As night falls, Tianji Pavilion is still brightly lit. Two Dharma protectors, Tianjun and Qi Si, and a group of disciples are sorting out the undamaged treasures in Yunxiao Pavilion. LAN Feiyu and Su Mei are responsible for transferring the bodies of the dead disciples to the ancestral hall.

All good things are going on in an orderly way.

Xu is the whole Tianji Pavilion is immersed in a sad atmosphere. No one cares about the ugly girl of Xuanshui class. She is Yunxiu clothes who has been missing for four years.

Originally thought that this matter xiaoyaozi will not easily let go of cloud Xiu clothes, did not expect a artifact will suppress his accumulated in the heart of the fire. People who don't know why should only be carefree and generous, but those outside Jiuyin Temple knew it.

Although there are many treasures in Yunxiao Pavilion, most of them are dead objects that can only be used as ornaments, and they are of no use to xiaoyaozi.

But the refining pot is different!

From the former fox in Jiuyin temple to the present one, xiaoyaozi has tried his best to catch it back. Even in order to catch xinyuehu, his injury has not recovered. It can be seen that he is persistent in the great cause of subduing demons and removing demons.

If Mo Xi Lou gave him other things, no matter how expensive they were, Xiao Yao Zi might not even have a look at them, but he couldn't move his eyes again.

For a series of things that happened today, although Yun Xiuyi saved his life, xiaoyaozi punished all the people involved in the incident in order not to break the rules of Tianji Pavilion, among which Tianjun and Qi Si were the heaviest.

Xiaoyaozi ordered them not to leave Yunxiao pavilion from now on. This punishment is unacceptable to others.

In the eyes of Tian Jun and Qi Si, they were not punishment. They had rarely left the Yunxiao Pavilion for so many years. They thought that after this incident, the pavilion owner would not let them guard the Yunxiao Pavilion again. In this way, they would not even have the chance to atone.

Fortunately, they are happy to see this result now. In the future, they will devote the rest of their lives to Yunxiao Pavilion! Never leave again in this life.

As for Su Mei, xiaoyaozi asked him to hand over the criminal law hall and let LAN Feiyu take charge of it.

Originally, it was also a very severe punishment, but Su Mei had a good attitude, and felt that she was very old and happy, and did not frown during the whole handover process.

Because LAN Feiyu didn't actually take part in the incident, xiaoyaozi didn't blame her. After all, a series of follow-up issues still need her to worry about. Moreover, Yuexiu, whose character is always warm and warm, does not fight for anything.

Xu doesn't know how to punish him. It's not appropriate to punish him if he's too heavy or too light. He considers that for a long time xiaoyaozi has been punished with a monthly salary of six months to show his punishment.

The last is yunxiuyi. Xiaoyaozi has been thinking about her punishment for the longest time. Since he took the alchemy pot of moxilou, he can't punish her too much, but it's impossible not to punish her.

After thinking about it, xiaoyaozi expelled yunxiuyi from Tianji Pavilion, and officially ordered that because of the fate of yunxiuyi, the cloud family could not enter Tianji Pavilion any more.

In this way, Tianji Pavilion and the cloud family are justified. They have torn their faces and realized the rumors that xiaoyaozi suppressed the cloud family before. Furthermore, only Yunxiu left Tianji Pavilion could xiaoyaozi have a chance to attack her.

Otherwise, she has an accident in Tianji Pavilion, and it's hard to ensure that those who have a heart will not press the unwarranted charges on him.

Xiaoyaozi thinks his reputation is more important than his life. Even if he kills yunxiuyi one day, he will find a reason without flaws.

It seems that everything has come to an end here, and no one has any objection to all the decisions made by xiaoyaozi. However, it is undeniable that this event has suffered a heavy loss in Tianji Pavilion, and it will be difficult to recover for a long time in the future.

Yun Xiuyi has no feelings for Tianji Pavilion, and the punishment of being expelled doesn't make her sad. The only thing that makes her mind is that she doesn't care.

Because her behavior involves two Dharma protectors, Su Mei and Yue Xiu. Before she leaves Tianji Pavilion, she first goes to find Qi Si and Tian Jun, but they don't see her. They just pass a sentence to her to make her feel better.

Monthly repair is still the same as before. He said that it would be enough to help her, not to mention the monthly salary for half a year, even if there is no monthly salary in the future.

Finally, he said that as long as he could make Xingyue happy, he would do anything.

At that time, Su Mei was putting up a fence in front of the bamboo house in the back mountain. When Yun Xiu Yi came, he only looked up at her and concentrated on his work.

Seeing that he didn't want to take care of himself, Yun Xiu didn't speak. He squatted beside him and helped him build the fence together. After the fence was finished, Su Mei began to plow and sow seeds.

When he did these things, Yun Xiuyi consciously went to move two buckets of water. When he finished everything, Su Mei said.

"You won't be here when the vegetables sprout and grow up. A few days ago, I was thinking about planting some vegetables in front of the bamboo house and raising some chickens and ducks! When the vegetables can be harvested and the chickens and ducks can be slaughtered, your cooking skills should be improvedSu Mei said, shaking her head and sighing, "it's a pity that I just sowed this seed. You're going to leave. I'll see you again... Forget it, I don't want to see you."

"Don't you blame me?"

Listening to Su Mei's feelings, I don't know why Yun Xiuyi is sad, but it's not because she's about to leave. What she's sad about is that Su Mei has put her into her life, but she never cares about them.

"Strange?" Su Mei will hoe bucket put well, this just see to cloud Xiu clothes, "I have long thought of your identity is not simple, but did not expect you are cloud Xiu clothes that girl."

Then Su Mei said, "I don't blame you. No matter who you are, I'm very happy and satisfied with you these days."

"Thank you."

Yun Xiuyi didn't know how to deal with the world. At the moment, she didn't know what to say except these two words, as if to dispel the gloomy atmosphere. She slowly said, "we'll see you again, witness."

Su Mei was stunned and then laughed. His beard trembled and he said with pride, "I don't want to be a witness for ordinary people!"

Long time he said what he could do, "I can't see that boy's making so generous. The devil's pot is not a common object. He said he sent it to him. He didn't make complaints about him for so long.

"Speak ill of me when I'm away?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Mo Xi Lou came slowly from a distance. He said with a smile, "if you like, I will send you more in the future."

"Yo! It's true. It's an artifact. You think it's radish and vegetables! "

Su Mei said, pausing for a moment, "you don't look like you're cheating me. Who are you? Who is the devil who was locked up in Jiuyin temple before? Come on, let me have a long experience. "

Not only Su Mei is very curious, but even Yun Xiu Yi is also looking forward to the answer of Mo Xi Lou, but he says, "I will know in the future."

"Cut, it's boring." Su Mei waved her hand and didn't ask. She just said, "I hope I can live to that time."

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