"I give you pills to help you consolidate your foundation. As for the animal yuan, naturally you should hunt it yourself."

See these people again lose a face, cloud Xiu dress of voice not angry from Wei.

"If you don't want to work hard, the cloud family won't let you. You all know that my cloud family is no better than before, and can't afford to raise idle people. "

"We're just talking about it. How can the young lady take it seriously?"

"Yes! Young lady, we just don't have the confidence to hunt the animal yuan. "

"After all, we haven't even seen a few of them!"

Everyone's words are full of confusion and uncertainty about the future.

"I know that it's not easy to revive the cloud family overnight, but as long as you are confident, willing to spend time and energy, and heaven rewards you, you will be rewarded one day in the future. If you give up before you work hard, you are not worthy to be my cloud family."

Yun Xiuyi's words obviously let the cloud family these people fall into meditation, including Yun Jinyan are thinking, whether it is really they do not seek progress.

When they were almost in deep thought, Yun Xiuyi threw out a few bags of gold coins.

"You should have heard that I got a lot of animal dollars in the hunting competition. These are all gold coins exchanged with animal dollars. I know you have had a hard time in the cloud family. I hope these gold coins can improve your life a little bit. "

These bags of gold coins immediately excited the people of the cloud family. They haven't seen so many gold coins for many years!

In an instant, yunxiuyi's image in their hearts rose a lot. "Miss, you are very kind to us, but we used to -- unexpectedly --"

A few of them started to cry.

Next to him, someone immediately sympathized and comforted him, "why do you cry? The eldest lady is so kind to us. In the future, we will double our treatment to the eldest lady. It's a shame that such a big person still cries." Then he cried aloud.

This group of people were moved by yunxiuyi, but yunxiuyi was not moved by them. After all, their current relationship is always based on interests.

"I hope you can adjust your state in these two days, and in three days, I hope you can stand in front of me with a new look."

As soon as Yun Xiuyi finished, someone immediately asked, "what are we going to do in three days?"

"Today, when you go back, you will take the pill I gave you. It has the effect of washing marrow. The process may be painful, but it is very beneficial to your later cultivation. These two days, you put aside your cultivation and have a good rest. After that, you can't rest if you want to. "

Yun Xiuyi's words instantly inspired the morale of these people. They held their heads high, as if they saw the hope of the cloud family.

Yun Jinyan, who has been standing beside him, has already burst into tears. Finally, he doesn't have to worry that the cloud family will be destroyed in his hands. There is still a chance for the cloud family to prosper.

Here everyone's heart has been successfully captured by cloud Xiuyi, and the only one who is inconsistent with everyone's idea is Qin Yuman.

Seeing that all the people were brainwashed by Yun Xiu's clothes, she thought that these people were crazy, so she didn't believe how much trouble a waste could cause.

Hum! You still want to call her? And let her serve her blind mother? you must be dreaming!

"No! The owner of the house, the people of the Luo family came and said, "let the eldest lady go out, or you'll break in." Cloud Xiu clothes just let everyone go back to rest, someone flurried over.

"What happened to the Luo family?"

"They just can't see us, or we'll go out and fight with them."

Over the years, the cloud family has been bullied by the Luo family, and these people in the cloud family have been bullied by the Luo family. They dare not say anything before.

But now that they have Yunxiu clothes as their backing, they seem to have the strength in their hearts and are ready to rush out immediately.

But cloud Xiu clothes is always calm, she beckons those who have rushed out to come back, "let them rush, when their anger is gone, then go to talk."

Just to try the power of the heaven and earth Sancai array, can you block all the people of the Luo family out of the door.

Outside the gate of the cloud family, Luo Rou and a group of Luo family members yell at each other, intimidating the cloud family members and asking them to hand over the cloud Xiu clothes.

In fact, Luo Rou came to the Luo family today on the order of Luo Rui, and used a lot of money to dig up the pharmacists of the Yun family to their Luo family.

But Luo Rui only said that he would advise the pharmacist, but he didn't say that he would be polite to the cloud family. What's more, she wanted to show the pharmacist how cowardly they were.

What makes Luo Rou angry is that the cloud family doesn't know what boundary they have laid. They have been making trouble outside for a long time, but they can't break in at all.Looking at the people of the cloud family, they were afraid to come out at first. When they found that they could not get in at all, they began to laugh at them fearlessly.

Where can Luo Rou endure such insults? She yells, "let the waste of Yunxiu clothes come out quickly, or I'll set fire to your cloud house."

In the end, the Luo family members who were with her advised her, "second lady, don't be angry, in case the poison breaks out again..."

Hearing the word poison, Luo Rou couldn't help shivering. She felt the pain of bone addiction and the pain of cold. Just thinking about it, she felt terrible.

yes! The purpose of her coming here today is to invite that pharmacist to cure their poison thoroughly. She can't afford to lose big things for small things.

When Luo Rou calms down, the fellow Luo family members come forward.

"We're not here to trouble the Yun family today. We just want to invite your pharmacist to the Luo family and inform the pharmacist."

Pharmacist? Did they hear it wrong? When did the cloud family have a pharmacist?

But these people don't look like they are cheating. Even so, they don't know who to report?

At this time, cloud Xiu clothes came out, "Luo family is not general, thick skinned to openly rob people, but, I'm afraid to let you down."

This Luo family is not good stubble, immediately took back.

"I'm afraid that's not up to you. You Yuns dare not let the pharmacist come out. Are you afraid that the offer is not as good as ours?"

"Well, you can tell me what attractive conditions your family has."

The Luo family said with a proud face, "as long as he comes to our Luo family, 10000 gold coins a month is indispensable, and the medicinal materials he needs are all provided by our Luo family."

"That's all?"

The cloud family nearby has long been stunned. What is the concept of 10000 gold coins per month? That's what their lady said?

"When the pharmacist arrives at Luo's house, he can discuss other conditions with our master slowly."

"Take your time? I'm afraid you Miss Luo can't wait! "

Cloud Xiuyi said motioned Luo family to look aside, they noticed that Luo Rou from cloud Xiuyi appeared to now did not say a word, turned to look at her, only to find that her face has no blood color, bean big sweat drops down.

Without waiting for the Luo family to ask what happened, Luo Rou fell to the ground and chanted, "poison, I'm poisoned. Go back quickly..."

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