"Sister Yun..." nalandou was just about to say that she was there, but she turned around and found that Yunxiu's clothes were gone. She said to herself, "just there!"

Nalanyun stepped forward and said, "it should be to pursue the murderer. With Miss Yun's cultivation, as long as that person moves her hand, she will notice."

"Are we going to find sister Yun?" As soon as nalandot's voice fell, the figure of cloud Xiuyi appeared not far away.

After waiting for her to approach, Zhong Li Congzhi immediately welcomed her and asked for details, "who killed her? If there is no accident, that person is the controller behind the whole thing. I'd like to see who is brave enough to move to my Ningxue building. "

"Who is this man, isn't it obvious?"

Yunluo and ye Xingming, who have been wandering in the backyard for a long time, finally show up at this time. Yunluo had something in his mind before, but he didn't think too much. Now he calms down and immediately guesses who the murderer is.

"If you can use Dongming grass to make a big deal, you must know yunmoxuan very well. At the beginning, I don't know where ye Xingming picked Dongming grass and put it. But this man can easily steal it. Who else can you have besides Zuoli?"

Mentioning the name Zuoyu, Zhong Li was slightly surprised, "how could it be her? Why does she want to frame yunmoxuan? "

"It's not because..." Yunluo glanced at Yunxiu's clothes and continued, "yesterday Zuoli went to Yunjia's house. I don't know where she got the news that my elder sister came back to see her and was sent away by me."

How can there be such a coincidence in the world? The day before yesterday, she came to the cloud house to see his sister. The day after that, yunmoxuan was killed. What's more, it was also related to the targeted dongmingcao.

Yunluo now has determined that the person who framed yunmoxuan is Zuoyu, "what a cruel heart. If it wasn't for the Yun family to take her in, maybe she would have died under zuosangyan."

Listening to Yunluo's complaint, ye Xingming never says a word. He vaguely remembers that when he went to pick Dongming grass with Zuoyu and yunxiuyi, he fought with Zuoyu all the way, but yunxiuyi was not affected by them.

The past is vivid in my mind. As soon as I turn around, things are right and people are not.

"It may have something to do with Zuo Fu, but it's not her." Wait until cloud Luo's anger dissipated some cloud Xiu clothes just said, "just now the murderer is not Zuo Li."

"Not her?" Yunluo looked at the corpse lying on the ground and asked blankly, "who is that?"

"Go in and talk!"

Zhong Li looks around cautiously. After confirming that there are no suspicious people around, he says to the shopkeeper, "please send someone to send this girl back to my Ningxue building. I must have indulged the girls in the building so that they forget the rules."

In the backyard, ye Xingming learns that the person who framed yunmoxuan is not Zuoluo. Then he suddenly comes to the spirit. Without waiting for Yunluo to speak, he rushes to ask, "who stole my Dongming grass?"

"Originally, I asked my sister to come here just to let her catch the ghost who stole Dongming grass with me, but I didn't expect that sister Zhong Li and the girl appeared and solved the problem directly." Cloud Luo said to Zhong Li Congzhi hugged next fist, "Zhong Li elder sister, big grace does not say thanks."

"I didn't solve this problem. You should ask your sister about it." Zhong Li's Congzhi shakes the fan with the same curiosity.

"Ask my sister?" Yunluo slowly moved his eyes to Yunxiu's clothes, "is it my elder sister who invited Zhongli to come here? What's going on? "

Looking at the curious and confused faces in front of him, Yun Xiuyi didn't intend to hide, "a few money has been neutralized by Dongming grass poison, and I smell the smell of cinnabar tears on the body."

"Yes, yes!" Until now, ye Xingming suddenly realized, "my Dongming grass has been dealt with by me. If I use it alone, it can't kill people!"

See ye Xingming excited to forget oneself appearance, cloud Luo "cut" a, "you early why go?"

"I told you all about it! I was out of my mind and couldn't think Ye Xingming retorted and then continued to ask, "how do you know that young master Li's death is related to Ningxue building?"

"Cinnabar tears, also known as rouge, are extremely bright in color. If you can use this kind of poison to harm people, it shows that the person who poisons has no fear." In addition, yunxiuyi had seen that young master Li twice in Ningxue building before, and he could guess a 7788 after a little thought.

More importantly, when Yun Xiuyi went in and out of Ningxue building, he smelled the smell of cinnabar tears in the building, which connected everything together.

"It's hard for him to set up a suit behind his back." Zhong Li shook the fan and said angrily, "it's just that she shouldn't move to the head of my Ningxue building. It's hard for me to do business after such a thing happened!"

Yunluo is cheap and good, "isn't it! Originally want to frame cloud Mo Xuan, but pull Ning snow building in, Zhong Li elder sister you can never let that person goSpeaking of this, everyone looked at Yunxiu's clothes together. Yunluo asked, "elder sister, who killed that girl?"

"Downing." As soon as the arrow came over, Yun Xiuyi noticed something unusual. She turned her head and saw a figure flash by. She ran after her and confirmed the identity of the other party. She didn't rush to scare the snake.

"How could it be downing? How could she know about dongmingcao? "

"It's not any hidden information. You can know it if you have the heart to check it a little bit." Zhong Li has a lot of experience in information collection.

If Yunluo thinks, "does she want to use Dongming grass to frame Zuoli?"? In this way, she not only framed yunmoxuan, but also threw the pot to her opponent. This idea is really deep! " Even he lamented that he was inferior.

"What's next? Downing this time did not succeed, certainly will continue to act, now her reputation and integrity are destroyed, I'm afraid she wants to break the pot

"No hurry." Cloud Xiu dress as if nothing had happened to ask another question, "you just said left Li know I came back?"

Cloud Luo Leng Leng still don't forget to reply a way, "right, right.". I thought it strange that Tianji Pavilion didn't release any information about this. How did she know about it? "

It's not difficult to guess how Zuo Hu knew the news. It's always from Tianji Pavilion. Excluding Su Mei, LAN Feiyu and others, Su Xian is the only one who is most likely to tell Zuo Hu about it.

At the beginning, Qi Yuan's death was very suspicious. Before he died, he helped Tang Ning rehabilitate, which was even more suspicious. Now I think all this should have been done by Zuo Li.

But since Zuoli helped Downing, why did downing frame her again? The intrigue between these women is very complicated. Yun Xiuyi is not willing to think, "wait and see what happens, let them fight by themselves first!"

Yunluo doesn't know who they are in Yunxiu's clothes, but he doesn't ask them. Instead, ye Xingming asks, "what's coming back? Why can't I understand what you're saying? "

"You don't need to understand. Just stay away from Zuoli in the future." Cloud Luo said to shake head, hate iron not into steel of saw eye leaf star dusk.

Then he remembered that there was another very important thing he had not done. "The ghost who helped downing steal Dongming grass has not been found yet."

Cloud Luo you grudge of stare at Zhong Li Congzhi, "Zhong Li elder sister, these people that my cloud family hire you can all investigate, unexpectedly return such matter, you want to be responsible for the loss of cloud Mo Xuan?"

"I'm only responsible for investigating their background before they were employed by the cloud family, but I'm not responsible for the future. I'm in charge of the heaven, the land and the people."

The ups and downs of the whole day finally ended in a calm situation. Outsiders only know that Mr. Li died in the cinnabar tears of the girl in Ningxue building. As for the other twigs and leaves, they didn't bother to think about it. They just regarded it as a scandal of seeking flowers but not dying.

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