Zuo once thought about responding to Ye Xingming's feelings, and also wanted to spend a happy life with him. She even thought that ye Xingming might be the most understanding and tolerant person in the world.

But who knows cloud Xiu clothes actually good disappeared, more never thought of is she and Jun Fu distance a little bit closer.

When she knew that she had a chance with Junfu, she naturally threw Ye Xingming out of the sky. It was Wang Junfu of Dongyue!

She has been thinking about people for many years. She has been worshipped as a God since childhood. At the thought of standing beside Junfu and getting Junfu's favor, she seemed to fly to the sky.

As for ye Xingming, zuolin thought, maybe her good impression on him is just that between friends!

Even if she becomes queen in the future, she can invite Ye Xingming to the palace to be a pharmacist, and then they can still be best friends.

After thinking about happy things, she thought about unhappy things. At that time, she saw with her own eyes that the second elder brother killed the eldest brother and put the blame on yunxiuyi, but she didn't explain anything for her. Even so, yunxiuyi didn't blame her.

Later, her father also died. She was locked in the room by her second brother and lived in darkness. It was Junfu and ye Xingming who appeared and saved her and the ninth princess. It is clear that two people appear in front of her, but her eyes only allow you to help.

It turned out that as early as then, she had already determined her mind. She liked Jun Fu more than ye Xingming. If she was really with Ye Xingming, she would make do with it.

Later, the left family changed dramatically, and Dongyue also changed dramatically. She changed from a little girl who was not familiar with the world to the head of the left family. She had to face people's doubts and become strong.

Yunluo said today that she was like Luo Yan'er, which was just her disguise. If not, how many people would pay attention to her as a family leader with low cultivation?

At the beginning, Yunluo's father Yunjin said that it was because of his low accomplishments that he was despised and ridiculed everywhere?

"You're back!" Zuoling walked slowly to Junfu's side. She said to yunxiuyi with a smile, "as soon as I heard that you came back, the emperor and I immediately came."

"Now that you have seen people, should you and the holy one go?" Yunluo didn't reply, deliberately biting the words "you and the Holy One" very seriously. In his heart, he didn't hide the irony of Zuoli.

Zuoli's face immediately showed some embarrassment. She subconsciously went to see Yunxiu's clothes, but found that she had no reaction. It seemed that she would never put her emotion on her face.

In fact, the special emphasis on "she comes with the emperor" is not that Zuo Li is deliberately declaring sovereignty, but that she has been used to saying it in front of others for a long time and can't get rid of it for a while, and she doesn't intend to get rid of it.

"Now that I'm here, how can I go when I see you? I have a lot to ask your sister Jun Fu looks at Yun Luo intentionally or unintentionally.

Before he said no to himself, he threatened, "is master Yun going to disobey me?"

"How dare I!" When he said this, Yunluo was actually guilty. In recent years, he took good care of the Yuns' family with the help of his king. I don't know how many times he committed the following crimes. After a long time, he even forgot that they were monarchs and ministers.

Jun Fudao didn't really want to argue with Yunluo, but he just wanted to stay, "since you don't dare, the master of Yunjia will lead the way!"

In the front hall of the cloud family, Junfu doesn't shy away. Zuo Ruo and Yunluo take the initiative to talk about the nighttime pearl and shuiyuejing, "this trip to Wuji is extremely dangerous. It's hard for you."

"Do you want my sister to go if you know it's dangerous?" At the beginning, Yunluo was very opposed to yunxiuyi's going to Wuji continent, and he was very angry with you for a long time.

Knowing that he was right, Junfu didn't blame Yunluo for his disrespect. Instead, he continued, "how terrible the pearl is at night. You all know that if you let it go, it will threaten Dongyue in the future. Xiuyi was the best person to go to the infinite continent to look for the water moon mirror."

For such a long time, Yunluo only knew that his elder sister had gone to the continent, but he didn't know what she was going to do. When she came back, he never had a chance to ask.

Now this doubt has been answered by Jun Fu, and Yunluo is afraid, "water moon mirror? Holy, are you crazy? Sister, are you crazy, too

Yunluo has heard of water moon mirror, one of the four artifact. Looking for water moon mirror in the infinite continent? Just thinking about Yunluo, he knew how difficult it was. Even if his sister was by his side, he could not help showing his worried expression.

Yunxiu clothes to Wuji mainland is Junfu's order, it is reasonable to say that she should go to the palace to report this matter after she comes back, but because she concealed her identity before, she delayed it.

Although they met in a hurry outside the juqian shop before, they only told Jun Fu about it. Now that he was in front of her, she should have told him the whole thing completely. Cloud Xiu clothing is not good at the article, can only try to complete said."I met Gong Yan, Luo Lang and Luo Rou in the infinite continent."

He said, "I didn't expect that they were all in the infinite continent. I think Gong Yan has been hiding in the infinite continent since he escaped from Dongyue."

"He's not hiding. Gong Yan set up a gang called Xingxiu Haige in the infinite continent, which has a great influence in the infinite continent. But you don't have to worry. Before I came back, Xingxiu Haige was out of date, and Gongyan fled to other places. "

Hearing this, Yunluo looked at Yunxiu's clothes with great admiration, "elder sister, you are too powerful! One man killed a gang in Gongyan. "

"I didn't do it alone. I got a lot of help from many people during my stay in the infinite continent. Yeshizhu is with me now."

When she said this, Gu Nanchu's face suddenly appeared in Yunxiu's mind. Although she always felt that she and Gu Nanchu just used each other, it was undeniable that he helped her a lot. If it wasn't for his maintenance, her situation would be very difficult.

Then Yun Xiuyi thought of Mo Xi Lou again. Mo Xi Lou of Tian Hun's personality could not be connected with the one beside her now.

"What else? And? Have you found the water moon mirror? "

"I have found it! But the water moon mirror is also related to the survival of the infinite continent. I can't bring it back. " As for shuimurong and others, yunxiuyi didn't mention them. After all, they were unimportant people to Dongyue empire.

After yunxiuyi truthfully reported what happened in Wuji continent to Junfu, there was a short silence in the front hall. Junfu looked at her with a complicated look. After a long time, he said again, "it's hard."

"It's not just hard work!"

As soon as he met Yun Xiu's clothes, Yun Luo could not help but become a chatterbox, "holy, you must promise me one thing. I know that my sister is very powerful. She seems to be omnipotent, but you must never let her take risks again. "

"Don't worry, not in the future." About let cloud Xiu clothes adventure this matter, Jun Fu also very regret, which will have next time.

At this time, Zuo Zhen also said, "it turned out that she had been away for such a long time..." she never thought much about the disappearance of Yun Xiu's clothes, let alone worried about it.

Now listening to her finish these things, Zuo li felt a trace of remorse in her heart. During the period of yunxiuyi's adventure, she had been looking forward to her not coming back. Did she really become Luo Yan'er's vicious person?

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