Looking at Tianjun's back, yunxiuyi looks down and smiles. The last time she explored Yunxiao Pavilion, she found that there were almost seals on the wooden boxes where the treasures were placed.

In addition, Su Mei mentioned that only he and xiaoyaozi knew how to seal the Tianji Pavilion, so they came up with such an idea. Although it was very risky, they didn't know whether they could do it or not.

Tianjun soon moved all the ancient books about the seal method. He threw all the ancient books on the ground and said impatiently, "it's just causing us trouble."

After complaining, Tian Jun sat on one side and began to read the ancient books, while Qi Si sat on the other side and concentrated on his research.

After about half a incense burning time, Tian Jun glanced up at Yun Xiu's clothes and said harshly, "what are you afraid of doing there? Why don't you help me? "

Yunxiu clothes smell speech, this is not slow bent down to pick up an ancient book, she roughly looked over, found that are some entry-level seal law, before in the criminal law hall, Su Mei had taught her.

After reading several books without any harvest, Yun Xiuyi asked, "two Dharma protectors, I don't know where else in Yunxiao Pavilion there are ancient books about the method of seal. Let's look for them separately to save some time."

Tian Jun and Qi Si look at each other, thinking that they are here, the little girl does not dare to play tricks, so they point out several directions for her.

See cloud Xiu clothes turn around to leave, Qi Si did not forget to remind her, "don't knock down other bookshelves." After Yunxiu nodded, he moved his eyes back to the ancient books.

Yunxiuyi went to those places one by one according to Tianjun's and Qisi's tips. After a simple elimination, he stopped his sight on a row of gray bamboo slips.

Because there are many treasures in Yunxiao Pavilion, the aura is also very strong. However, this place is not only devoid of aura, but also a bit dilapidated. On the contrary, it seems to be incompatible with other places. But since it is an important ancient book, why is it so?

the more one tries to hide , the more one is exposed! Cloud Xiu clothes instantly thought of these four words, it must be xiaoyaozi, don't want someone to notice this place, then gather all the aura above!

She stepped forward and picked up a bamboo slip at random. As soon as she untied the rope, she felt a strange energy flash by.

At the next moment, it was suddenly dark around her. Without waiting for Yunxiu's clothes to see what happened, there were faint golden lights under her feet in the dark. As the golden light became stronger and stronger, an aperture like an array appeared on the ground.

The array kept changing, and the sight of cloud Xiuyi also moved rapidly.

Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images give birth to eight trigrams. The eight trigrams are heaven and earth shaking Xun Kan Li Gen Dui, and then deduce the sixty-four trigrams.

It should be that when she unties the bamboo slips, she triggers the array attached to the bamboo slips. If she wants to leave, she must find out the students of the array.

Yin is the first, Yin is the first, Yang is the second. Hexagrams grow from bottom to top, similar to the development of things, and from bottom to top, like the stacking of time. The deduction is based on the singular number, and only one Yin or one Yang is added to the original image when the next image is deduced.

Yun Xiuyi calculates quickly in her heart. When she finds the door, she takes a step forward, and the darkness disappears instantly. She still stands in front of the gray bamboo slips, as if nothing had happened just now.

She looked back in the direction of Tianjun Jun and Qi Sisi, and saw that they were studying ancient books, with several open boxes beside them.

Obviously, they know nothing about what happened here just now, but according to their progress, the wooden boxes will be all opened soon. At that time, no matter whether the treasure is damaged or not, they will come to look for Yunxiu clothes, which is bound to stop her from going on.

After thinking about it, Yunxiu opened a row of bamboo slips with a flick of her sleeve. The following scene was the same as before. A changing array appeared at her feet in the dark.

But this time, the array was obviously more complicated than before. Before Yun Xiuyi began to calculate, he stretched out a lot of black hands from the array.

They scrambled to encircle Yunxiu's clothes in the middle, and the next moment they were ready to pull her down into the array.

For fear of causing Tianjun and Qi Si's suspicions, Yun Xiuyi couldn't use the spirit power, so he could only take out a long sword from the heaven and earth cauldron and cut off the skeleton hands one by one.

But the skeleton hands seemed to be cut off, and new fingers grew from the broken joints. They came to the cloud Xiu clothes again. After a long time, the forehead of the cloud Xiu clothes had been soaked with sweat.

"This is the nine Yin array."

Just when Yun Xiuyi was thinking about whether to gamble on the use of spiritual power, a soft voice came over. She looked aside and didn't know when the woman in green appeared. She must have come out together when she took the weapon from the heaven and earth cauldron!While observing the changes of the array, the woman in Green said to Yun Xiuyi, "the most peculiar part of the nine Yin strange gate array is that it is transformed from innumerable evil spirits, which can hurt people's lives virtually."

Because her voice is too light, worried that cloud Xiuyi will not be heard, the woman in green toward cloud Xiuyi closer, continue.

"When you break the array, if you are careless, you will be affected by the anger. If you lose your mind, you will be trapped in the array forever. If you lose your life, you will be killed by the enemy."

"How to crack it?"

Hear cloud Xiu dress to ask like this, green dress woman suddenly Leng Leng, seem to be in soliloquy kind murmur a.

"Strange, how can I know these arrays?" Then she said to Yun Xiuyi, "do you find that the attacks of these skeletons are very orderly?"

On this point, Yun Xiuyi had already found out, so he asked, "what does this represent?"

"It means that these skeletons have masters, and their masters are the most powerful ghosts who are bent over this array. They are controlling these skeletons. You can find out it. You can only break it if you get rid of it. Otherwise, the skeletons can't be killed completely."

Ghost? Grumpy?

Yunxiao Pavilion is a precious place. In such a place with rich aura, it is obvious that these dark things are hard to hide.

Yunxiuyi's vision quickly swept around, and suddenly Yu Guang aimed at the red light. She immediately turned to look for it, and found that there was a skull hidden in a pile of skeleton hands, and its empty eyes were emitting strange red light.

It was obvious that the skull had seen her. In the blink of an eye, it was hidden in the middle of the skull hand. When Yun Xiu's clothes cut off the skull hand in that place, there was no sign of the skull.

Now that he knew what was going on, Yun Xiuyi was patient. He saw that the skeleton hands had grasped her ankles, and then slowly climbed up along her legs, but he was still standing there.

Until those skeleton hands reached her chest position, a skeleton head with gloomy gas suddenly appeared in front of cloud Xiu clothes.

While it made a "click click" sound, it opened its sparse teeth and bit at Yunxiu's clothes. Yunxiu's clothes were already on guard. He immediately raised his hand to protect himself with a sword, and then pushed the sword forward to bounce away the skull.

Because the skeleton hands are all climbing on the body of Yunxiu clothes, the skull that has been bounced away can't hide for a moment, and can't avoid, so it can only attack Yunxiu clothes again.

This time cloud Xiu clothes also early even if accurate time, wait for the skeleton head to fly, immediately wave sword, in the past, instantly split it in two.

However, although the skull was broken, the red light "whew" came out. It ran up and down, left and right in the dark, leaving several dazzling red shadows.

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