"There are two little bitches, Zuo Ruo and Yunxi. You can let them die as many times as you want." After the inducement ended, Qi Yuan did not forget to threaten Downing, "but if you do not cooperate with me, what will you face?"

Qi Yuan said one word at a time, "mean, mean, impure, shameless, evil... How many words will be used by the world to you?"

"And your mother, Tang Yishuang! Tang Wan may not be able to do anything to you, but with Tang Yishuang's character, she should deprive you of your right to become the next owner of the Tang family. You know your mother better than I do, and you should know that I am not alarmist. "

you 're right! Mother has always been loyal, can't see these dirty things, when the time comes, not only will Qi Yuan go out, even she don't want to live in the Tang family.

Because of Qi Yuan's in-depth and thorough analysis, Downing has seen her thorny road ahead. Can she only choose to die in humiliation or live in the world? No, she doesn't want any of them. No one can push her from her present position.

Looking at Qi Yuan again, Downing's eyes are a little more cruel. The so-called cooperation is just trying to use her. Do you want to follow her up?

Downing laughed at Qi yuan thousands of times in his heart. He wanted to be the king of Dongyue just because of a waste? It's a joke, but on the surface she doesn't make a sound.

Calm to Qi Yuan said, "first talk about your plan, I'll decide whether or not to get on your boat."

Qi Yuan seems to be sure that downing will be talked about by himself. He has already thought of his words, "if there is no plan, I dare not come to you rashly." Thinking that he had eliminated his opponent's vigilance, Qi Yuan went to Downing's bedside.

"In fact, it's not difficult to deal with Junfu. You should know that he has a younger sister named junjinyao! According to seniority, I should call her elder martial sister. "

Jun Jinyao? Naturally, Downing knew that Jinyao, the ninth Princess of the East moon Empire, had the honor to meet her several times.

Once Jun Jinyao became famous in the exchange meeting between Tianji Pavilion and zhulanglou. How reckless! It also makes everyone in Dongyue appreciate and look forward to the ninth princess who has just returned from Tianji Pavilion.

Not only that, Jun Jinyao also made a very good record in Fengyun qualifying, even now she is the third in Fengyun ranking.

However, it's a pity that this amazing genius ended up being persecuted by her husband who shared the same bed.

Tang Ning heard that junjinyao had returned to Tianji Pavilion since Zuo sangyan's death, and he had never been seen since he closed the door. Now why did Qi Yuan mention this man?

Seeing the doubts in Tang Ning's eyes, Qi Yuan continued, "Junfu's character is not like Junlin. Junlin is resolute and ruthless. He has no weakness for the forces threatening his throne. On the contrary, Junfu attaches great importance to emotion and righteousness, and also cares about his sister."

"You don't know that in the past four years, no matter how busy Junfu is with state affairs, he has to spare a few days to visit junjinyao in Tianji Pavilion, even if he hasn't seen junjinyao in the past four years."

"What do you mean?"

Qi Yuan suddenly laughed twice, "I mean we can use Jun Jinyao to threaten Jun Fu. At that time, for the safety of Jun Jinyao, he has to give up the Dongyue empire."

"Do you think things are too simple?" Let's not say whether Junfu will give up his Empire because of junjinyao. Even if junjinyao is really important in his heart, how can they control junjinyao?

"I know you think I'm whimsical, but you can rest assured that I dare not do anything I'm not sure about. I cherish life more than you do."

Then Qi Yuan said, "Jun Jinyao was absorbed by Zuo sangyan before she returned to Tianji Pavilion. Although she had been closed for four years, she would not recover as before. Moreover, during the period of closure, she was the weakest, so she was easier to start."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I know the layout of Tianji pavilion very well in recent years. It's easy for me to enter junjinyao's seclusion. But you know, I'm not the opponent of junjinyao now, so I need your help."

By the end of the conversation, Qi Yuan's intention is very obvious. He needs Tang Ning to sneak into junjinyao's seclusion place and take her away, so that Qi Yuan's plan can go on.

"Don't say that my current physical condition doesn't allow me to do this, even if I recover, how can I know if you will harm me?"

Downing said his worry without scruple, "if I fail, not only Tianji Pavilion, Junfu will not let me go, but you can get rid of the relationship. If I succeed, you can take Jun Jinyao and kick me away. "

"Cooperation is about sincerity. How can I treat my partners like this?"

Seeing that downing didn't believe in himself, Qi Yuan stretched out three fingers and swore to heaven, "if I cheat you, you will not die well. Now you always believe me!"Downing thought for a moment and continued, "is that all your plans? Even if you successfully ascend the throne of God, do you think that a person without power and power will be recognized by all the people in Dongyue? It's not so easy for the East moon Empire to change hands. "

On this point that Tang Ning cares about, Qi Yuan has long thought, "that's why I married Tang Wan and joined the Tang family. Theoretically speaking, I am a member of the four families."

"Mother won't support you. You'll still be a beginner."

By the end of the conversation, the hospital was suddenly silent. Downing seemed to think of something. He looked at Qi Yuan in shock, but Qi Yuan was very magnanimous.

He said, "if you let her know about us, do you think she would let us go? It's better to seize the opportunity than to wait for death. What's more, she worked so long to make the Tang family one of the four big families. Her ambition is no less than ours. "

"I need to think about it." With that, Downing turned over and stopped looking at Qi Yuan. It was very important. If she was careless, she would be charged with treason. She had to think about it clearly.

Qi Yuan "well" a, "I won't force you, you first take good care of the body, I'll see you in two days."

Outside the hospital, not long after Qi Yuangang left, Qu Huashang and Lin Ge came out from the corner. Lin Ge hummed coldly, "a villain also wants to be the king of Dongyue?"

"If you don't know whether Dongyue will be here or not, let him have more dreams!" Qu Huachang didn't think so.

After listening, lingo suddenly laughed, "yes! After a period of time, the world will be in turmoil, not to mention the Tang family. Even the East moon will be annihilated in the clamor with the tide of time, and it will no longer exist! "

"Well, don't forget to get down to business. You go in and look for medicine. I'll keep watch here. It's getting dark."

Cloud Xiu clothes from the bamboo house back to Tianji Pavilion, then directly back to the room, open the door and see nalandot and so on inside, a see her immediately welcomed.

"Sister Yun, you are back! I've been waiting for you for a long time Narandot asked with gossip as he closed the door. "Sister Yun, how do you know that downing is pregnant? You don't know many people asked me when Tianji square came back. "

Originally, although she was curious, but not to the point of non thorough inquiry, can be repeatedly questioned by those people her thirst for knowledge! Hope followed.

Cloud Xiu clothes also didn't revolve with Na Lan Duo, and said frankly, "I saw blood stains between her legs, and gambled."

"So sister Yun wasn't sure if she was pregnant before she felt for downing?" Oh, my God! It's too dangerous! If downing is not pregnant, isn't she going to set up sister Yun in the end?

"But I really didn't expect that downing usually looked like a high-ranking young lady. In private, she was like this. How sad her sister should be!"

Xu is because he and Nalan Yun are twin sisters. Nalan Duo is very sad to think that one day Yuner will betray her, but fortunately Yuner will never betray her!

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