In the criminal law hall, Su Xian had been waiting for Yun Xiu's clothes for a long time. As soon as he saw her coming in, he asked harshly, "Yun Xi, before Qi Yuan died, he had written all his crimes in blood on the ground of the prison. Can you plead guilty?"

"Why should I confess his crime?"

Cloud Xiu dress answers at the same time, the line of sight sweeps toward Su Xian several people around, see blue Fei jade and Su Mei's facial expressions that sit on both sides of him are not very good-looking. Su Mei, in particular, shakes her head helplessly after seeing Yun Xiu's clothes come in, and then moves her eyes elsewhere.

"Hum." Su xianleng snorted, "now is not the time for you to be tough. If you are frank, I will give you a chance to change."

A chance to change? Even if she admits it, Su Xian can't wait to convict her. What chance will he give her? "Excuse me, elder Su Xian, what did Qi Yuan write before he died?"

Like in order to let cloud Xiuyi die not wronged, Su Xian patiently replied.

"He said that the kidnapping of the ninth princess was planned by him and you. Originally, you were supposed to be outside to meet him, but you betrayed him and even directed and performed a drama to save people."

Su Xian's eyes fixed on Yun Xiu's clothes and continued, "as for Downing, it's very clear in her last words that she was dragged into the water by you."

"Self directing and self acting?" Yun Xiuyi nodded thoughtfully, which was really a drama of self directing and self acting, but there was someone else.

Looking up again, Yun Xiuyi's eyes are deep. It's hard to guess what she thinks at the moment. Su Xian frowns impatiently, as if he is not satisfied with Yun Xiuyi's unusual calmness.

"Yunxi, I advise you not to make meaningless struggles. When the time comes, you will have to suffer from the combined punishment of several crimes. It's better to take the initiative to explain everything now."

Su Xian has been persuading Yun Xiuyi to admit her guilt from the beginning to the end. This is not the attitude of finding out the truth. He has recognized Yun Xiuyi as the culprit for a long time. At this moment, he only wants to force her to admit these crimes.

"Elder Su Xian, Qi Yuan and I have always been at odds. This is something everyone in Tianji Pavilion can see. How can such a person's words be believable?"

Yun Xiuyi raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "plan with him? I wonder if you have any concrete evidence to prove that I really participated in this matter except for those meaningless last words? "

"You..." Su Xian only knew that Yunxi didn't like to communicate with others, but he didn't expect to be so smart.

"Do you think that now that Qi Yuan is dead, we can't do anything with you? I tell you, since the matter has been handed over to me, I will make you plead guilty. "

"Plead guilty at law?" As soon as Su Xian's voice fell, Yunluo's voice came from behind Yunxiu's clothes. "I just heard that someone wanted my elder sister to plead guilty. I wanted to ask her what she did and what she did."

Without waiting for Su Xian to reply, Yunluo continued to satirize, "who in Dongyue doesn't know that Qi Yuan is aiming at my cloud family everywhere and planning with him?"

Yunluo steps forward to protect Yunxiu's clothes behind him and looks at Su Xian with disdain. "Even a three-year-old can see that this is a frame up. Are you not as good as a three-year-old? When has Tianji Pavilion fallen so far that even people like you can be elders? "


"What are you doing?" Yunluo suddenly changed his playful attitude. "My cloud family is one of the four big families of the East moon empire. Even if your cabinet leader doesn't like my cloud family, there's no need to treat all of us as idiots."

These years of experience seems to let Yunluo mature a lot, although he is still a little child in front of Yunxiu clothes.

But the momentum at the moment makes everyone in the criminal law hall dare not look directly at it, and Su Xian is even more afraid to forget to refute there.

"Qi Yuan's last words are clear, that is, someone framed my elder sister, or Qi Yuan would pull my elder sister into the water before he died, or someone would kill Qi Yuan on purpose."

"Master Yun is right." Just when Su Xian was rebutted by Yun Luo, Zuo came, accompanied by Jun Fu and Jun Jinyao.

