Qi Si first glances at xiaoyaozi and then looks around for Yunxiu's clothes. When he sees her, he tries to recover his spiritual power. However, as soon as he's ready to withdraw his power, there is a big blue light in Jiuyin temple. This relaxation leads to his chest tightness and Qi and blood surge.

Previously, Qi Si was injured in the cloud Pavilion because he was trapped in the array. What's more, there's no leisure to take care of Yunxiu's clothes and keep his position.

In addition, xiaoyaozi and Tianjun on both sides did not speak, and everyone's face was very serious. And the blue demon light on the Jiuyin Temple became more and more intense, and suddenly the whole Tianji Pavilion seemed to be shrouded in it.

"Pavilion master..." at the critical moment, Tianjun called xiaoyaozi, even his voice was shaking, "what is this in Jiuyin temple? I'm afraid we can't resist it! "

Xiaoyaozi sighed and explained, "he's more terrible than the fox. I'll take advantage of him to subdue him while he's sleeping. If I let him go this time, I'm afraid it's hard to catch him. In the future, the six realms will not live in peace because of him!"

After listening to xiaoyaozi's words, Tian Jun and Qi Si's expression is more heavy. If it's true as the pavilion leader said, it's that they have to fight their own life to repair the seal of Jiuyin temple.

"Lord, Tianjun and I are here to contain this demon. You just repair the seal. If we are alive, we'll ask you for the trouble of Yunxiao Pavilion."

Qi si then forced his counter current Qi and blood to release all his spiritual power. He looked at Tian Jun at a distance, and then said to Yun Xiu, "little girl, leave here quickly, don't waste your life."

The sky darkened, gloomy and depressing, the wind rolled the residual clouds, the rain wanted to continue, the mood also sank.

Seeing that Qi Si and Tian Jun have to fight against the person in Jiuyin Temple by gambling on their sex and life, Yun Xiuyi naturally can't stand by and turn a deaf ear to Qi Si's advice.

As she walked towards Qi Si, she laid several defensive arrays around her body. When she got behind Qi Si, she raised her hand and started to use "floating embers".

Whether xiaoyaozi or Qi Si or Tian Jun, her accomplishments are all above her. If they can't control her, obviously her accomplishments are even more insignificant, so the only thing she can do now is to repair their physical injuries.

Feeling the pain on his body gradually relieved, Qi Si's trembling muscles also recovered their composure. Yu Guang glanced at Yun Xiu's clothes. Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask any questions.

Cure Qi Si cloud Xiu clothes and nonstop move to the day Jun, and finally to the xiaoyaozi there.

She didn't think that if she let xiaoyaozi go, maybe he would die, or his cultivation would be worn out and seriously injured. In this way, she didn't have to take revenge on her family.

But she also knew the consequences of doing so. She didn't believe in xiaoyaozi, but she believed in moxilou. Since even he felt that people in Jiuyin temple should not be released, she could never release them.

While xiaoyaozi's attention is not on her, yunxiuyi immediately uses the forbidden technique to heal him. When xiaoyaozi finds out, he immediately yells.

"Shameless child, even take the opportunity to plot against me!" As soon as he finished, he felt the change in his body. She was not harming him, but saving him? Xiaoyaozi's face is suddenly dark and unclear, but he doesn't apologize to yunxiuyi.

After such a long time, LAN Feiyu and others are all led to Jiuyin temple. They want to help, but they are cut off by blue light.

Although Yun Xiu's clothes are constantly recovering the bodies of xiaoyaozi and others, their spiritual power is gradually fading due to the long-term confrontation, but the enchanting blue light in Jiuyin temple is not weakened at all, on the contrary, it is more dazzling.

"Pavilion master..." as soon as Tian Jun opened his mouth, he spilled blood, but he didn't care. He continued, "it's useless to go on like this. It's better to start the nine palace spirit gathering array."

"No way!" Qi Si immediately stopped and said, "this array may subdue him, but it will also sacrifice countless lives."

