Left Wan Wan saw cloud Xiu Yi early in the morning, see her at the moment immediately say hello, also ignore the strange eyes of people around, "cloud Xiu Yi, this side."

See cloud Xiu dress didn't notice herself, she is a jump body want to run to her in front.

The left sangyan next to him shook his head and held his reckless sister, "Wan Wan, why do you always turn a deaf ear to my words?"

To change to do before, left Wan Wan should be honest to sit down, but this time it has no fear of retort, "Dad let us with cloud family more close, brother, you don't grind haw."

Said she shakes off left sangyan's hand to run out, "cloud Xiu clothes, can't see! You are so capable that even Luo Yan'er is your defeated general. "

Her voice is not small, many people around heard it, including Luo Yan'er.

Luo Yan'er flushed with anger. Seeing Jun Shaoqin's appearance from Yun Xiu's clothes, he stared at her all the time. He was even more angry and had nowhere to vent his anger.

She's had a hard time at Luo's these days.

Not only she and Luo Rui were seriously injured, but all the other people who came back from the challenge arena were also infected with strange diseases. They asked countless doctors, but they were helpless. Now the Luo family is in a panic, and everyone is worried.

Naturally, they also suspected that it was Yun Xiu's hands and feet, but how could that waste have such great ability to start in front of the public without being discovered by others?

And even if it was the poison under Yun Xiu's clothes, three days later, she should have come to threaten them. How could there be no movement?

Luo Yan'er is fidgeting and pulling his sleeve. He wants to crush Yun Xiu's flamboyant face.

Fortunately, they still have Xiao fengran at home.

Although she didn't like the foster sister who was born as a pariah, who made her grow a good skin bag? But also let Jun Lin indulge her wholeheartedly.

So even if Luo Yan'er doesn't like Xiao fengran any more, he has to give her face. He knows that his injury is not good and he still needs to stay in bed. He still dresses up to attend today's dinner.

There left Wan Wan is still a face excited gesticulation, "unfortunately that day they all stopped me, do not let me go to watch."

She said with regret, "you don't know how arrogant Luo Yan'er is at ordinary times. I can't stand her for a long time, but I can't do anything to her."

Said and put on a smiling face, "fortunately you put out her flame again and again, I see how she is now."

See cloud Xiu clothes for a long time also didn't return her a word, left Wan Wan Du Du mouth, "how do you ignore me! How rude! You are -- "

Before he finished, Luo Yan'er over there gloated and said, "people don't like you."


"Come on, don't make any noise."

Jun Shaoqin also came over at this time, "sister Xiuyi, let's sit there!"

I don't know why, now how to look at Yunxiu clothes, people can't move their eyes. Compared with those women who are all dressed up around, her elegance and refined is really more than enough.

Jun Shaoqin gentleman's Chao Yun Xiu clothes stretched out his hand, but saw her staring at his hand silk motionless.

Think she is embarrassed, then take the initiative to want to lead her, cloud Xiu clothes but as if frightened immediately back a flash, "don't touch me, dirty."

A word immediately let Jun less Qin hang in mid air of hand don't know how to put.

Next to the left wan wan smile rose red face, this cloud Xiu clothes also too have personality! She's not going to die, is she?

"I don't know what to do."

Jun Shao Qin threw his long sleeve and pointed to Yun Xiu's clothes and swore, "you really think you have become a phoenix! Don't forget what you are after a long stay in the henhouse. "

"The fourth brother is not afraid to be heard by his father even if he is so rude."

Just arrived Jun Fu came to see this picture, he went to cloud Xiuyi in front of her behind, "don't be afraid of him, I'm here!"

This scene of you Nong and me Nong even more stimulated Jun Shaoqin, "seven younger brother, don't be blinded by this waste. After all, it's just waste without a palace of life."

With that, Jun Shaoqin goes to Luo Yan'er and sits down.

Look! Cloud Xiu dress is after all than her, Luo Yan son instant happy, forget all unhappy, Jiao didi called a voice "less Qin brother."

Look at Yunxiu clothes.

At the end of the farce, she looked around and went straight after seeing Mo Xi Lou.

And the Jun Fu behind her also immediately followed up, "ah! Where are you going? Wait for me In the end, left wanwan alone standing in place, feeling lost.After the formal start of the dinner, Xiao fengran appeared in front of everyone.

"Don't be polite. My palace is about the same age as you. It's just that I have more identities. You don't have to care about my palace."

Xiao fengran seems to be in a good mood today. Even his voice is very light.

After the banquet started for a while, it seemed that the interest was just right, "Yan'er, you can dance for everyone! I haven't seen you dance in this palace for a long time. "


Luo Yan'er looks embarrassed, but he hears Jun Shaoqin say, "yes! Sister Yan'er, your dancing skills are incomparable to those of Dongyue empire! " Said also provocative swept an eye, Jun Fu and cloud Xiu clothes.

If it is normal, Luo Yan'er will not refuse, but will be glad to have the opportunity to show, but now, her face is not good-looking.

Although Yun Xiu's sword didn't hit her, it also made her lose too much blood and hurt her vitality.

Today can appear here is to give Xiao fengran face, but also expect her revenge cloud Xiuyi, which have the strength to dance what dance? In case the wound breaks again, it's her who suffers.

"Yan'er doesn't seem to like it very much."

Seeing that Xiao fengran's face changed, Jun Shaoqin quickly advised, "sister Yan'er, what's the matter with you? Come on! Everyone is waiting! "

In the face of everyone's expectant eyes, Luo Yan'er's refusal to the mouth swallows back.

She got up and walked slowly to the center. As soon as she closed her eyes, she planned to go out and dance for everyone. She also let Yun Xiu Yi see what was really gorgeous.

Yun Xiuyi was not interested in watching her dance. He was whispering to Mo Xilou, who was sitting beside him, "it's my turn next."

"Women are cruel."

Mo Xi Lou shakes her head. "She's even so cruel to her nominal sister. I'm afraid she won't let you off lightly. Can you think of a good strategy?"

"This man has a strange mind. He can only see and break it."

Luo Yan'er wanted to dance a gentle dance, but Xiao fengran couldn't get along with her on purpose, as if he didn't know she was hurt. He just wanted to call the roll to see the Jinghong dance.

In her heart, she was angry, but it was difficult to ride a tiger, and finally she danced with the pain of her abdomen.

All the people at the banquet enjoyed it, including Jun Shaoqin, who seemed to be saying, look! This is the woman who deserves me.

But Xiao fengran smiles brightly from beginning to end, which is really very interesting.

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