"Master Su, first make sure who are trapped in the desperate trial in the back mountain, and then let the doctors wait in the mountain to minimize the casualties."

Su Mei nodded. Before she left, she did not forget to remind LAN Feiyu, "the most urgent thing is to find a way to close the desperate trial. As for who opened it for the time being, it's the people in Tianji Pavilion who can't escape the 15th day of the first day."

As soon as Su Mei left, LAN Feiyu said to his disciples, "go quickly and invite elder Xiaojin. Remember to let him take the sky mirror."

In the mountain behind Tianji Pavilion, the leader of Zhiyuan hall and master Yue also noticed the abnormality and immediately summoned all the disciples of Tianling class and Xuanshui class back to the original meeting place. Just after counting the number, Su Mei rushed over.

Zhiyuan immediately went up to ask, "what happened when something abnormal suddenly appeared in the forest?"

"Someone started the desperate trial."

"What?" Zhiyuan and Yuexiu take a look at each other. After they understand the seriousness of the situation, they fall into silence one after another. It's not just that Zhiyuan and Yuexiu are shocked.

Even the group of disciples behind them were so surprised that they began to discuss one after another, "the desperate trial is for the talents of Jialan class. How can we open it after a good class?"

"Is someone trying to harm us?"

"I don't think so. If that man wants to harm us, how can we be safe now?"

The group of disciples were still discussing. Yue Xiu worried about Su Mei and said, "there are two less disciples in Xuanshui class. Yunxi and nalandot didn't come back."

"Cloud?" Hear these two words, Su Mei immediately anxious, "that wench how can not come back?" Then he asked the disciples of Tianling class and Xuanshui class, "who have you seen Yunxi?"

The disciples looked at each other, not knowing when Yunxi and nalandot had disappeared.

Then he said with glee, "fortunately, only the two of them are missing, I see! It is likely that they have done something wrong, and now they have been punished. "

"It should be, otherwise how can they be trapped in the desperate trial?"

At first, the panic disappeared because of the ridicule of the two disciples, and more disciples joined the team of schadenfreude.

"Even the talents of Jialan class may not be able to retreat completely in the desperate trial. I think those two people should have died."

"Don't say, don't say, I just feel sick when I think about the two of them being torn to pieces by the ghost beast. I have to have dinner! Don't talk about these disgusting topics again

Hearing these disciples' seemingly innocent but actually vicious conversation, Su Mei glared at them. However, before he scolded Yue Xiu, he was surprised and said, "come back, Yunxi and nalandot are back."

Su Mei smell speech turn a head to look, see cloud Xi and Na Lan Duo slowly walked to come over, after seeing public don't understand of asked a sentence.

"Why did you gather before sunset?"

"You... You..." Su Mei to the mouth of the words and swallow down, finally only said, "nothing is good, nothing is good."

However, the group of disciples who were still in heated discussion before were staring at Yunxi and nalandot one by one as if they had seen ghosts. After finding that they were undamaged and even their clothes were very neat, they thought that they were lucky to come out like this.

"What happened to you two?"

Zhiyuan asked with concern that once the desperate trial was opened, it could not stop without reason, unless they killed all the ghosts and beasts in the desperate trial.

But there are so many rare ghosts and beasts with high seniority that even the hall leaders and elders can't solve them by themselves. How can they get away easily? At the moment, Zhiyuan thought the same as those disciples.

It must be that there is something wrong with the desperate trial, so it's inexplicable to open and close it!

In Tianji Pavilion, when elder Xiaojin arrives with the sky mirror, yunxiuyi and nalandot have already left the desperate trial, so LAN Feiyu's picture from the sky mirror is only a mountain of corpses.

Nearly a hundred rare gaonianfen spirit beasts! Unexpectedly so inexplicably died, blue Feiyu gas overturned in front of the table.

Xiaojinchang joked, "it's not easy to raise these ghosts, and it's even harder to train them. This time Tianji Pavilion suffered a heavy loss!" Then he took back the sky mirror, "since I no longer need the sky mirror, I will go back."

As soon as Su Mei and others returned to Tianji Pavilion, they heard that the ghost beast was killed. They were shocked, but they could not help wondering whether it had anything to do with Yunxi and nalandot.

If there is a relationship between them, how terrible their strength is and why they should hide it. But if it doesn't matter, how did the ghosts and beasts in the desperate trial die? What's more, who is the person who opened the desperate trial?For a moment, everyone in Tianji pavilion was talking about it, guessing all kinds of possibilities, and Yunxi and nalandot also became the celebrities of Tianji Pavilion.

Qi Yuan naturally heard about it, and knew that Yunxi was out of the desperate test alive. He first doubted, then doubted and puzzled.

Finally, he went to the Xuanshui class to verify himself. When he saw that Yun was really sitting there, he was so angry that his Qi and blood surged.

He took such a big risk and secretly opened the desperate trial. He thought that the ugly woman would die, but he didn't expect that she had nothing to do with it. Did she really kill those senior ghost beasts?

Soon Qi Yuan denied the idea. If she was really so powerful, how could she be ranked tenth in the list? There must be something wrong.

Because LAN Feiyu has been tracking down the desperate trial, Qi Yuan is afraid that he won't trouble Yun Xi for a period of time after exposure.

During this period of peace, yunxiuyi has been to Jiuyin Temple several times, but she has never found any news. She has been observing Yuanyi, and finds that he is trying to untie the seal of Jiuyin temple.

Yunxiuyi has never heard that fox is closely related to a human being. Because of the existence of Yuanyi, she begins to suspect that fox is not the prisoner in Jiuyin temple.

After having this idea, cloud Xiu clothes didn't leave Tianji Pavilion in a hurry.

In addition to looking for foxes, she came to Tianji Pavilion for another purpose, that is, to kill xiaoyaozi, not to mention revenge for an's family, but to make him responsible for his own mistakes.

In addition, if xiaoyaozi and the cloud family can only live one life, then yunxiuyi of course chooses the cloud family, but yunxiuyi also knows that xiaoyaozi is not easy to deal with. If there were no foxes in the previous fight, she would not be able to retreat completely.

So before finding xiaoyaozi's weakness, she can't act rashly.

Although everyone doesn't believe that Yun Xiuyi killed the ghost beast in the desperate trial, Lin Ge always thinks it has something to do with her.

So she tried to compete with yunxiuyi again and again, and tried every means to force her to do it. One was to wash away the humiliation of being defeated by her in Daiyunshan that day, and the other was to try to find out her real strength.

However, Yun Xiuyi is not a belligerent person. He takes cold treatment to all the provocations of Lin Ge. He can avoid them on weekdays.

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