"Compared with the six realms, what are a few lives?" Tianjun resolutely looked at xiaoyaozi, "Lord of the pavilion, I am willing to sacrifice my flesh and blood to the array."

"Are you crazy?"

"It's better to fight than to die! Lord, it's too late to decide! " With Tianjun's roar, the spirit power around him was a little cracked. In a moment, his front was red with blood. It was shocking to see.

Xiaoyaozi's muddy eyes are turning left and right, and then he moves his eyes to Yunxiu's clothes. Instead of sacrificing a Dharma protector, let her sacrifice the array.

Thinking of this, xiaoyaozi glances at the disciples of Tianji Pavilion around Jiuyin temple. The Jiugong spirit gathering array, as its name suggests, is to gather the spirit power together. Although the spirit power of these disciples is not much, they should also get together.

Tian Jun is right. Compared with the six realms, what are a few lives? It is also their blessing to be able to sacrifice their lives for the safety of the six realms.They three people's dialogue by cloud Xiu clothes a word exactly listen to go, nine palace gather spirit array?

Looking at Qi Si's hesitation and Tian Jun's attitude towards death, it must not be a good array. She also noticed the change of xiaoyaozi's expression. It was a calculating look, and the object of his calculation included her.

At this point, cloud Xiu clothes didn't regret for xiaoyaozi's healing, the most urgent thing she should consider is how to escape the disaster.

As soon as xiaoyaozi had made a decision in his mind, he began to carry out the plan. He said to Tianjun and Qi Si, "if you persist for a while, I will start the battle."

"No, my Lord!"

In the face of Qi Si's prevention, xiaoyaozi turns a deaf ear to it, and Tianjun on the other side is ready to sacrifice the array at any time. "Qi Si, don't ask for women's benevolence. Our lives belong to Tianji Pavilion. To die for Tianji Pavilion and for the six realms is our best ending."

"Am I afraid of death?" Qi Si shook his head and didn't want to continue this topic.

In the quarrel between Tianjun and Qisi, xiaoyaozi has opened the Jiugong spirit gathering array. Yunxiuyi originally intended to escape here, but found that a transparent cover was put on the outside of Jiuyin temple.

There was no time to think about it. Yun Xiuyi only felt that the invisible force was pulling her forward. She immediately looked at xiaoyaozi. He was also looking at her. There was a hesitation in his eyes. Finally, she was thrown into the Jiugong spirit gathering array.

Bursts of golden flash, cloud Xiu clothes trapped in the array can not move, at the moment she is like being placed on the chopping board of fish can only be slaughtered.

Tianjun was ready to die, but he didn't expect that xiaoyaozi would sacrifice to the array with a little girl. He was so angry that a sweet smell came out of his throat, "master of the pavilion, I'm confused! Isn't her life life? "

"Ah." Qi Si looks pitifully at Yun Xiu's clothes. This Jiugong spirit gathering array is different from other arrays. There is no way to find her. The girl's life is not long.

Near the Jiuyin temple, LAN Feiyu and others can only see bursts of golden flashes and various energy fluctuations, but they don't know the details. Just when they stand in the same place and are worried, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion suddenly scream one by one.

LAN Feiyu suddenly turned back and saw that the disciples behind him were in strange posture, and their limbs were extremely twisted, as if they were twisted by some force.

"What's the matter?"

She wanted to know what was wrong with them, but the answer was not only a scream, but also a scream. Then she saw a little bit of spiritual power with faint fluorescence coming out of those disciples and gathering slowly towards Jiuyin temple.

Although LAN Feiyu is not familiar with the array, she also knows the Jiugong spirit gathering array. She looks at the spirit power gathered in Jiuyin temple in horror.

What happened? It's amazing that the pavilion leader didn't hesitate to start the nine palaces spirit gathering array. Looking back at the group of disciples LAN Feiyu, they can't bear to see that they don't know anything. They are so young, and they haven't even seen the outside world

After the scream lasted for a while, the disciples yuan stared and fell to the ground in pain. LAN Feiyu went to sniff, but he was not angry.

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