"If you speak freely, the broken cabinet will not be behind you." Jun Fu warned, "I know how the cloud family is, and I have my own decision in my heart. When will it be your turn to tell me what to do?"

It seems that I didn't expect that Jun Fu would say such merciless words. Zuo Fu felt cold all over, so angry that her fingers were shaking.

But she must not compromise at this time, otherwise all her work will fall short.

Zuoli tightly grasped her clothes with both hands and forced herself to calm down. After finding her voice, she finally opened her mouth, but her voice trembled uncontrollably, which made her tone sound very strange.

"It doesn't matter if the emperor blames me or blames me. As long as he can help the emperor and Dongyue in the end, he can sacrifice everything."

Then she knelt down in front of Junfu, "but I have to say something. Didn't the emperor find that he attached too much importance to the cloud family? Too much indulgence of the cloud family? The God believes in them, but how can the God ensure that people's hearts will not change? In case they spoil... "

This time, without waiting for Zuoli to finish, Jun Fu got up and interrupted her, "people's heart will change. If I knew you would be like this, I should have let you die in Zuoli."

"Hua" with a sound, Jun Fu pushed open the Dragon chair and walked out of Shaohua palace. Before stepping out of the palace, he did not forget to warn Zuoli, "if you let me know that you framed the cloud family behind your back, I can tell you how to sit on the master's seat and how to fall down again!"

With that, Jun Fu left without looking back, only left Zuo Fu staring at the empty gate of the palace, feeling lost, and then the whole person collapsed.

At this moment, she suddenly began to struggle and hesitation, whether even if she successfully forced Jun Fu to marry her, Jun Fu would never fall in love with her?


Just when Zuo Li lost his mind, a sudden fury came from behind the screen of Shaohua palace. "People who don't know think that the cloud family is the master of Dongyue. How can Gu bring up such a hopeless son?"

Before the words fell, Chu Heng pushed the lost King's landing out from behind the screen, and they were followed by Chu Zhao, the owner of the Chu family in Huanglong.

Just now, all three of them were hiding behind the screen not far from Junfu. Chu Zhao and Chu Heng used their spiritual power to cover up their breath, but Junfu didn't notice.

"Don't be angry. The emperor will only say those words when he is confused by Yun Xiu's clothes. As long as we persuade him again, he will see the true face of the cloud family." Until the king came to his own face, Zuo Li recovered from his sorrow.

She got up and approached Jun Lin, but she couldn't help glancing away. No matter how many times she had met with Jun Lin, Zuo Lin always felt that he was really creepy now.

"See? As long as the cloud Xiuyi is still alive, he will never see it

Junlin doesn't know how much contribution yunxiuyi has made to Dongyue, but because of this, he is more afraid of yunxiuyi and his family.

He should have killed himself four years ago, but because he could not let go of his Dongyue Empire, he would not allow it to be destroyed by Junfu. Suddenly, Junlin moved his eyes to Zuoluo.

After examining her for a long time, Jun Lin said slowly, "now you are the best match for fu'er in the major families. If you let him marry you, would you like to help him?"

For a moment, Zuo Ruo thought that she had an auditory hallucination. After confirming that she had heard right from shangjunlin, she was so excited that she knelt down in front of Junlin, "Zuo Ruo is willing to devote her life to the emperor, and the Zuo family will spare no effort to assist him in the future."

Finally, Zuo gave Junlin a dose of cardiotonic, "white tiger has recovered a lot in the past two years, I believe it will not take long to recover."

"It's better." Before leaving Shaohua palace, Junlin finally said to Zuoli, "go back and prepare well!"

Zuoli naturally knows what the meaning of Jun Lin's preparation is. She smiles and bows, "she will live up to your expectations and help the emperor."

The father and son of the Chu family, who kept silent all the time, looked at zuolu with deep meaning, and at the same time looked away. They are only responsible for protecting Dongyue and Jun's family. As for these private affairs, they are not in charge of Chu's family, and they are not in charge of Chu's family.


The next day, as soon as yunxiuyi finishes meditating in the morning, Yunluo comes to say that Tang Yishuang is coming. Yunxiuyi passes a little doubt in her heart and asks Yunluo to invite her in.

After a few days, Tang Yishuang was old and haggard, and even his hair turned white, just like an old woman.

After seeing Yun Xiu's clothes, she showed a smile that was not very good-looking, and then said, "I don't know if it's abrupt to visit you suddenly, but there are some things I have to tell you, and then I'll come.""How can it be abrupt?" Yun Xiuyi asks Tang Yishuang to sit down, pours a cup of tea and hands it to her. Although he has guessed what she wants to say, Yun Xiuyi doesn't rush to ask.

Tang Yishuang took the teacup, took a sip and put it on the table. Before she opened her mouth, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. After a long time, she said, "Ning'er has explained everything... She killed Wan'er and put the blame on the cloud master."

If at ordinary times Yunluo would swear a few words, but at this moment in this atmosphere, he was silent, looking at Tang Yishuang's eyes was a little unbearable.

Once upon a time, his mother and his father did a lot of unforgivable things to his sister and aunt Qingyao, but they didn't blame him. So even if downing framed him, he shouldn't blame Tang Yishuang.

"Downing now..." Yunluo originally wanted to ask whether downing is still alive. The outside world has been saying that she committed suicide, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't ask.

As if guessing what Yunluo wanted to ask, Tang Yishuang said with a wry smile, "she's not in a good mental state now. She's locked up by me. I know everyone is saying that she's dead, so just think she's dead!"

How desperate should a mother be to let everyone think her daughter is dead? Rao Shiyun Luo is usually talkative, but he doesn't know what to say at the moment.

Cloud Xiu clothes is silent, never speak, finally or Tang Yishuang took the initiative to break the silence, "I come to the cloud home is not only to apologize to the cloud home master, but also to tell you another thing."

Then Tang Yishuang tells yunxiuyi and Yunluo what he learned from Tang Ning one by one, "Ning'er says that Zuo Luoli is the one who really killed Qi Yuan. It's also because she told Wan'er that Qi Yuan's death was related to Ning'er that she caused it..."

Speaking of this, Tang Yishuang suddenly stopped, and his throat seemed to be blocked, She opened her mouth several times, but for a long time there was no sound.

"We're all clear. There's no need to talk about it." Yunluo couldn't bear to see her like this, comforted, "let them all go before! The master of the Tang family doesn't have to worry about it any more... "Then Yunluo stopped. As a mother, how could she not worry about it?

In a long sigh, the center month led Qingyao came, followed by Nalan cloud two sisters, "mother, grandma made a lot of delicious food."

Xinyue jumps in happily. It seems that she has arrived at the palace of heaven during this period of time. Everyone holds her in their hands as a little princess. They have everything delicious and funny. They also let her spoil her. It's the peak of fox life.

She has decided, go to his ten thousand demon king, she already not rare. She is going to eat and drink in the cloud family, to be a child in everyone's eyes, to set thousands of favours in one!

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