Pregnant? She's pregnant? How could she be pregnant? Downing's face was very ugly, but he still kept calm, thinking that it must be Yunxi's plot again, just to make her mess.

The disciples around Tianji square also changed their looks because of Yunxiu's words, and then they looked at Downing strangely.

They thought it was Yunxi who pulled off Downing's clothes to embarrass her and made her lose face in public, but they didn't think about it anywhere else!

Pregnant? Let a woman pregnant is not to do that kind of thing! Oh, my God! Who on earth did it!

These disciples were pure after all. Just thinking about it, they turned red, and their curiosity did not hide. They stared at Downing one after another.

Tang Ning was eager to find a hole to get in, and he insisted on the theory of Tongyun Xiuyi. "Don't talk freely. You're not a doctor. Do you think you'll believe me if you pretend to call my pulse?"

"Get the doctor over here." LAN Feiyu naturally won't listen to the one-sided words of Yun Xiuyi, and has long planned to find a doctor to verify.

As soon as the doctor of Tianji Pavilion appeared, everyone's eyes on Tianji square immediately focused on him. It was the first time for the doctor to experience what it was like to be in the spotlight, and he couldn't help paying more attention to the diagnosis.

Until the doctor came, Downing was really nervous. Her eyes were fixed on Yunxiu's clothes, but she always stood there calmly. Is that true?

Is she really pregnant?

But... Downing began to recall the night after Fengming palace, but he could not think of anything wrong. Didn't he say that pregnant women would feel sick and nauseous? But she didn't have any of these symptoms!

Doctor Tianji Pavilion slowly walked up to Downing, said "offended" and wanted to feel her pulse, but at this moment downing was flustered.

She stepped back in defiance and kept shaking her head, "don't touch me! Don't touch me

As her emotion became more and more excited, blood slid down her thigh, and the doctor immediately exclaimed, "girl, don't get excited. It's a sign of miscarriage! If we don't treat them in time, I'm afraid we'll lose two lives! "

Because of the doctor's words, Tianji square was boiling again, and the eyes of the disciples looking at Downing were full of gossip, curiosity and exploration.

Then I don't know who said, "Yunxi is too poor! He was so framed by downing. "

"Yes! If I had, I would have jumped on Downing. " The voice of the discussion suddenly subsided, and the man said, "is she not dressed in order to talk to others..."

Thinking of this possibility, the disciples immediately looked at the men in Tianji square. Yuan Yi and situ Yan were calm, but Lin Ge was very angry. The cooked duck not only flew, but also was looked at with strange eyes.

Where can he bear this kind of grievance? He immediately confessed, "I don't know what happened, but just now in the dreamland, I seem to see elder martial brother Qi Yuan's behavior is a little suspicious."

Then he said, "of course, maybe it's just a coincidence. We can all trust elder martial brother Qi Yuan's character."

In a few words, everyone's attention was immediately transferred to Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan stood awkwardly at a loss.

He would like to sophistry, but now the right to speak is in Downing, he dare not act rashly, can only be silent.

I heard that I might be in danger of life. Downing finally gave up the resistance to get the doctor's diagnosis honestly. I saw that the doctor frowned from time to time, his expression was very serious and heavy.

After a long time, he finally put down his hand, turned to LAN Feiyu and said, "master LAN, this girl is really pregnant. It's less than a month, but she..."

Speaking of this, even the doctor awkwardly shook his head, "early pregnancy should not be the same room, this fetus is not afraid to protect ah!"

Are you really pregnant? How could downing fall to the ground in despair? She thought that as long as she didn't say it, as long as she told Yunxi to shut up forever, it would never be known by others, but how could it be like this?

Downing's focus is on pregnancy. The focus of his disciples is not only pregnancy, but also rooming during pregnancy, as the doctor said.

Oh, my God! At least, Downing is also the first lady of the Tang family, one of the four families of the East moon empire! Or the fourth in the list, how can you be so impeccable? And how come she didn't even know she was pregnant?

With full of doubt, the public once again moved their attention to Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan originally wanted to wait for the doctor's diagnosis before thinking about countermeasures.

Now being watched by everyone, he is uncomfortable. His head is running fast, thinking about how to excuse himself.

He has lost his cultivation and can't practice all his life. How can his reputation be destroyed? Qi Yuan suddenly walked to Downing with awe inspiring righteousness. He squatted slowly in front of her and said in a big voice."Don't worry, since this is what you want, I will be responsible for you to the end. I will personally plead with my mother and Wan'er."

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Elder martial brother Qi, do you admit it?

It's also true. With elder martial brother Qi's character, if it's something he has done, he will never deny it. But they all think that elder martial brother Qi doesn't need to be like this!

As like as two peas, Downing's twin sister, Tang Wan, is the same as the two. Even if Qi brothers had to abandon the Tang Wan, they should change their own. Why take such a big risk to choose the same face! It's definitely not easy.

Then all the disciples made up their minds for a bloody play. The twin sisters fell in love with the same man, but the man had a special liking for his sister.

But the elder sister doesn't want to give up pestering the man, because the elder sister and the younger sister are too similar to each other, so the man can't distinguish for a moment, which leads to disaster! Yes, it must be downing hook! I've cited elder martial brother Qi!

Looking at Qi Yuan kneeling down in tears to repent, Tang Ning first doubts, and quickly guesses his intention, "what do I want?"

What she wanted was Junfu all the time. She just wanted to be the queen of Dongyue empire!

That night in Fengming palace, if it wasn't for Qi Yuan's evil thoughts, how could she be reduced to such a state? Again, this time, it was Qi Yuan who made the first move on her. For a moment, she

Tang Ning didn't want to think about it any more. She pushed Qi Yuan away and complained, "I never wanted to do anything wrong to Wan er. It's clear that you trapped me in injustice. That night, I fell in love with you and asked you to take me away, but you..."

"Two hearts? What's that? " Immediately, some disciples asked questions, but all the disciples around shook their heads to show that they didn't know.

Originally, he thought that downing would confess everything. Qi Yuan would be afraid, but unexpectedly, he followed Downing's words and said, "are you sure you want to make the matter of two hearts known to the public?"

Tang Ning was stunned, and then realized that he was trapped by Qi Yuan.

Two heart is her own mixed into the wine to drink, if Qi Yuan told others that she was deliberately so that he had to sacrifice himself to save her, she could not argue.

Sure enough, then Qi Yuan said to the crowd, "now I can only confess. The night before I came to Tianji Pavilion, the emperor held a banquet in the palace to celebrate our departure. After the banquet, my mother found that downing was missing and sent me to find her."

"I went all the way to Fengming palace and found that downing was lying on the ground in an untidy clothes. At that time, she was given a kind of flattering drug called two heart Mianmian. As far as I know, the flattering drug was taken by herself."

Qi Yuan said here, everyone was shocked, thought that someone would be on their own under the drug!

Then Qi Yuan questioned Downing, "if there is a word that I just said is made up, you can immediately refute me. I'm good at it. I'm not afraid of anyone's doubt."

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