On a cold snowy night, clouds cover the stars and the moon. The gray sky and the silver covered earth gradually melt into a vast expanse of white.

In the second half of the night, the sky and the earth were shining everywhere under the reflection of the snow. The man was riding on his horse and looked down at Yunxiu's clothes. In his low voice, he was still alert, but he was less angry. "You should take this gunpowder bullet first."

As soon as he waved, two people immediately came to ask Yun Xiuyi to return to the carriage, and then the two people also followed, one left and one right, ready to drive.

Waiting for the door closed, cloud Xiu clothes have disappeared in front of the man, but he still did not look away.

Just now, when Yun Xiu handed him the gunpowder bullet, he saw the scar on her palm. It was caused by reining. A woman without force could subdue two runaway horses by herself.

It's not as simple as luck!

And her calm and ability to deal with herself also shows that she is not a general person. Who is she? Who is mu Chusheng?

Even if she closed the car door, Yunxiu could feel the oppressive sight outside. She was very glad that her face was hurt and her face was bleeding, which made her face hard to see. This would help her plan.

When the carriage began to move forward, Yun Xiuyi determined that there was no one to take care of her for the time being, she recovered the wound on her face, changed her face again, and made a fake wound.

To do all this well, she closed her eyes in the intermittent sound of snow breaking branches.

Before reaching manghuang and Mu's home, this person will never touch her again. In this case, she might as well have a good rest, so that she can have the energy to face the next changes.

The crystal snow covers the gray of the mountains and turns into a clean paradise. Everything is beautiful and unreal. But beautiful things are short after all. As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, this false beauty will be shattered immediately.

At that time, the snow that has not been eradicated will be crushed by countless wheels. What will it look like?

When Yun Xiuyi opened her eyes again, the carriage was still bumpy. She opened the window very magnanimously and looked out. She was squinted by the light reflected by the snow.

The next moment, she was attacked and wrapped by the cold, and her breath turned into curling white air in front of her eyes.

Before she could get used to the cold in the far north, the carriage stopped slowly, and then she heard the following dialogue, "northern palace left envoy, you are back!"

"Is there something different at the gate these two days?"

"Report to the left envoy of the North Palace that everything is normal and no suspicious person has been found." "As like as two peas", the voice again said, "just now, the right hand also came back, and asked the same thing as the North Palace left."

"She's one step ahead of me!" On horseback that person's mood can't hear how big fluctuation, but is cloud Xiu clothes in the heart sneer two.

She specially changed her face. She wanted to get rid of shuimurong's wariness, but she still wanted to kill her when she knew that she might be Miss mu.

However, shuimurong's mind is not difficult to guess. On the one hand, she is used as a bait to distract the left envoy of the northern palace and fight for their time to leave. On the other hand, I'm afraid it is to provoke the conflict between the Mu family and the left envoy of the northern Palace.

In this way, they can take the opportunity to win over Mu Chusheng and kill two birds with one stone.

"Open the gate."

With the heavy and dull sound, the mottled city gate was slowly pushed open. The left envoy of the North Palace drove his horse in first, and the carriage where Yun Xiuyi was was followed. The whole Party marched on a bumpy road which was not a road.

After about an hour, the carriage stopped again. Yun Xiuyi thought that it should be at Mu's home.

"What's the matter with you, northern palace envoy?" Accompanied by a burst of light and rapid footsteps, someone came running from far and near. When the footsteps stopped, the man opened his mouth again.

"What day is it today! Not long after the water right envoy arrived, the North Palace left envoy also came. Did you make an appointment to come together? "

"Shuimurong is in it?"

"Yes! It turns out that the left envoy of the North Palace didn't know that the right envoy of the water was coming! Outside Leng Beigong left envoy, come in and talk

After this conversation, the door of the carriage where Yun Xiuyi was in was pulled away from the outside. The two people who had been driving before said to her, "get out of the car!"

Yunxiuyi took a look at them and got out of the carriage by herself. She glanced around and found that the desolation was even more depressed than she had imagined. Even the house where the rich Mujia lived was not as luxurious as the night house in stone city, but it was quite solemn.

The man who came out of the Mu family to meet the guests saw a flicker of hesitation in Yunxiu's eyes, and then came over carefully and said, "Miss, come in!"

Looking at this person's attitude, shuimurong must have said something to Mu Chusheng, otherwise he would never come here to say such an ambiguous word. He should be testing whether she was sent by yejunlan.Because the left envoy of the North Palace was still watching, Yun Xiuyi quietly followed the man and went into Mu's house. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Only when he came to the front hall did he stop. A short time ago, there was a voice full of Zhongqi. "When it comes to the left envoy of the North Palace, the left envoy of the North Palace is coming."

"Oh?" The left envoy of the North Palace immediately asked, "say me?" His vision intentionally or unintentionally swept to shuimurong sitting on one side, "how can moye and shuiyoushi talk about me? Let me guess what you said... "

"It's just trifles."

Without waiting for the left envoy of the North Palace to finish his speech, shuimurong interrupted him and said, "this girl looks familiar! How did you get so hurt? Blood all over your face Then she looked at the North Palace envoy, "why don't you heal her?"

When these two people are full of gunpowder, cloud Xiu clothing is also looking for a suitable opportunity to speak.

Mu Chusheng didn't know her and didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to take the initiative to send a message to him so that Beigong and shuimurong could not see the flaw.

"Water right envoy, we were still together last night, of course you will feel familiar. You... I thought you had... "

Cloud Xiuyi point to the end of a word immediately and contradiction back to shuimurong body, and then Mu Chusheng also very cooperate to come.

He entered the play very quickly. He asked in disbelief, "it's mu'er..." he wanted to recognize but didn't dare to recognize. "This voice is my daughter. That's right. How did he go to the stone city and become this appearance?"

Then he squeezed out two tears. "How important is the face of my daughter's family? Now it's like this. What should I do?"

Mu Chusheng tried to prove her identity, and Yun Xiuyi naturally wouldn't let him sing a monologue, "father, don't be sad, I'm back alive! I don't know if shuiyoushi has told you how difficult our journey is. "

"Yes! Just live, just live. "

Mu Chusheng sighed and sighed for a long time, and then he calmed down a little. Then he pulled Yun Xiu's clothes to one side and sat down with a lingering fear. "The water right envoy said Jun Lan asked them to send you back to Mu's home safely. Unexpectedly, he met a robber halfway, and you had an accident."

"I came to Mu's home this time to plead with him. Fortunately, Miss Mu is not worried about her life, but how can I be responsible for the injury on her face?"

The tone of shuimurong's words didn't make her feel sorry. She looked at Beigong all the time and said with deep meaning, "it must be the left envoy of Beigong who saved Miss mu. I'll thank you later. But... "

She wondered, "how could the left envoy of the North Palace appear in the wild mountains in the middle of the night? Fortunately, it happened to save Miss Mu's family? "

Without waiting for Beigong to explain, shuimurong continued, "these coincidences are hard to doubt! I wonder if the left envoy of the North Palace met the robbers in the mountains? "

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