The disciples around Tianji square originally only wanted to watch the fun, or just wanted to see how Qi Yuan taught the ugly women in Xuanshui class, but they didn't expect that their omnipotent elder martial brother Qi couldn't even beat the people in Xuanshui class.

Then they thought of the contract of life and death signed before the game. Did this ugly woman want to kill elder martial brother Qi? How can she be so cruel!

"Bang --"

Cloud Xiu clothes don't intend to waste time on Qi Yuan, quickly subdue him and ask, "where is nalandot?"

"I don't know." Qi Yuan covers his chest, and his eyes are full of fear. However, because people are all around him, he is afraid to tell the truth. He is afraid that his image, which he has been working hard for a long time, will be destroyed once he tells the truth. Yun Xiuyi will kill him.

"One last time, where's nalando?"

In the face of yunxiuyi's undisguised intention to kill, Qi Yuan was flustered. At last, he said, "younger martial sister Yunxi, I'm inferior today. If you want to kill me, you can kill me. Why do you say something I don't understand?"

Then Qi Yuan sighed, "it's also strange that I overestimated myself. I promised to compete with you even though I was poisoned. Now I have nothing to say at this stage."

After Qi Yuan's reminding, the disciples around Tianji square immediately remembered that some time ago they really heard that elder martial brother Qi had been poisoned. It was the ugly woman in Xuanshui class who had done harm to him. No wonder she has the courage to challenge elder martial brother Qi. It turns out that she has already planned.

"It's the elder martial brother Qi that she poisoned, which made him retreat greatly."

As one person supported Qi Yuan, others attacked Yun Xiuyi one after another. "It's true that Xiang Youxin was born. Look how ugly she is, how bad she is."

"If you dare to hurt elder martial brother Qi today, we will not let you go. You can't leave Tianji square safely."

"Yes, I will never let you go. The previous contract of life and death does not count."

Seeing that everyone is on his side, Qi Yuan's fear disappears a little bit. He looks at Yun Xiu's clothes with pride, provocative and mean expression.

However, whether it is Qi Yuan or the disciples in Tianji Pavilion, they are too difficult to understand Yunxiu's clothes. She has always been the only one willing or not, and no one has ever been able to threaten her. Just when everyone thought Yun Xiu was afraid, a surge of spirit power flew out.

Qi Yuan's smile suddenly coagulated in his face, his eyes widened in horror, feeling the internal organs were shattered in an instant.

The people who were still fighting against yunxiuyi immediately closed their mouths and looked at the sudden scene.

"Since you don't want to say it, I don't need to keep you." Cloud Xiu clothes raises arm, another spirit power flies toward Qi Yuan, but there is another power between the electric light and flint to block this fatal blow for Qi Yuan.

Then there was a strong wind above Tianji square, and xiaoyaozi appeared after a long absence. He angrily scolded, "bold maniac, dare to commit a crime in Tianji Pavilion."

"Master, help me!" At this moment, xiaoyaozi was no doubt like a savior to Qi Yuan. Regardless of his physical pain, he cried out with all his strength, "master, she's going to kill her apprentice!"

Xiaoyaozi only looks at Qi Yuan, then moves his eyes to Yunxiu clothes again, thinking that the cloud family really can't stay.

"Here comes the Lord."

"Elder martial brother Qi is saved. Ha ha, the ugly girl in Xuanshui class is dead."

Before yunxiuyi takes measures, an invisible force suddenly binds her. It seems that xiaoyaozi's cultivation has improved again in four years.

Even if she is a first-order spirit, she can't compete with him, but Yun Xiuyi doesn't easily admit defeat. She sacrifices all her spiritual power to break through the shackles of her whole body, but xiaoyaozi puts a seal on her.

It is the same as the seal he imposed on the outside of Jiuyin temple.

Is she really going to die here today?

Just when Yun Xiuyi was ready to use the "floating ember" to save her life, the sky that was just full of sunshine suddenly darkened. The next moment, the powerful force that xiaoyaozi bound around her disappeared.

In the crowd, Mo Xi Lou winked at Yun Xiu's clothes, but He reproached her helplessly, "if I'm not here, how do you end up?"

For a moment, the noise around was so far away that it seemed that there were only two of them left in Tianji Pavilion. Yunxiuyi seldom paid attention to the appearance of others, but now she looked at Mo Xi Lou carefully.

He was dressed in a snow suit, cold, just like heaven, just like heaven sent to save her.

There is no hugs, no tears, but a glance from afar will resist the thousands of words in the world.

At the moment, Yun Xiu's clothes had completely forgotten xiaoyaozi, Qi Yuan, and even the whole Tianji Pavilion. In the center of his eyes was Mo Xi Lou. Regardless of xiaoyaozi's shock and doubt, she walked slowly out of Tianji square.This little girl broke through his spiritual power and seal in silence. Who is she? His strength is even higher than he predicted.

On Tianji square, xiaoyaozi still wants to renovate Yunxiu's clothes. Su Mei comes in time and says, "Lord of the pavilion, Yunxi girl is my favorite apprentice! Don't hurt her at all. "

"Su Mei, when did you get confused? It's a disaster that the little girl can't stay

"Whether it's a disaster or not, I will judge in my heart. Moreover, with my understanding of Yunxi, she is not the one who will actively make trouble."

Su Mei said, looking at Qi Yuan, "you honestly tell me where nalandot is? Don't delay until you can't keep it

"Who is narandot?" After xiaoyaozi asked, his eyes moved to Qi Yuan again, and then he asked, "are you hiding something from me?"

"Master..." Qi Yuan was seriously injured, and his voice was powerless, "Apprentice... How dare you cheat..."

Seeing that Qi Yuan was unrepentant, Su Mei said, "Tianji Pavilion is very big, but it's not very big. As for the places where Tibetans can't be easily found, there are only a few places. Do you want to force me to take people to search?"

"I didn't..."

Qi Yuan also wants to sophistry, Su Mei gave an ultimatum, "anyway, I have nothing to do, there is plenty of time to spend with you, but it's you, another time and a half later, I'm afraid I will lose my life! Qi Yuan, why make fun of your own life because of a trifle? "

With Su Mei's continuous questioning, Qi Yuan finally relaxed, "she's in... She's in my room, help me, master... Help me... I don't want to die..."

When Qi Yuan said this, people in Tianji square looked unpredictable, especially xiaoyaozi's face turned black, After Qi Yuan said this sentence, the original reason seemed very ridiculous.

He swung his sleeve and strode forward, ignoring Qi Yuan's life and death. It is Su Mei after ensuring cloud Xiu dress safety, called doctor for Qi Yuan.

When he finished these things, he went to find the future apprentice whom he had worked so hard to protect. Where was the shadow of Yunxiu clothes on Tianji square.

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