As soon as the jade plate is in hand, the surrounding environment is calm. The bamboo slips all over the ground prove that everything just happened. However, such calm did not last long.

Yunxiuyi put the jade plate into the heaven and earth cauldron and went to find Tianjun and Qisi. However, he found that they were standing there with their eyes closed. In a moment, they began to dance. Along with their movements, they ran in the Yunxiao pavilion with fierce spirit.

Those spirits were in disorder, and soon knocked down all the bookshelves in Yunxiao Pavilion. Even several heavy nanmu cabinets were knocked over.

Ancient books fly into the air one after another, and then fall into pieces that have become gray or dark yellow, like dancing butterflies.

The wooden boxes with all kinds of treasures were scattered all over the place. In the blink of an eye, the huge Yunxiao Pavilion became a ruin.

Rao Shiyun Xiuyi was calm again. She lost her mind when she looked at such a shocking scene. She stood in the flying pieces of paper for a long time and kept a dignified expression. When she realized that she was in trouble, her eyebrows were twisted into a ball.

However, it is obvious that the person who caused the trouble is not her, but the two Dharma protectors Tianjun and Qi Si who are still releasing their spiritual power and have no knowledge of the matter.

When the treasures in Yunxiao pavilion are piled up like abandoned waste into hills, the whole Yunxiao Pavilion seems to be more messy and empty.

Without the bookshelves and cabinets, the fierce spiritual power ran faster than before, leaving many cuts on the walls. Yun Xiuyi hesitated whether to leave here immediately.

It won't be long before someone will come. When they see Tianjun and Qi Si's behavior, they will naturally understand that it was their two who did it.

Even if xiaoyaozi wanted to investigate, the most blame was that she untied the bamboo slip carelessly, but the ultimate reason was that no one had reminded her about it before, and no wonder she decided to leave. Yunxiuyi looked at Tianjun and Qisi not far away.

But I saw that their expressions were very painful, and their movements slowed down gradually. Then the corner of their mouth overflowed with blood. Did they fall into the array?

Tian Jun and Qi Si don't know the method of seal and array. Yun Xiuyi knows it. Besides, it's because of her. If they really lose their lives, she can't help but blame them. After a moment's hesitation, Yun Xiuyi finally walks towards them.

Only a few steps forward, yunxiuyi suddenly stepped on the air at the foot. After a short period of weightlessness, she saw Tianjun and Qisi who were tired of fighting.

Tian Jun, who is fighting hard, immediately rebukes Yun Xiuyi and says, "Why are you here? Didn't you inform the Lord to come at the first time? Do you have a brain? "

Still have strength to blame her to explain to hurt less than life, cloud Xiu Yi is thinking like this, then see Qi Si vomit out a big pool of blood, he gasps a few mouthfuls to say urgently.

"What do you blame her for? We can't cope with it together. She must have been flustered." Qi Si says to turn head to see to cloud Xiu dress, way, "leave far point, protect oneself, we can't distract to protect you now."

Considering her safety at this time, it seems that the two Dharma protectors are not as cold-blooded and merciless as the rumor, so it can be seen that the rumor is really untrustworthy.

Although the situation is very critical, Yun Xiuyi doesn't intend to reveal her identity. She obediently steps back to one side, then observes the surrounding environment, and finds that this place is really another array as she expected.

It's just different from the dark array she fell into before. This array is white in addition to white, and there are several golden lights flowing in it.

Since they are all arrays, you can leave here as long as you find the birth gate. In addition, with Qi Si and Tian Jun dealing with those strange forces, Yun Xiuyi is more able to concentrate on calculating the constantly changing hexagrams.

"What should we do? Can't it be that we have been guarding Yunxiao Pavilion for so many years and even die here? If you die, you'll ruin your whole life! "

"Don't worry about nothing and say something despondent. How can a simple array kill us easily?"

Qi Si raised his arm with a roar. With the agitation of the spirit power, the space in the array seemed to be torn, white and black.

The figure of cloud Xiu clothes was hidden in the dark several times and reappeared in the white again. All of a sudden, her eyes lit up, as if she had figured out where the door of life was. She detailed as if inadvertently reminded Qi Si.

"Protector Qi, why did all these golden lights avoid the place in front of you? Is there anything special there? "

Qi Si looked to his left and found something unusual. It was clear that all kinds of forces were surging in the array, but the place was always calm.

Without waiting for Qi Si to take action, Tian Jun had already moved his steps. When he arrived at that place, he suddenly disappeared in front of yunxiuyi and Qi Si. Qi Si immediately told yunxiuyi.

"Come here, you leave me before you leave." From the beginning to the end, he was thinking about the safety of Yunxiu clothes.The white just disappeared. Before Yunxiu could catch his breath, he saw that the Yunxiao pavilion was full of people, led by xiaoyaozi, LAN Feiyu and Su Xian. Behind them stood countless Tianji Pavilion disciples.

"Who will tell me what's going on?" Xiaoyaozi asked in a low voice. Anyone could hear his anger.

Such a big treasure Pavilion is gone. As the owner of the pavilion, he must be more sorry than anyone else!

As soon as Tianjun and Qi Si escaped from the array, they noticed the scene like ruins. Not to mention the anger of the chief cabinet member, they were not sure what to say.

Is it both of them who made Yunxiao Pavilion like this? If so, their sins would be great.

The treasures in Yunxiao pavilion are not collected overnight. They have been accumulated since Tianji pavilion was founded!

How many years as like as two peas?

Facing the silence of Tianjun, Qisi and yunxiuyi, xiaoyaozi's anger finally broke out, "talk! What's going on? "

"Lord of the Pavilion..." as soon as Tianjun was ready to tell xiaoyaozi the truth, Qi Si opened his mouth first, "Lord of the pavilion, I and Tianjun accidentally triggered an unknown array and were trapped in it. I didn't want that array to come to terms with reality..."

"Array?" Xiaoyaozi's original attention was all on the destroyed treasure of Yunxiao Pavilion. After hearing Qi Si's explanation, he suddenly showed his fierce light, and his face became darker.

"You triggered the unknown array? Is it... "Since they are standing in front of him now, it means that they have broken the battle!

"No way."

There is no time to explain to the public, xiaoyaozi, who was still angry a moment ago, suddenly turned and left Yunxiao Pavilion, leaving everyone looking at each other. As soon as xiaoyaozi left, several disciples immediately began to talk, "what can I do! Many treasures! It hurts

"That is to say! We usually can't even get close to the neighborhood. I didn't expect that it was under such circumstances when we finally came in

"Two Dharma protectors..."

LAN Feiyu hesitates to open her mouth, but she doesn't say anything at last. Instead, Su Xian, who is standing beside her, looks at Yun Xiuyi in a strange way and says sarcastically, "you are really a disaster! Since you came to Tianji Pavilion, it has never stopped. "

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