Xingming to cloud Luo Nu mouth, "your elder sister came."

Cloud Luo turned his head, really saw the cloud Xiu clothes slowly coming, he asked chubaba's rub in the past, "elder sister, I'm late again."

He wanted to be well prepared, but he missed the match. Yunluo was so angry that he threw away his flag and wanted to step on his feet again, but he was reluctant to step on his sister's name.


Junfu and Zuoli never leave Yunluo's sight on the observation table. At this moment, they are thinking about the same problem. If Yunluo can attach so much importance to it, that woman is Yunxiu's clothes in nine cases out of ten!


With the roar of lingo, the two people on the stage have been fighting together. In a moment, they all attracted everyone's attention.

At the beginning of the game, lingo took the lead. He and his spirit beast, candle dragon, cooperated with each other to attack Downing, which was deadly and didn't give downing a chance to breathe.

Naturally, Downing is not easy to deal with. He dodges and attacks while looking for his opponent's flaws.

Seeing that Lin Ge's attack became more and more fierce, Tang Ning also summoned the spirit beast Hu Jiao, and then two spirit beasts with a length of 100 Zhang intertwined with each other.

They whirled up into the sky, and soon disappeared into the clouds. In a short time, there were flashes of lightning like light in the clouds, so dazzling that the spectators could not look directly at them.

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