Those people say more exaggeration, and cloud Xiu clothes in their mouth also gradually demonized.

A waste without a palace of life, in order to gain a foothold in the East moon Empire, he learned magic by all means, and now when he comes back, he wants to retaliate wantonly.

No wonder she won the first prize in the hunting competition and defeated Luo Yan'er.

In the face of people's whispers, cloud Xiuyi still ignore, but think, this power is established, but how to win?

The meaning of shops is to make money. If you scare away all these potential customers, it's a waste of time for the cloud family to keep a shop empty, and it's also a chance for the Luo family to bully.

When it comes to Luo's family, Yun Xiu looks at Luo Rui who shows his teeth in pain.

During this period, she has made the Luo family suffer a lot, but their family is like Xiaoqiang who can't fight. If they don't clean up, there will be no end.

And the attitude of the Luo family is also very clear, that is to kill the cloud family.

Yun Xiuyi's feelings for the cloud family are not deep, and there is no constant shackles. It is not so important for her that the cloud family can not be destroyed.

What's important to her is that she and Qingyao have a quiet place.

But obviously, after so many things happened, everyone in Luo's family was concerned about her life, so the problem came back and forth. She had to improve her strength and make the cloud family strong.

"No! Miss, several of our shops have been smashed! And let's get out of rosefinch street. "

Before they could find a way to win people's hearts, some of the cloud family rushed in in panic to report, with shocking injuries on their faces.

The cloud Xi beside also a face anxious, "this can how do! Miss

At the moment, Yun Xiuyi is also thinking. After all, she has only one person and can't be separated. Even if she can save a shop, it's impossible to take all the shops into consideration at the same time.

And it's not a long-term plan to make a warning to others. She has to find a way to make the store of the cloud family completely stable.

Not only to be stable, but also to have income, so it is definitely not feasible to fight violence by violence, which will only scare away all potential customers.

Suddenly, Su Zixiang's appearance appeared in the cloud Xiu clothing brain.

"Let them do it! When it's enough, close up and go back to rest. There's no need to engage in unnecessary conflicts. " Cloud Xiu clothes finish saying and then prepare to leave shop.

Behind Yunxi immediately called her, "Miss, what does he do?"

Cloud Xiu clothes step a stagnation, unexpectedly forget Luo Heng still.

Before completely tripping over the Luo family, yunxiuyi is not ready to kill the Luo family. After all, she has to take care of other people in the cloud family and their personal safety.

But if Luo Heng is let go like this, he will come to the door again in a few days. It's really annoying.

Yun Xiuyi threw down a jade bottle and said to the group of people outside, "who can unload his other arm, whose is the second grade Peiying pill."

With the previous example, these people all rushed to Luo Heng.

As soon as yunxiuyi came out of the shop, she saw moxilou standing at the corner of the street, as if she had been waiting for her for a long time. When she came near, she found that moxilou had two little rabbits in her arms.

As soon as she stopped, she felt strange and harmonious.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you not asking for me?"

Yun Xiuyi seems to be able to see the corner of his mouth raised under Mo Xi Lou's veil. This person is definitely not a person. She does have something to do with him, but this idea just happened just now. I didn't expect that this person would appear the next second.

This is not just tracking and monitoring her, it's just Ascaris in her stomach.

"Bugs are disgusting. I don't want to be a bug."


Cloud Xiu dress affirms again, this person is absolutely not a person!

Glancing at the slightly twitching corners of Yunxiu's mouth, Mo Xilou smiles more complacently, and then puts two rabbits with drooping ears into Yunxiu's arms, "take them to see Su Zixiang, and he will see you."

"He likes rabbits?"

Cloud Xiu clothes one hand a carry rabbit's ear, unexpectedly Su Zixiang a big man unexpectedly likes this kind of small animal.

"It's cloudy and sunny all day. No one can figure it out, but he is fond of rabbits. It's said that he has fallen in love with Chui Er rabbit recently. It's just right for him to send him at this time."

i see.

However, Yun Xiuyi stares at Mo Xilou suspiciously. She just thinks of Su Zixiang, and is ready to find Mo Xilou.Mo Xilou not only expected her idea, but also prepared the rabbit. She couldn't figure out how normal human beings could do this.

Maybe he is the real monster!

"Go! Su Zixiang is in fanglou now. I'll wait for you at Yun's home. "

"You're not going with me?"

Hearing these words, Mo Xi Lou suddenly stepped forward and whispered to Yun Xiu Yi, "don't you want to leave me?" Cloud Xiu clothes a cold hum, toward back a big step, carrying a small rabbit head also don't return of leave.

Fang Lou.

Su Zixiang idly turns the glass cup in his hand. Recently, he doesn't have a favorite treasure. Every day when he comes to this building, he only tastes tea and drinks wine. Life is really boring.

When I was about to go to the Colosseum, someone announced that there was a visitor.

He thought about who had no eye to see at this time to send home to him for fun. He heard the shopkeeper say that the guest was Yunxiu, the eldest lady of the cloud family.

He jumped up from the soft collapse.

Yunxiu clothes? Is that the one who fooled him with ten year animal dollars? Did he go back that day and wash his hands dozens of times with the morning dew, which made him feel more comfortable?

You're not a coward! Unexpectedly, he still had the courage to come to the square building and wanted to find him by name. Anyway, he was bored, but he wanted to see her.

When the shopkeeper comes in with Yun Xiu's clothes, Su Zixiang returns to the soft collapse.

Today, he is still dressed in purple robes, and his charming eyes have followed her since Yun Xiu came in. He is not so much following Yun Xiu's clothes as following the little rabbit in her hands.

"You --"

Su Zixiang suddenly sat up straight, covered his mouth and kept snickering, "is that rabbit for me?"

Yun Xiuyi observed his reaction. It seemed that he was really obsessed with the rabbit, so he picked up the rabbit and shook it

Su Zixiang nodded wildly.

Suddenly, he realized that yunxiuyi was carrying rabbit's ear, and his face became gloomy. "Rabbit is so cute, why are you so rude to them?"

Cloud Xiu clothes also don't want to waste time with Su Zixiang in these matters, then again two rabbits in the arms.

Su Zixiang on the opposite side had already opened his arms and was ready to pick up the rabbit, but Yun Xiuyi sat down, "today, I have something to discuss with Su Fang."

Su Zixiang looked at the little rabbit and asked absently, "what's the matter?"

"I want to cooperate with sufangzhu."

Su Zixiang continued to reply absentmindedly, "there are many people who want to cooperate with our master. They are better than you everywhere. They are rejected by our master. Why do you think our master will cooperate with you?"

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