If the other party is only Yunxi, then she has full confidence to let moxilou fall in love with herself, but if she becomes yunxiuyi, then she has only 10% confidence.

Jianjia's understanding of Yunxiu clothes only stays in the rumors of the outside world, but those rumors alone are enough to make her afraid of this life.

It's hard for Jianjia to imagine what happened to her when she changed from a waste who was born without a palace of life and good for nothing to the top of the list. Moreover, she not only greatly improved her accomplishments, but also ruthlessly destroyed the Luo family.

He also got rid of Zuo sangyan, the last leader of the left family, and finally killed Jun Shaoqin, the former fourth prince, together with the Holy One. It was frightening to hear from the people on the road.

What's more, yunxiuyi did more than that. The more Jianjia thought about it, the more frightened she was.

No matter which one of these things is said to be shocking enough to ordinary people, but all these things are done by Yun Xiuyi alone.

At that time Jianjia was thinking about what a terrible woman she should be! I'm glad that I don't have any contact with her.

Yesterday, she looked at Yunxiu's clothes from a distance outside Jiuyin temple. She couldn't forget her appearance any more. She was also surprised.

It's hard for her to imagine that there is a murderous and gloomy heart hidden under her appearance like the first snow of pear blossom. But when she thinks about it, she thinks it's reasonable. No matter she killed Zuo sangyan or Jun Shaoqin, she must have used dishonorable means!

Want to know these Jianjia more feel Mo younger martial brother such amazing talent should not be destroyed in the hands of cloud Xiuyi, she wants to save him.

"Younger martial brother Mo, how many children of Dongyue Empire want to enter jialantian talent class, and how can you leave easily since you have come?" Jianjia said he wanted to reach for Mo Xi Lou's arm, but he stepped back to avoid the past.

It seems to be hurt by Mo Xi Lou's seemingly casual actions. Jianjia's eyes are dim, and then he says, "even if younger martial sister Yun is expelled from Tianji Pavilion, you can meet often."

"What are you trying to say?" Don't want to entangle with Jianjia, Mo Xi Lou asked impatiently.


What words have been to the mouth, but how can not say, Jianjia tightly grasp their clothes to see, dare not look at Mo Xi floor. She originally wanted to leave Mo Xi Lou in Tianji Pavilion. As long as he was willing to stay, she would have a chance.

She is Lan Feiyu's favorite student and the respected elder martial sister of Jialan class. As long as she says a word, many people follow her step by step, but why do the people she likes treat her so coldly?

"I... Want to..."

"Since it's OK, I'll go." Before Jianjia stammered to finish a sentence, Mo Xi Lou walked straight ahead around her.

With Mo Xilou's IQ, how can we not see what she is thinking? If it wasn't for Yun Xiu's clothes, he shouldn't have exposed himself in front of these mortals, but even if they saw him and thought he knew each other, he didn't intend to leave any obstacles.

"I just want you to stay..." until Mo Xi Lou walked away, Jian Jia said this sentence.

In front of the gate of Tianji Pavilion, yunxiuyi and moxilou walk side by side in front of each other, followed by Nalan and yunnalandot. As for the people who see them off... No one comes to see them off.

Until she stepped out of the gate of Tianji Pavilion, yunxiuyi never looked back. She didn't have any nostalgia for this place. The only thing she was not reconciled to was that she couldn't find the fox, and she couldn't blade xiaoyaozi to avenge her family and relieve the crisis of the cloud family.

Fortunately, she didn't come in vain this time. She got to know a strange old man, and she got the only remaining spiritual skill tianxinjue in the world by accident. It's not in vain.

"Cloud Xiu clothes!"

Just as Yun Xiuyi had been led down the stone steps in front of Tianji Pavilion by Mo Xilou, there was a burning call behind him. The next moment, Huangfu ling'er rushed over.

Because she ran too fast, she almost fell down and rolled down the stone steps. Fortunately, her body shook down and stabilized again.

"So you are Yun Xiu Yi." Huangfu ling'er gasped for breath, obviously running all the way. She looked at Yunxiu's clothes curiously, and then suddenly laughed, "do you remember what I said to you on the stage that day?"

Voice fell around a silence, see cloud Xiu clothes do not intend to respond to their own, Huangfu ling'er chuckled, "I said defeat cloud Xiu clothes is my goal all the time."

Huangfu ling'er said, holding up his head and standing in front of yunxiuyi, he said, "if you are yunxiuyi, it's expected that I will lose to you that day. I'll fight you now. One day I will defeat you."


Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to respond to this kind of inexplicable invitation. She looks at the Mo Xi building beside her and says softly, "let's go.""Cloud Xiu clothes."

Huangfu ling'er still wants to stop her, but they don't plan to stop at all. She immediately lowers her head dejectedly. No wonder she ignores her. Since Qi Yuan warned everyone not to get close to Yunxi on the way to Tianji Pavilion.

She had never spoken to Yun Xi, and she would immediately move away even when she was in Xuanshui class. Looking at Yun Xiu's back, Huang Fu ling'er felt regret.

After a rockery near the gate of Tianji Pavilion, Qu Huashang and Lin Ge stopped for a long time. When the figure of Yun Xiuyi disappeared in front of them, Lin Ge asked, "what should we do now?"

"Although she said that the sea of clouds was recorded in Su Mei's, we can't verify it. Why don't we..." Qu Huashang looked at Lin Ge and hesitated. "You stay in Tianji Pavilion and try to test Su Mei. I'll go back and tell my father about it."

Lin Ge slightly a meditation, nodded, "good, once there is news immediately to Tianji Pavilion notice me, know she is cloud Xiu clothes, I can't calm down for a moment."

On this day, Qu Huashang had heard the word "Yunxiu clothes" for many times. She didn't expect that Yunxi was Yunxiu clothes. She thought that Tianxin Jue might be in her hands, so her eyebrows couldn't be opened.

It's the first time that my father has entrusted such a big matter to her. Many elders in the family are waiting to see her performance. She must not let them down.

In this way, in all kinds of thoughts, yunxiuyi and others arrived at the dock. A moment before she got on the boat, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at the way. Seeing this, Mo Xilou immediately asked, "wait for them?"

"Well, there's another one who hasn't come."

From her standing at the gate of Tianji Pavilion, and then from the gate of Tianji pavilion to here, all the people who should appear appeared. They ran to Huangfu linger in front of her, Qu Huashang and Lin Ge, who were afraid of hands and feet, hiding behind the rockery.

As well as hiding behind the tree staring at her Jianjia, she all the way to see in the eyes, but as nothing has happened in general.

But among them, only blue is missing, and Yunxiu's material is sure to show up.

Just thinking about Yunxiu's clothes in this way, she saw a blue figure coming from far and near. It was LAN Feiyu who came. After a long time, she said, "there are many things today. I almost missed them. I'll catch up with you soon."

"Thank you for coming to see me off."

"You almost became a disciple of my Karan class. I should have sent you." Then LAN Feiyu looked at the Mo Xi building, shook her head and said with regret, "once you leave, it's a great loss for Tianji Pavilion."

The polite words cloud Xiu clothes can't say, only way a "blue hall master words heavy" then look at each other speechless, and after a long time just listen to blue jade continue to say.

"In fact, the leader of Xingyue hall is also my teacher. She likes you very much. She always mentioned you when she was still there." Thinking of the soft light on her face, she said softly, "if I know who you are, I should help you earlier."

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