Zuo Li stood beside Yun Xiu's clothes as a protector. "Such a vile frame up can be seen at a glance. How could elder Su Xian be hoodwinked? Although I'm not familiar with Yunxi, I believe in her

Listen to Zuo Li's words, Su Xian's face is full of suspicion. It's clear that she asked the cabinet leader to take charge of this matter to him. Why did she blame him now?

Just as he was about to question Zuo Fu, he saw Zuo Fu wink at him, but he had to hold back what he wanted to say.

"I wonder if you would like to hear my opinion?" Zuoli's vision swept over Yunxi and Yunluo one by one, and finally fell on Junfu. When Junfu nodded her head and agreed, she continued, "I think it must be Qi Yuan's doing the same thing.""The conflict between him and miss Yunxi is not overnight. It's reasonable for him to drag her into the water before he dies. After all, this is Qi Yuan's last chance."

"As for downing..."

Zuo Juan said that he deliberately looked at Jun Fu and said, "Qi Yuan's arms have been broken, and he doesn't hesitate to cut his toes and write down his defense for downing with blood. It must have nothing to do with downing! She should also be used by Qi Yuan. "

Seeing that Junfu didn't stop him, Zuo continued, "maybe it was too late for Downing to find out that he was involved in the hijacking. In a moment of confusion, he forgot to expose Qi Yuan!"

When Zuo Fu finishes his words, the criminal law hall is very quiet. Although Su Xian and others don't know the grudge between Zuo Fu and Downing, Yunluo knows very well. At this moment, he doesn't know how Zuo Fu can help downing speak.

No matter whether Qi Yuan framed his sister or not, it is an indisputable fact that downing took part in the kidnapping of the ninth princess. She can't get rid of the suspicion at all.

However, with Zuo's character, she should fall into the trap at this time. How can she help her competitors in turn?

And the reason she said seems to be far fetched, and can't stand careful scrutiny. Yunluo's eyes wander to see what medicine is sold in Zuoli's gourd.

It's not only the people in the criminal law Hall who think that Zuo Li's words are full of flaws, but also Zuo li himself thinks that the logic between the lines of her words is not tenable, but all of these are not important.

The important thing is that she has clearly expressed her own meaning, that is, all the crimes are committed by Qi Yuan alone, which has nothing to do with Yunxi and downing.

In addition, she has long expected Junfu's psychology. After all, Downing is the first lady of the Tang family. If she is disposed of, it will naturally make Tang Yishuang feel suspicious. There is a covetous Tianji Pavilion, and Junfu will no longer want the Tang family to be hostile to it.

After a long silence in the criminal law hall, Jun Fu finally opened his mouth, "since Qi Yuan is dead, the ninth princess is OK. Let's stop here!"

Su Xiangang, who is in charge of this matter, is going to ask a question, but Zuo Li stares at him, "it's late today. The emperor is tired. Let's go back and have a rest! As for this matter, we can no longer pursue it. "

Jun Fu took a look at Yun Xiu's clothes from a distance, but he didn't step forward. If he was at this time, he would put her in danger again.

Just nodding to Yun Xiu's clothes, Jun Fu takes Jun Jinyao and turns to leave, and Zuo Li follows up immediately.

When yunxiuyi and Yunluo also leave the criminal law hall, Su Xian turns over the table in anger. He thought this was his chance to make contributions, but he didn't expect this result.

Seeing Su Xian like this, LAN Feiyu shakes her head and doesn't say much, but Su Mei's tone is not good.

"The Lord just asked you to take charge of this matter. Why do you really think the criminal law hall is your territory? I am in charge of all the tables and chairs. Did you ask me if I agree before you destroyed them? "

In the face of Su Mei's taunt, Su Xian is unable to argue with him. He turns around and wants to leave. Before he steps out of the criminal law hall, Su Mei's voice comes from behind.

"Don't be targeted again. Do you really think they want to help you? Young people today are so naive

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