Early in the morning, Zhuque street is very busy. Shops on both sides of the street have been opened to welcome customers. Peddlers are crying one after another. The smell of restaurants and restaurants is endless.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians on the road, and the East moon empire is still a glorious and prosperous beautiful portrait after many hardships.

At the moment, a shop outside the cloud family has been blocked. Everyone is excited, and their eyes are full of excitement. They stretch their necks one by one and look around curiously, hoping to fly in immediately.

With a burst of "crackling" sound of firecrackers, Yunluo opened the plaque of the shop in the eyes of the public, with three gilded characters of "juqianzhuang".

Yunluo looks at the plaque with satisfaction, which is in line with his heart and perfectly reposes all his expectations for the shop.

However, ye Xingming, standing next to him, shakes his head in disgust. Two days ago, he argued with Yunluo for a long time, and finally decided to use this vulgar name. Who let Yunluo be the master of the cloud family?

But at the moment, the more he looked, the more dazzling he felt. Even "Yunluo village", "Yunxi village" and "Xiuyi village" were better than "juqian village"!

Juqian shop is another shop after yunmoxuan, which specializes in rare goods. Yunmoxuan mainly focuses on pills, while juqian shop mainly focuses on animal yuan. It also sells some harmless low-grade animals that are suitable for pets.

As soon as Yunluo announced the opening of juqian, people who had been waiting for a long time could not wait to squeeze into the shop and happily searched for what they needed.

In order to make it convenient for you to buy, all the animal yuan are placed in transparent containers on the bamboo frame. The Milky light of each animal yuan is very bright and beautiful under the reflection of the transparent container, and the name and year of the animal yuan are marked on the bottom of the container.

In the middle of the shop, a few thousand year old animal yuan are sealed in the air, like the stars in the night space.

These rare high year animal yuan are private goods of Yunxiu clothes. They are taken out for store use. Even if they are sold, ordinary people may not be able to afford them.

The guests who flocked to juqian bank were dazzled and dazzled when they looked at the vast array of animal yuan on the bamboo rack. Soon they had sold out all the animal yuan in the shop. Some people were satisfied with holding the animal yuan and went home to practice immediately.

Some will continue to stay in juqian bank to watch the excitement, and even look forward to whether the cloud family will come up with a new batch of animal yuan later.

At the corner of the shop, ye Xingming looked at the grand occasion and completely forgot about the plaque. He happily said to Yunluo, "it's really right. Even if it took so long to open, the animal yuan is still very popular!"

"That's it!" Yunluo quite proud of the way back, "not to mention the news released before, just my sister and Dor on the top ten of the storm list this thing is enough to attract them to come to the bank."

While observing the situation in the shop, he continued, "as long as they are willing to come to the bank, are you afraid that they will not buy Animal yuan?"

"Then why don't you prepare more animal yuan? It's only half an hour, and it's all empty on the bamboo frame. "

"What do you think animal yuan is? As many as you want! Usually let you refine one more pill, you can complain all day. Besides, Su Zixiang is worried that the sales volume will be too big and the market of animal yuan will be out of balance. "

"Bang --"

Here Yunluo is chatting with Ye Xingming. Suddenly there is a loud noise not far away. Then all the people in the shop scatter around. See Qi Yuan fiercely knocked down a row of bamboo frame, ferocious say, "this kind of black shop you also dare to come in?"

After making a scene, he still didn't get rid of his anger. He tried to break the seals on the beast yuan of Zhendian by force, but he didn't succeed.

When the time was almost up, Yunluo walked over and said, "yo! This is Qi Yuan, the son-in-law of the Tang family! How can you come to my bank today? Is it a gift? That's very kind of you

Then Yunluo deliberately looked around, as if to see a mess, shocked asked, "this is... What happened?"

The second boy in the bank timidly looked at Qi Yuan, but he didn't dare to say anything. Yunluo nodded thoughtfully and then said with a smile, "this gift of yours is a bit original! Qi Yuan, what do you mean

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's mind. In fact, Qi Yuan's intention is very obvious. He just can't see Yun Jiahao's family and deliberately come to the bank to make trouble.

In addition to the previous auction of Juying pill at a high price of 50000 gold coins, he was still depressed.

A few days ago, Qi Yuan didn't make any noise because he was preparing for the Fengyun qualifying match and had no time to get distracted to retaliate against the cloud family.

Now Fengyun qualifying is over. Because he and Tang Ning won the fourth and fifth place, Tang Yishuang is very happy and has forgiven Qi Yuan for losing 50000 gold coins. Qi Yuan has the heart to run to the Yun family again."What do you mean? I'm kind enough to remind you not to be cheated by your cloud family. "

Qi Yuan's auction of Juying pill at a high price of 50000 gold coins has spread all over the eastern moon Empire, and all the people present at the moment know his purpose.

But because of Qi Yuan's identity, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to stand quietly to watch the excitement, lest Qi Yuan hurt the innocent. But in their heart, they really hope that Yunluo can send Qi Yuan away smoothly and protect the newly opened juqian.

It's not how much they love the cloud family, but how can they say that there is no place to buy Animal yuan?

"Why can't I understand what you're saying? deception? When did my family cheat others? "

In the face of Yunluo's continuous questions, Qi Yuan's momentum is more impressive, "even if I cheated you, of course, I will not admit it. Although I don't care about 50000 gold coins, I can't swallow it."

Qi Yuan said angrily, "that day in yunmoxuan, it is clear that you deliberately brought the owner of Su Fang. I'm afraid that no one knows the friendship between your cloud family and Fang Lou."

"You have to talk about evidence. You are not afraid to insult the reputation of the Tang family and Tianji Pavilion if you frame up the cloud family so casually?"

Don't give Qi Yuan the opportunity to continue to make up, Yunluo said first, "you keep saying that we deliberately invited Sufang master, but the initiative is clearly in your own hands, we didn't force you to raise the price with Sufang master."

The onlookers in juqian think Yunluo's words are very reasonable, even though the Yun family did have a different intention at the auction.

But as long as Qi Yuan doesn't take part in it, the people of the cloud family can't force him with a knife around his neck!

In the final analysis, it was his own reason. He had to compete with the owner of Su Fang. He didn't think about who the owner of Su Fang was. He was the owner of the Fang Fang who was so rich!

"Yunluo, don't think that you can mislead us by saying a few high sounding words. It was Yunxiu who went to suzixiang in those days! What are you proud of? Or do you think you're proud of your sister's shady business to stabilize your position? "

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