"Miss Luo San, in fact, the demands of our eldest lady are not too much. We all know the background of your Luo family! Twenty four shops are just a drop in the bucket. "

After the topic goes back to the shops, Luo Rou is also sober.

Last time he gave Su Zixiang 10000 gold coins, Luo Rui scolded her and banned her for several days. If today she easily promised to give yunxiuyi 24 shops, Luo Rui would have to hang her up.

She also wants to agree, but this is not her decision at all!

Thinking of this, Luo Rou blames Luo Yan'er again. Her sister has been spoiled since she was a child. If she came here today, she would have promised.

The key is that Luo Rui is reluctant to blame her, and even praises her for her good work.

Seeing that Luo Rou's expression is unpredictable, the man can't guess what she's thinking now, but he's unwilling to give up.

"Miss Luo Er, if you are in a dilemma, you might as well go back and discuss with the Luo family leader."

The man asks tentatively, in fact, he is also deliberately exciting Luo rou. Luo Rou's temper is notoriously irritable, and she doesn't want to be compared with others.

"Actually! We all know that the kindness of Miss Luo San is also favored by the master of the Luo family. Without the master of the Luo family, how could she have the capital to be kind? So there's no need to worry about Miss Luo Er. We all know your trouble. "

The man was just talking about his interest when Luo Rou suddenly interrupted him.

"Twenty four shops! I can be the Lord. I'll go back and get the lease now. " Luo Rou said these words with awe inspiring righteousness, which is quite solemn and stirring as soon as a hero is gone.

Although this time, Yun Xiuyi has only dealt with Luo Rou three times, but she knows more or less about her character.

Now that she has promised in public, she will naturally deliver the title deeds of the 24 shops to her in person.

However, that afternoon, Yun Xiuyi not only waited for Luo Rou, but also for Luo Heng. What's more shocking is that Luo Rou was carried over by Luo's family.

Luo Heng first prepared to break into the cloud family. When he found out that the cloud family's defense barrier could not be broken by his own strength, he was just like Luo Rou in the morning, swearing, even abusing more than Luo rou.

"Let the little cunt in yunxiuyi come out quickly. I'll see who gave the son of a bitch the courage to poison my niece."

Luo Heng just finished, a piece of mud flew into his mouth.

It must be that the taste is not very good, and it happens suddenly. Luo Heng "bah bah" for a long time, his face turns blue and purple, which is very wonderful.

When it was almost done, he roared, "who is it? You can do it. "

"I thought it was someone's mad dog who didn't shut up and barked here. It was you!" Cloud Xiu clothes slowly step out, sideways looked at the eyes unconscious Luo Rou, heartache this girl.

In order to frame her up, they even made her look like this. The attitude of the Luo family towards her and Luo Yan'er is very different!

"You son of a bitch, how dare you tease me."

Luo Heng was really upset this time. He even offered a sacrifice to his spirit beast, the serpent. The serpent is like a dragon, but it has a pair of wings more than a dragon. Good water can also spit fire.

Although the size of the dragon is much smaller than that of the dragon, it is not less dignified.

"Today, even if King's landing comes, I will slaughter your cloud family to the ground." Luo Heng roared and rushed to Yunxiu with the snake.

See such a situation, the cloud family that originally followed behind the cloud Xiu clothes had been scared to flee everywhere, only the man who had been fighting with Luo Rou before was still standing in the same place.

But looking at his trembling legs, the situation is no better than those who escaped.

In the face of Luo Heng's attack, Yun Xiuyi doesn't move. When everyone can't bear to see the next picture, Luo Heng and his spirit beast snake stop.

After a short pause, the heaven and earth Sancai array suddenly sent out a dazzling golden light, which flew Luo Heng's bullet several feet away.

For Mo Xi Lou, Yun Xiu Yi is still more trusting. He said that this array will be stronger if it is stronger. Naturally, it won't be a lie.

Only this Luo Heng despised her.

Just now Luo Heng used a few percent of his spiritual power, but now he was attacked by several percent of his spiritual power. Seeing that he couldn't even stand steadily, he should have been hurt a lot.

Although hurt not lightly, Luo Heng's strength of speech still has, "you this cunt dares to entrap me unexpectedly!"

Cloud Xiu clothes see him a little regret heart have no, also don't want to waste time with him, turn around and go.But Luo Heng called, "who taught you this array?"

It seems that this injury still can't let Luo Heng restrain his temperament, cloud Xiu clothes steps don't stop, regardless of the door Luo Heng is still shouting, soon disappeared in the corner.

When Yun Xiuyi returns to the yard, Yun Jinyan finds him.

Painstakingly advised her, "Xiuyi! If we take revenge on the Luo family like this, we can't stand it at all! "

"The second uncle thinks that if we are kind to them, they will let us go?"


Yun Jinyan fell into silence for a moment. As long as their cloud family is still in the East moon Empire, the Luo family will certainly not let them go. Their goal is to get rid of the cloud family and become the first family of the East moon empire.

"What are you going to do?"

See cloud Jinyan a little thought through, cloud Xiu clothes just leisurely mouth, "they before from cloud home take things, nature is to let them all spit out."

"It's easy for you to say. The Luo family is not so easy to deal with." Yun Jinyan brow lock, obviously these years has been bullied by the Luo family afraid.

Because the cloud family after the size of the matter can also use the cloud, cloud Xiuyi at the moment just patience enlighten him, "second uncle think Luo Heng strength?"

"He's a first-class spirit. Few people in the whole East moon empire can beat him."

"But now he can only stay outside the cloud house."

"That's for a while, too!" Yun Jinyan was in a hurry and spoke a little fast. "We can't stay at Yun's house all the time."

"Second uncle, don't worry. He's hurt a lot. He'll lose at least 50% of his strength. If he wants to recover, he'll have to be closed for a few days. I'm afraid he won't be able to do evil in the near future."

Listen to cloud Xiuyi say so, cloud Jinyan seems to waver, "even so, how can we deal with Luo family?"

"These are the things I have to consider. My second uncle just needs to cooperate with me."

Looking at Yun Xiu's determined eyes, Yun Jinyan has waves in his heart again. How can he think that he will have a face-to-face conversation with her one day? The cloud family's grand plan also places all the hopes of the cloud family on her.

"Xiuyi, the second uncle knows that you are a good child. Before, the second uncle treated you like that, you..." Yun Jin said with a sour nose and red eyes.

He had a wonderful relationship with his elder brother.

Every family has always been the eldest son's hereditary head of the family, but the elder brother didn't care about power, and knew that he was in this position, so he took the initiative to argue with his father, so that he became the head of the cloud family successfully.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. On the day Yun Xiuyi was born, his elder brother was killed by a traitor and died beside the rosefinch.

He also hated Yun Xiuyi for so many years. If his elder brother knew that he had treated his daughter like this, how cold it would be!

When he went to Jiuquan in the future, how could he face his elder brother?

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